" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

*Exam Fever*

//Procrastinating Syndrome.

Basically, I'm just hoping and wishing that this week would be more productive compared to last week (Where i just lazed around doing shit all, Went out 24'7 and Didnt even bother to sort out my uni files, Open my darn text books and Start i dont know.. NERDING?

Not only that, I'll have to sort out my Business Stats from last summer before the term starts (to see if they would let me off and give me my conceded pass - amen amen), Find a PR consultancy job after the exams (Don't know where to start or Any companies in mind) and Get back my unpaid salary from last yr Sept.  
Can't you sort out the pattern of delaying everything? 

*Let out a big sigh* 

Also lately, I've been feeling REALLY EMPTY inside. Something is REALLY MISSING. Like where's the JOY, where's the FIRE and where's the LOVE for the lord that i use to have? I have to really come to point, where i CAN'T BE STUFFED with ANYTHING.  

Going to church, attending a cell group, serving in the ministy - ALL that, I YEARN for it SO BADLY, Yet I just let time do its chore, and pass by without anything being done. 

*Letting out another sigh* 

With this, I tried to find "joy" at other places or beings but that doesn't even reach the surface or give me a TRUE SENSE of what joy really is.

All I can say is this:
" Lord, I'm crying out to you right now. In times like this, your the only one and truly the only one that could give me the true shalom, love and joy that I'm yearning for! "

//tc&godbless ; much <3