" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

{ Unity Pt. 3 }

“There is [now no distinction] neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is not male and female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

Galatains 3:28 (Amp)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

{ DevoRepost: Let God, be God – J. Osteen }

What a reminder, and a timely one as well.

“Rest in the Lord, be still in His presence,
and wait patiently, trust Him to act.”

Psalm 37:7 (NKJV & NLT)

“If you are trying to orchestrate things to happen your way on your timetable, you are only going to frustrate yourself. At some point you have to run those circumstances over to God and trust that He has your best interest at heart.

Chose to let God be God of the situation. Take your hands off and trust Him. Then worship Him as it is one of the best ways to set your heart and mind in the right place.

Worship is a sign that you are trusting God, worry is a sign that you are trying to control things.

Father, I choose to release every care and concern into Your loving hands. I refuse to worry and choose to trust. Fill me with Your peace. Show me Your ways as I surrender every area of my heart and life to You.”

{ Captivated. }

"i live to worship You,
i breathe to worship You,
all of my days, Your face I will seek.

my heart is captivated Lord, by You alone."

{ Your greatest limitations is God's greatest opportunity. }

"Stop waiting and start working what you've got. 
Your greatest limitation is God's greatest opportunity."

- S. Furtick (Greater)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{ Hope you will never regret. }

“Those who trust in Me will never be put to shame.
You won’t be disappointed if you wait, look and expect Me.
 No one who hopes in Me ever regrets it.”

- Isaiah 49:23 (WordRemix//NLT, Amp, Contempt, Msg)

Monday, August 27, 2012

{ What is not good enough, is enough for God to make it good. }

He really knows when to come in, especially in times where our heart and soul needs strengthening. It is extremely easy to have our eyes and mind on what we lack, fail or make absolute fools of ourselves with silly mistakes. And it goes on replay with the adding of cringes and questions on our ability to actually perform.
What is not good enough is enough for God to make it good.
That is comforting, not saying we have something to fall back on, but in all things, it is He who performs through us. We are not here to shine for ourselves and we are not here to build a platform of our own. it is God who stages all glory through us to make His goodness, grace and faithfulness known.
We are all working in progress in every journey we take.
Liked it when Y came over and reminded me of just that – Whatever and wherever He has placed us in, He is forever working in and through us. Refining and firming our hearts, souls, spirit and talents we bring.
No matter how far we have been, He will take us even further.
Yes, there will be a vast amount of improvements to be made, discipline to be enforced, practice to be implemented, and maturity to be placed with every responsibility that are placed upon us, so I thank God that His grace is a daily affair that one can solely depend on.
It is time to wake up from our normality in all sense natural. We are not here to just be in the background for He has did not said He will give us the light but rather that we are the light.

{ Royalty. }

{ Unity Pt. 2 )

"Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function,
so it is with Christ's body.

We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other."

- Romans 12:4-5 (NLT)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

{ Love Thyself Project: Be free to be you. }

whoever God created us to be, be just that.
He will bring people who will value you for being you,
and nothing less.

we need not survive on the opinions and views of others,
because even the good ones will change.
the only thing stable and unconditional are His thoughts towards us.

to know that we are already accepted in the beloved,
is stability that no love can bring,
but His.


"i dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but holy trust in Jesus name."

- hillsong (cornerstone)

and i shall do just that Lord. it is only You that i can trust without fearing or failing. Your love is what completes and holds me.

here is love... here, is, love. and i just want to be here forever.

{ Unity: In the caregroup. }

one is extraordinary blessed to have met all the precious souls in an awesome group we like to call, "bcrew." all of you have truly made life in His house extra exciting, and prove of His constant love and encouragement. i am rich to have found gems like each and everyone of you.

so pile it on Lord, we want moreee.

{ Where there's unity, there's power. }

"where there's unity, there's power."


in any relationships, whether if is one from the family or different social groups, there will also be differences in characters and views which what makes us uniquely bonded. we are not here to judge or be stumbled by who someone is not. but rather, appreciate each and everyone the way that they are beautifully and wonderfully created.

who can place fault in the perfect Creator?

not saying that we are perfect, but we are all being worked on by the hand of Grace that is always in progress in our lives. yes we all have weaknesses and failings, yes we may get stumbled along the way, or pull some small stunts, but those were never to be used to point to the one who is doing it, but rather to the One who is working on it.

because of You, the weak say i am strong. - kc. gan

if our walls are broken down, specks and prejudgement removed, and unity is taken place in all of our hearts... how much power would we all have to change the environment, world and generation? it is not about who is seen as being right or wrong, but the constant support and encouragement to run this race together not individually but as one whole unit.

we will be like cords that cannot be broken.

imagine that, to be in a group that is unshakable and only finger pointing to Jesus. and as He is placed at the center with all of our valuable hearts as one, we can make History known instead of our own.

