" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

{ Sisterhood: The journey. }

V is in town and we’re pretty blessed to have met up again from our last December catch up. To have her around and hear about the advancement and growth in her life that He has faithfully placed His promise in goes to show how you only need a few, or even just one God chick in your walk that you can truly do life with.

God chicks who have not only been with you for years of the good times, but also grow together with you during the journey He is taking us in. not only have Him to go with you hand in hand, but also a support and encouragement to hold you or pick you up when things get rough.

Though she is not exactly down the road or in another suburb, everytime we get an opportunity to do our usual coffee and girly food fellowship, it just simply takes off where we left it... or rather it is like though we have separate paths, it somehow connects before we head off yet again to wherever He plans on taking us.

It is truly a rare gem to have these people with a heart of gold in your life. If you honestly manage to find a few or even just one, you are rich. And it only gets brighter and refined as the years progresses. these are the kingdom friendships that creates an environment of thoughts of not just respectively, but also for another.
To experience how God has brought us from highschool till now, goes to show when He is the center of it all, He only gives weight to what is Godly and best in your life. Even at that time of doubt or hurt, you may question, but we somehow manage to find an answer.

For the people who wants to walk out of your life, let them. And that empty space will be filled with someone that will learn to value and appreciate you for who you are despite the shortcomings. And if you get misunderstood or have another or bunch that may not have been exactly what a friend encompasses, then make room for better ones.

And actually, those people who you once may have cursed at, have showed you how to improve and not to be like in a friendship. Not to mentioned, also enlarging your heart of compassion and grace that derives from Him and not onself. But that does not mean to simply be walked upon but grow in wisdom and how to handle things better in your new season.

You may feel the hurt and all other uncomfortable emotions, but the healing process is not one to be rushed at or quickly get over. Because in that time, is where He tends to you and shows you what you thought you never have. On top of that, He adds in His strength and endurance into a more matured stage and form for you to step in.

What you thought you lost, was never yours to be begin with.

Very important to know, chew and be convicted by that in your lifestyle, because it separates you from being bounded and disappointed each time with unmet expectations or situations you will never thought of even occurring.

But, nothing surprises Him. And with that said, He has went above and beyond and restores in a manner where you would only know it came from Him.

Oh You love me, much more than I’ll ever know.

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