" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

{ With God = Fearless }

"By [the help of] God I will praise His word;
on God I lean, rely, and confidently put my trust; I will not fear.

What can man, who is flesh, do to me?"

- P56:4 (Amp)

{ What a may. }

what a way to end off the last day of may with a fully cooked out meal from mum, despite my harsh rejection from yesterday's breakkie. is this grace or is this grace?

goes to show the heart of the Father towards us that goes beyond rough situations and looks over our weakness and temporarily fleshly moments.

the familee has been through quite abit, yet there is this overwhelming peace that does not wither at the situation of lack, providence and health.

"Peace I give unto you that goes beyond your understanding.." - G.

and whatever that comes forth from His heart into ours, last there for a lifetime.

He has been extremely faithful in what He promised. and it is such a bonus to have kingdom mates who reminds you with His revelations and word that is divinely set up for you.

before we step into a whole new month, a whole new bunch of fruits, a whole new favor, a whole new terrority, a whole new stretching, a whole new abundance, a whole new relationships, and a whole new experience of Him, this last day of may i shall definitely cherish.

worthship: "for You are way good, and Your love unfailingly endures forever.."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

{ Faith through love. }

"When faith works through love, fear is silenced."
- B. Johnson

and that love, is Jesus.

He is our perfect love that drives all fears away,
there is nothing that He cannot make to work together for our good.

{ + > i }

{ Trust in a known God. }

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future, to a known God."

- Corrie Ten Boon

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

{ Find wisdom, Find favor. }

"For whoever finds me [Wisdom] finds life,
and draws forth and obtains favor from the Lord."

- Proverbs 8:35 (Amp)

{ God's Firestarter. Pt. 2 }

"Do you see what we've got? An unshakable kingdom!
And do you see how thankful we must be?
Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.
For God is not an indifferent bystander.
He's actively cleaning house, torching all that needs to burn,

and he won't quit until it's all cleansed. God himself is Fire!"

- Hebrews 12:28-29 (Message)
*inspired by C. what a word to wake up to. spiritually stunned.

Monday, May 28, 2012

{ God's firestarter. }

for the fire comes from Him, and all we simply need to do, is to start it.
ignition is on and ready, and not even dawn can handle it.

worthship: "for Your love is like fire, it burns for all to see." - hills.

to be the light of the world, is to put darkness in its place.
we are born to invade every inch of what the enemy has taken over.

worthship: "so let this fire consume my life." - hills.

as it says in His word that the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter,
indeed shall it be for all righteous ones clothe in His.

with each match He ignites, and with each baton He keeps it burning.
for what He started, it can never be put out.

God is simply unstoppable. His path can never be destroyed nor harmed.
everything else will have to just move right out of His way, will and desire.

worthship: "Your kingdom reigns above all." - hills.

(inspired by one of my dearest and most precious GC.
i shall now not only humbly but boldly receive every single declaration.)

C, indeed your appointed journey was one that He made to last for eternity.
and whatever you are experiencing, shall be multiplied to His great measures and pleasures.
you are of my greatest and rarest blessing that He has faithfully placed me with.
let your life always be one that showcase His grace, love and healing like no other.
Jesus shall be lifted up in every area and moment of your life.
pastoral in boldness and support is for your to consume.
as a matter a fact, it already started.

{ More than conquerors. }

"Same power that conquered the grave lives in me."

- Hillsong

in His power living in us, we have conquered sin.
in His power living in us, we have conquered death.
in His power living in us, we have conquered diseases.
in His power living in us, we have conquered poverty.

they shall not have their sting over us ever again. and if they would even step near us, it shall lose each time at the attempt.

He added the more than to remind us that He has already cause us to not meet and tackle our troubles, weakness and enemies head on, but to rise above it. this is our very God who has done the impossible, hence we can do likewise through Him.

the final word belongs to Him alone, and what He has promised and said in His unchangeable word, it still stands and forever will be. because of what He has accomplished, He has birthed out winners and champions on this earth.

our victory will always lie on the finish work at the cross. this is a fight and war that has already been won.


rev// "we are not here to only win over our enemies and fears, 
but to rise above them." 