because we're all in this together.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

{ Life of Your Lordship & Glory }

"My life confess Your Lordship and glorify Your Name"

- HillsongLive

{ Because of You by CHC }

Because of You, I was borned again
Because of You, I'm ransomed by Your Grace
Because of You, my heart has found a Home
A refuge for my soul

Because of You, sins are washed away
Because of You, heaven knows my name
Because of You, I can live again
You've broken every chain

Unfailing Love, so unreserved
You gave Yourself on Calary
And now I stand, forever free
My Saviour rescued me

Because of You, the weak say "I'm strong"
Because of You, the broken have a song
Because of You, there's no need to fear
Hope steadfast, ever sure

Now heavens, is open
Our God is unshaken
We worship, Christ risen
High above
Now heaven, is open
All kingdoms, all nations
Declare that "You are God"

{ Godly discipline & excellence. }

worthship: "i need You Lord, more than yesterday..."

think one word has popped up in my head which is discipline.
does sound harsh when it is misused, but with it comes from a heart of being faithful.
when one is that way on the inside, the lifestyle will be so likewise.

complacency is not what i would want to experience in my life --
the whole getting to the routine and so called entitlement that creeps in.
not to mention, one that only thinks of self and not as a whole and unity.

it is every easy to fend for oneself, especially in a survival mode.
or just care for your own needs instead of putting forth other's above your own.
and this can come in very subtle ways until the light is shown.

as life progresses, responsibilities are multiplied and maturity is set forth.
this time, it would be one to deal with a servant's heart, financial wisdom and, relationships.


"Lord, i want to catch Your spirit of excellence and not of my own. because Your spirit flows with the unforced rhythms of grace and not strive.

perfection is not what i aim for, but for a soul that is birthed from a heart of faithfulness to the calling and desires You have placed in my life to bring You glory.

Jesus, my cares of my lack, inexperience, insecurities and weaknesses are laid at Your feet. as You take it, You shall use it and transform each and everyone of them as weapons and strengths. 

let every instability hear of Your finished work and rest of the stable ground which You have buildt Yourself upon.

this life is not mine to live, but Christ who lives in me."

{ A limitless God. }

"When you take the limits off of God, 
you will see God amaze you with his goodness."

- J. Osteen

Thursday, August 23, 2012

{ Living beyond your critics Pt. 2 }

 “Don't, enemy, crow over me.
   I'm down, but I'm not out.
I'm sitting in the dark right now,
   but God is my light.
I can take God's punishing rage.
   I deserve it—I sinned.
But it's not forever. He's on my side
   and is going to get me out of this.
He'll turn on the lights and show me his ways.
   I'll see the whole picture and how right he is.
And my enemy will see it, too,
   and be discredited—yes, disgraced!
This enemy who kept taunting,
   "So where is this God of yours?"
I'm going to see it with these, my own eyes—
   my enemy disgraced, trash in the gutter.”

Micah 7:8 (Msg)


it is time to spread your wings, and fly again.

{ Living beyond your critics. }

Anytime in life, we have critics that may come at you – especially times where you are on the rise where God has placed you at in any area of your life. Doesn’t sting as much from coming from a random comparative to someone close.

If something is meant to be said and done, despite it being hard to swallow, if it is coming from a critic, they base it purely on a basis point of view, and saying words that they will probably forget after the session. Sadly, words does carry weight and meaning – and that goes either way if it is bad or good.

And if one have the tendency to say forth what comes in and out from their mind, goes to show that it is not coming from the heart – because everything it gives birth to is eternal and never forgotten.

Normally as one is corrected and of course it is not comfortable, there will be some unexplained and not self-building peace inside that resonates louder than the correction. It comes when one is tucked in the love-whack-and love again sandwich.

 Have realized that even if it is good thing for the person, and it is executed wrongly, it is unfortunate to lose the benefit of the statement despite coming from a good place. Our words hold power, and He does not given weight to what is edifying.

Your words and actions got to match up what it is in your heart. Here comes right living and right believing. These five words may seem to utter out very easily from our mouths, and one is probably thinking it is better said than done?

It is not true but very true – but if one believes rightly, the living will be as effortless and non-striving as it is already internalized. The tough part has already been done. Whatever that is in your heart, is being transported to our daily actions and lifestyle.

Correction is definitely needed in any society and communal setting of course – else how’d we learn, improve and eventually mature? Not saying every single blind spot is meant to be pointed out as we are all imperfect and working in progress.

The Master already sees perfection, but He is still refining us when there are any breaks or slight cracks – and for a Potter to do so, not only He works on His craft on His bare hands, but the pot needs to be placed under strong heat to come out smoothened and more polished.

It is never our job to change someone or expect someone to change. To be accountable in any relationship, first we have to be accountable to Him. And doing so is simply by letting Him do what He does best without any human interference.

