" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, February 21, 2011

{ That's real love.. }

this is the story about love:

love that came down from heaven,
love lived with us,
love spoke,
love healed,
love drew crowds,
love changed lifes,
love made waves,
love was bold in face of enemies,
love was true no matter the cost,
and love was faithful.

love prayed, listened and obeyed,
love knew what it had to be done and did it,
love was betrayed and abandoned,
love was silent when wrongly accused,
love was whipped,
love was beaten,
love was tortured and mocked,
but love was strong.

love dragged itself to the cross and laid down willingly to be,
and killed.

love hung from nails as the crowd looked on,
and God looked away.
love denied comfort,
love refused rescue,
love courageously did what love had to do,
love sacrificially did what only love could do,
then love took one last breath and finished.

love gave,
His life.
love paid,
our debt.
love saved,
us all even when we are not worth saving.

that's real love.


"This is real love -- not that we loved God, 
but that He loved us and sent His Son as a scarifice to take away our sins."

1 John 4:10

{ Pictures of Grace.. }