{ Not my will but His. }

"Sometimes we can get so focused on what we want that we let it consume us.
But when we give our will to God, He works wonders."

- J. Osteen
not my will, but His be done.
to be at the very center of His will, centers everything else.
mighty wonders are birthed from His hands and straight to the lives of men.

we have yet taste the goodness of God,
and will never be satisfied because we know there is always more.
goes the same with His grace, there is a reason why amazing is attached to it.

the only thing that i want to utterly consume my spirit, soul, mind and body is His love, His presence, His peace and His joy that is unspeakable and beyond all understanding.

"I want to know the ways of Your heart Lord, so open my eyes to see the wonder and power of Your name. and to know, that every good and God thing is only by Your grace.

show me, for i yet know nothing."

Thursday, May 24, 2012

{ Christ alone, Cornerstone.}

"That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles.
This kingdom of faith is now your home country.
You're no longer strangers or outsiders.
You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone.
God is building a home.
He's using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what he is building.
He used the apostles and prophets for the foundation.
Now he's using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone,
with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together.
We see it taking shape day after day—
a holy temple built by God, all of us built into it,
a temple in which God is quite at home."

- Ephesians 2:19-22 (The Message)

{ W.I.P. }

"Don't forget to remember that we are all still a work in progress!"

- C. Caine

we're being worked on, and not worked out because He is the worker and builder of our lives. the only work to be done has already been gracefully completed when He said so at the cross.

even when we lack, His grace will find us in our weakness, and overwhelm it in an effortless transformation of an overcomer. (inspired by JP's message two sundays ago).

and whatever grace touches, it cannot help but cause it to be amazing again.

no more wastage of what His grace can do in us, through us and for us. "Lord, let us be dunked in Your ocean of grace over, and over, and over again. we've yet to see and experience the fullness of it."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

{ Psalm 73:26 )

{ Yet, again. }

yet another learning and humbling experience:

worthship: "because You gladly lean to lead the humble, i shall gladly kneel to leave my pride." (hillsong)

dishearten about how one is trying, yet being put down again. yes we do not trust in men's words alone, but the initial stages (which is now) is quite hard to take in and manage. correction is key in times of enlargement and growth, but how does one differ that from being incompetent and not given a moment to improve?

worthship: "i dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus' name." (hymn)

ignoring the let down, i plugged into worship to uplift the spirit again. even with hearing words of hope, of humility, of praise, of grace, of Jesus, even with those anointed phrases covering the thoughts and emotions which are not, the heart is still at unrest and plagued with cares of many others pertaining to the dearest of them all, family.

rev: "you need not need to worry, for I have already taken care of everything at the cross." (Jesus)

being real in front of God, and uploading to Him, does not makes things better, but it does make one feel loved over and over again, and not ever needing anything to bring satisfaction to the Giver. He is the only one that loves every bit of our being, and not only loves our flaws but turns them into our strength as He imparts us with His.

word: "My strength is only made perfect in your very weakness." (Jesus)

He appreciates us for who we are, and for how we worship, and that is more than enough for me. He adores what He has created, and perfects it in His righteousness, and secures it in His love. let no one and nothing steal that away.

"Lord, let me never forget the reason of why we worship You, and that the platform is only built for One which is You who deserves all the glory and honour. have us a heart that is solely after You, and is secured by trusting in Your very name itself.

let us also die to our very self, leave our pride, and be willing to take in Godly correction in love which will cause us never be satisfied or contented with what we have, but uplifts us for what we have not seen. this is our worthship for who You are."

{ Place of Grace. }

"I will fall at Your feet, and worship You here.
There's truly no greater love than this.
Such a place of completion and wholeness,
forgiveness and redemption, richness and fullness.
At the cross is where He did it all, paid it all and sacrificed it all.
So that now in this very moment itself and days before He comes again,
we shall forever righteously never ever lack a good thing.
For He is Lord, and His kingdom reigns above all."

Thursday, May 17, 2012

{ And let Him say.. How much He loves you. }

{ Only He can satisfy. }

"If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."