We are never pointers to ourselves or to others, we are pointers to Jesus. He is author and finisher of our very faith. That goes to show that our faith has nothing to do with a man (despite their influence and close proximity) but a Savior.

Instead of using our fingers and positioning them straight ahead, position them where it should be in the first place which is up. That way, everything else will rest on and come from where it is pointing to.

“Where does our help come from? My help comes from above.”

Living under a perspective from heaven is one that is no longer filled with specks but vivid colors and motions of our life here on earth. It is not waiting for heaven but actually experiencing it now.

“I’m seeing everything with brand new eyes.” – ncc (the highest praise)

Tweaking in love will never back-fire if it comes from His definition of what love is all about, and not our own or how good it does feel. And if His peace does not reign after it has been said, then keep seating on it and trust in what He wants to do, reveal and change in your life or perspective.
“In quietness, my strength is found, Your tender mercies, is my crown.” – ncc (I sing hosanna)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{ DevoRepost: Releasing Offenses & Living in peace. }

“It’s wise to be patient,
Good sense makes a man restrain his anger,
Smart people know how to hold their tongue,
By forgiving others,
It is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense.
They earn respect by overlooking wrongs”

- Proverbs 19:11 (WordRemix // Contempt Eng, AMP, Msg, NLT)


“Every day we have opportunities to get upset, be frustrated or get offended. Life is full of inconveniences, but even though we can’t always control our circumstances, we can control our reaction.
Life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you respond.
Most days are not going to go exactly as we plan. We are created to live in peace.
Peace is our position of power. Make the decision to release those offenses and disappointments so you can live in peace and enjoy the day as the blessing God prepared for you.”
- J. Osteen

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

{ Passion = Calling. }

"your passion IS your calling."

{ Only God calls, even in times of unreadiness. }

let no one doubt or cause any doubt in the calling that He has placed in your life. for it is He who calls, and it is He who exalts.

and that does not need to meet any men's acceptance or own judgement on the readiness of a being. most of the time, He uses us when we are not ready so everything falls back on Him.

since when was it about us in the first place? if we're ready all the time, we would not never need to depend on His grace.


"there is freedom when we serve Him, there is freedom when we praise Him, and there is freedom when we worship Him.

hallelujah, our God reigns."

{ Our calling is in the present. }

our calling is not something we are to be,
but something we already are.

it is as simple as living and being.
not in the future, but rather in our everyday lives.

so what are you waiting for?
i dare you to live loud!

and He shall live even louder in and through you.


"and that is what i exactly want for my life Lord. every single moment of it.
what is living if it does not involve making You known.

it was never about the size or matter of things when it comes to You.
because You exist in everything we use our sense and discernment by.
even in the the simple life that You have created us to live in.

because with You, it is all about being satisfied with what already is,
and not about what is about to become.

You use us mightily not for who we dream to be one day, but who are are now.
for titles does not sit well with You, just willing hearts."

{ With Him & not shaken. }

"I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me."

Psalm 16:8 (NLT)

Monday, August 20, 2012

{ God is able. }

{ Walking in the sacrificial love of Christ. }

10 ways to love:

1) listen without interrupting (prov 18)
2) speak without accusing (james 1:19)
3) give without sparing (prov 21:26)
4) pray without ceasing (col 1:9)
5) answer without arguing (prov 17:1)
6) share without pretending (eph 4:15)
7) enjoy without complaint (phill 2:14)
8) trust without wavering (cor 13:7)
9) forgive without punishing (col 3:13)
10) promise without forgetting (prov 13:12)

source: unknown

{ Stay in faith, your time is coming. }

"No matter how long it's been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you'll stay in faith, your time is coming."

- J. Osteen

{ Love Thyself Project: You're worth something. }

"You're worth something because God says you’re worth something—not because of what people think or say about you."

- J. Meyer

{ Take what is in Your hand / He is with you. }

"take the staff in your hand moses, with it, you shall do My wonders.
i shall be with You."

- G.


take what God has placed in your hands, whatever the amount -- be faithful with what He has already given and not what you're still trusting Him for, and He shall do the wonders in and through you.

knowing God is with us, that His voice is near, is more than enough for faith to arise and boldness to carry on. and if He is for us, who can ever dream to mess with us and be against us?

our royalty been sealed, victory is already in hand, and now we're conquering territories that is outside our comfort -- these are places He has prepared for us for greater things that one can ever dare to dream of and go.

no one said it will be easy, but He did say it will be possible.

{ Forward & No turning back. }

the past has gone, transformation is in progress, heart is softened and opened, obedience is in place, His character is mirrored, identity is found, royalty has regained its proper position, bondage is permanently de-shackled, freedom now reigns in this place,

and, there is no turning back.

