" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

{ His favor calls for bigger things. }

"God puts dreams in our heart that are bigger than we can accomplish on our own so that we learn to rely on His favor."

J. Osteen

Sunday, June 24, 2012

{ We are His constant & greatest delight. Pt. 2 }

de·light (enjoyment & happiness)

(noun) 1. an extreme and high degree of pleasure or enjoyment; joy; rapture
2. something that causes and gives great pleasure

(verb) 3. to please greatly; highly
4. to take great pleasure, satisfaction or enjoyment to

synonyms: contentment, gladness, gratification, joy, pleasure, relish, satisfaction, fruition, rapture

source: dictionary.com / thesaurus.com

{ We are His constant & greatest delight. }

He has brought me back to my favorite verse of all time..
one that has marked my journey with Him..

He says to "delight" in Him..

and yet to think that His mind and heart is always fixated on us..
that we are His constant and greatest delight..

as the worship leader declared today..
"we are His obsession.."
just imagine that, is just mind blowing..

"for we are Your greatest delight Lord.. and as we delight in You.. all else that are of the heart, will do so onto us.. in ways and encounters like never before.."

worthship: "let Your presence fall on me.. let Your spirit fall like rain..
let me be refreshed.. let me be restored..
only You can really heal my heart o Lord.." (ncc)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

{ Favored for Life Pt. 2 }

"our disappointments may last a season,
but His favor last a lifetime."

 - j.osteen

Sunday, June 17, 2012

{ Kingdom Mateship. }

just want to say that one is rather blessed to be apart of the journey of the kingdom mates He has placed in your pathway. what one may thought it would take awhile, He has been faithful. His presence was felt tonight through our simple fellowship and sharing of the matters of the heart. topics which not many would usually dive straight into, but it definitely causes a tightening of a bond.

each time we die to self, God is glorified. and to know that we got Him and am not alone in situations you may think you are solely the one affected, brings some sort of comfort and less consciousness of one's thoughts and emotions.

love you bgals. experiencing the closeness and bond this year has been an amazing journey. am super eggcited to what He has got better more installed for us all. bring, it, on!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

{ Sensitively discerning. }

is funny how one may think you are affected by one thing, (which of course it does not create a sting but only innocent annoyance) to one that cuts right deep -- so deep that the wounds of the past is on replay.

after experiencing three discomforting moments today goes to show off the fear that one may have lingering around: fear of not having music around, fear of being judged purely on the outside (as it has already confirmed by His word), and fear of tiny disgusting looking brown things that crawl.

sounds funny and probably not a big deal to some, but have realized that we must learn how to discern the limits of others out there despite assuming the size of the matter. how far is too far?

when one is hit, it normally stings a far bit before that feeling drives me directly nearer to what the opposite that was mentioned.  is true that whatever we are experiencing, that exact thing is actually pulling us up rather than down.

point is, discernment and listening is key in all communication despite the obvious or not so obvious situations and personalities of others.

this is where love and honor comes in. yes it is a journey for some, and a lesson for all.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

{ Discard your excuses! }

"Your pain will become your pulpit!
Your burden will become your blessing!
Your weakness will become your weapon!

Discard your excuses!

- David Crank

Monday, June 11, 2012

{ Discovering & Experiencing His word.. Pt 3. }

yes, He did it again.

it is true in His word that when we put our full trus in Him,
we will never ever be put to shame. never.

man Dad, i love it when You just blow my socks away with your supernatural ability to remove what i see that is natural. You are indeed able!


"my hope is built, on nothing less, then Jesus blood, and righteousness.
i dare not trust, the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus name."

Your name, that is above every other name,
Your name, that holds the power to overwhelm every principalities.
Your name, that is exalted in every of Your house and temple,
Your name, that we can boldly worship and declare our praises to,
Your name, that is imprinted in my mouth and heart.

i'm, Yours.

{ Desires with already a plan. }

for when there is a desire, there is a fulfillment.