- C. S. Lewis

{ Sur-real. }

yes, that is the theme (alongside with amazement of His grace and favor) of the new things that He has gracefully begun in my life.

seems like the month of may is the birth of new beginnings..am feeling surreal with all that has been going on, which goes to show that it only came from above -- truly.

with your dreams now morphing into realities, it just speaks of His perfect faithfulness that one does not know what else to say but:

"thank You Lord. to You and You alone, You deserve all praise, glory and honour. who else can do it but You? and this is all the worship one is giving unto You."

even when scared about entering into a new territory, He expands His spirit of boldness to uplift us in our old mindset, to a new one. and like what C said:

"He has gone ahead and will provide all that i needed right where and when you need it."

indeed. gonna ride this new journey out with His grace that is disproportionate, that never runs dry, that is always more than enough, and that just amazes me everytime.

"one can never be contented in the amazement of His grace. never."

{ Learn, Live, & Hope in your days. }

{ Through Christ, I can do all things. }

He knows that in life, not all things are easy through the work of our hands, hence He says:

"you can do all things through Me who strengthens you."

what a good reminder knowing that in and of ourselves, we can never come close to the destiny or overwhelming situation that He has placed in us through our own might, but only to be completed through Him.

"my life is in Your hands Lord."

and whatever that is in His hands, shall never be moved. because what God guards, no one can take. we are forever protected and placed in the hands of grace.

"how marvellous and wonderful is our Saviour's love for us?"

Monday, May 14, 2012

{ Not by perfection but by Grace. }

{ Resting in His unchanging grace. }

we can rest in His grace because it simply does not ever change.

grace cannot be earned because it only can come out of an outlet of being given -- and that brings comfort to us undeserving folks as in and of ourselves, we can do nothing. even with what we give unto Him and to others, it first came from above.

indeed JP has brought forth a whole other level of grace that can never be fully understood. the vastness, the richness and deepness of grace is yet to be found. to think we have came close or reached the level, there is plenty more of where His grace has come from that is willing to be found.

we're indeed blessed because grace came. there are simply no words to express the gratitude of His astronomical grace and it's constant ability to amaze us each time.

"Lord. let me never be contented in the amazement of what Your grace can do in my life."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

{ Be who He created you to be, yourself. }

be who He created you wonderfully and fearfully to be,

"the best person you can be, is yourself."
- J. Meyer

the glass is no longer stained.

{ Change Ahead. }

greater things, greater miracles, greater blessings, greater anointing, greater revelations and greater experiences are just around the corner. just keep walking. 

you're closer than you think.

{ When you are about to quit, And He says.. }

"because at the cross, i never gave up on you."

{ When there's shaking & rolling, There's also complete trust / I am free }

"though mountains shake, and storms may roll,
i will trust in You, completely."

- dz. 

while worshiping, was really taking in every word and spirit of the bridge..

"Jesus, my Jesus, 
death could not hold You, 
freedom abounds."

oh it just assures us that we shall no longer be chained down,
because once we've been set free, we're completely free indeed.
the chains are way gone.
so let's enjoy what is already place, 
and start dancing in this freedom we definitely know.

"i am free to dannnce!"

{ When your heart is troubled, and He says.. }

{ Through the storm, He is Lord of all. Pt. 2 }

"Joy is that deep settled confidence that God is in control of every area of my life."

- Paul Sailhammer

through the storm He is sovereign.

through the storm He is in control.

through the storm, He strengthens, helps and upholds us.

through the storm, He knows what He's doing.

and through the storm, He is up to something good.

{ Worship: Be yourself in The LORD. }

"Know that you are in The LORD, and be yourself.
There is no other like you.

And be faithful on what God has placed in your heart."

- S. Goh

{ With thankfulness, I sing.. }

with thankfulness, i sing..

i sing of Your never ending goodness..

i sing of Your countless blessings..

i sing of Your undeserve grace..

i sing of Your abundance..

i sing of Your constant presence..

i sing of Your patience and empowerment..

i sing of Your unfailing love..

and, i sing of Your greater plans that yet to come..