Friday, June 8, 2012

{ Discovering & Experiencing His word.. Pt. 2 }

just as i mentioned about reading and proclaiming His word and then experience it, i just did -- with the verse of matt 6:33. is pretty awesome as the heart desires on thing, the mouth utters the same, and then it is pours forth through an experience moments after.

what an amazing life He has died for us for. for His kingdom reigns above all, so shall we. so, shall, we.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

{ Discovering & Experiencing His word.. }

on the way to work and was plugged into one of BJ's sermons. it's been quite awhile since i heard that soothing calm voice (meant it in a spiritual way btw). anyways, one thing jumped out when He said that the word is not there to prove that we're right in front of others, but rather it is to discover what it says.

i like that. discover... hence meditate, chew and eventually experience. caught that awhile ago when i realized His words are not only for the natural eyes, ears and hearts of men, but for men to be living and manifesting in what God has actually said in spirit.

and when God said it, He meant it.

imagine if you just read something in His word, and the next thing you know it, you experienced the exact same in. bam, just like that. and that should be for the normal christain life as His words hold power and life.

"Lord, help me on this discovering journey of Your word that causes us to be transformed as well as experience exactly what You say. take me deeper."

Monday, June 4, 2012

{ Never a moment without His grace. }

what an "awesome" day where three people have gone their "wondrous" ways beyond my patience and grace. thank God He does not even come close. seriously, the flesh was about to react and erupt haha, yet the spirit held me back again, and again, and, again.

it is a true story that He definitely has made us His constant dwelling place whether we like it or not.

(lament alert***) don't you just love it when:

1) someone blames you for their own mistakes and acts like a boss while at it? maturity is definitely not one that comes with age or experience.

2) someone goes beyond your personal space on the train and acts like you are in their way? being oblivious is just another form of self-centeredness.

3) someone not telling you where they are going and expects you to know when you're the one in front? assumptions even when obvious makes an ass of oneself.

lamented to mum and soon realized that there is always an ocean of grace for us that we have yet conquer. if we need more than enough grace to handle these lovely wash-pots, than i cannot imagine how much more He would have need for them religious self-righteous creeps.

i asked Him why, and He simply said: "is because I love you, I love you liz."

and that silenced every wrong thought and emotions, just like that. His grace is indeed disproportionate as JP talked about few sundays ago. there is just no balance to it.

we will never stop for a moment without the grace of God in our lives.

for what He has suffered, we now reign in. for what He has lost, we now gain in. for what He has been accused, we're now justified in. for what He has done, we now live in.

one has heard grace, one is indeed transformed by grace. we are simply never the same, because with every encounter, there is a fresh impartation each time.

"Lord, for Your grace is attracted to our weakness, our lack, our sins that You wiped off completely clean, let us continue to allow every bit of it to penetrate our spirit, mind, soul, and body. and have each transformation be of living with a knowing that everything is only by Your grace and none else."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

{ 35yrs of Faithfulness. }

this is the day where my parents has experienced 35 years of faithfulness beyond measures. i, am, inspired. it goes to show that when He is in a center of anything, in this case a marriage, it lasts a lifetime.

it shall be the same for mine and others out there.

{ Changed by grace. }

"If you believe in grace, then let it change you.
Don't use it as an excuse to stay the way you are."

- J. Meyer

bam! how nicely said is that? is that grace, or, is, that, grace?
once you have encountered grace, you cannot help but be transformed.
we are simply never the same.

contentment is not part of the grace journey, gratitude is.
and, His unending grace amazes us yet again.
how not when you are worshipping right in His throne where all the action is.

this is it. we may not know what is in front of us, but He does.
so despite of our form of lack and insecurities,
we shall ride out this wave of grace where it can take us to places we can dare to dream.

"mould me, use me, and fill me Lord; with your grace that multiplies and transforms. put us in Your constant rest and peace knowing that the miraculous and impossible is only set upon us as believers and beloveds of Christ. this is the life You died for us, and this is the life You have caused us to boldy live in."
worthship: "oh Lord You saved my life, through Your precious sacrifice. Jesus I thank You, for the cross." (new cre)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

{ Fixing my eyes on You. }

worthship: "i will see the season through, as i fix my eyes on You, only You." - hills.

Lord, it is by Your grace that we can stand and worship You in our very midst, and it will also be by Your grace, that we will carry forth Your unchangeable destiny and calling in our lives. help us not forget Your purpose and mission, and have our eyes be enlightened and opened by Your light and glory like no other. 

this is it. my spirit, mind, soul, body and heart is turning and fixating permanently upon You.