{ Because my trust is in the One who first loved me. }

even when things are unclear and still processing, Your shall shine it with Your light, revealing what truly is underneath it all and only putting weight to what is Godly.

because my trust is in the One who first loved me. expectations of change and acceptance of advice from men is not placed as priority -- blind spots from men can still be a blind spot as only You got the view from above.

it is Your presence in me that will light the way. and it is Your truth that is setting me free.


"i have no fear or anxiety, i trust in the Lord with all my heart."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

{ Sisterhood: A, The Rarest & A Keeper. }

with A's surprise today, was such a God appointed one. more than she'll ever know i reckon. because of her heart of gold and action of love, i only felt the lifting of His unfailing love all over again...  such perfect time that one can also be extremely grateful at.

there is just so much goodness and beauty that i can say about A. where would i honestly start.. but am blessed to have her and her God found man R in my life. to see how God has grown them so gloriously individually and as a couple, proves of His unending faithfulness and promises that He fulfilled for them. cannot wait to see more God times He has installed on their paths.

can truly say that this precious sister who God has seen us through since seven years ago, with purely support and constant encouragement for each other, has been a journey which i am privileged to have walked together with her and still now.

His grace was more than enough in every single area of our lives which we have experienced our valleys, and our mountains.

of all, she is one of the rarest of the rarest that has known my heart and never once doubted or placed any hurt or unclarity in our sisterhood. not saying that A is Jesus, (haha) but drama was not really our thing to do and He shall continue to see forth that in the new journey that He has planned specially for her, and for mine to come.

A, you are more than my maid of honor to be if i'd to put a title, you are one sister whose presence was constant and important in every different season of my life. it was not the time that we spent, but rather the enjoyment of each other being there at that present moment was more than enough.

love you long time woman.

ps: think B has a new found favorite aunty and uncle now.

{ In His time / I will wait Pt.2 }

"My timing is perfect."

- G.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

{ Refine under fire. }

"break me, mould me, use me, fill me..." - hillsong (Potter's hands)

this is another refinery stage, where only cracks and bruises gets refined under strong fire.
He is forever working on us, and we're forever in progress.

ever felt the Perfect One is actually perfecting you into His image?
there is no way but up. this is where my help comes from.

{ In His freedom. }

"in Your freedom i will live."

- hillsong


we only start living, when we are free. 
not in the freedom we have laid for ourselves, but the one that He died for.

the shackles are off, and it is time to dance.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

{ Sisterhood: The journey. }

V is in town and we’re pretty blessed to have met up again from our last December catch up. To have her around and hear about the advancement and growth in her life that He has faithfully placed His promise in goes to show how you only need a few, or even just one God chick in your walk that you can truly do life with.

God chicks who have not only been with you for years of the good times, but also grow together with you during the journey He is taking us in. not only have Him to go with you hand in hand, but also a support and encouragement to hold you or pick you up when things get rough.

Though she is not exactly down the road or in another suburb, everytime we get an opportunity to do our usual coffee and girly food fellowship, it just simply takes off where we left it... or rather it is like though we have separate paths, it somehow connects before we head off yet again to wherever He plans on taking us.

It is truly a rare gem to have these people with a heart of gold in your life. If you honestly manage to find a few or even just one, you are rich. And it only gets brighter and refined as the years progresses. these are the kingdom friendships that creates an environment of thoughts of not just respectively, but also for another.
To experience how God has brought us from highschool till now, goes to show when He is the center of it all, He only gives weight to what is Godly and best in your life. Even at that time of doubt or hurt, you may question, but we somehow manage to find an answer.

For the people who wants to walk out of your life, let them. And that empty space will be filled with someone that will learn to value and appreciate you for who you are despite the shortcomings. And if you get misunderstood or have another or bunch that may not have been exactly what a friend encompasses, then make room for better ones.

And actually, those people who you once may have cursed at, have showed you how to improve and not to be like in a friendship. Not to mentioned, also enlarging your heart of compassion and grace that derives from Him and not onself. But that does not mean to simply be walked upon but grow in wisdom and how to handle things better in your new season.

You may feel the hurt and all other uncomfortable emotions, but the healing process is not one to be rushed at or quickly get over. Because in that time, is where He tends to you and shows you what you thought you never have. On top of that, He adds in His strength and endurance into a more matured stage and form for you to step in.

What you thought you lost, was never yours to be begin with.

Very important to know, chew and be convicted by that in your lifestyle, because it separates you from being bounded and disappointed each time with unmet expectations or situations you will never thought of even occurring.

But, nothing surprises Him. And with that said, He has went above and beyond and restores in a manner where you would only know it came from Him.

Oh You love me, much more than I’ll ever know.

{ He only needs a moment, to change your life. }

‎"You know, all our struggling, willpower, discipline and self- effort cannot do what the presence of the Lord can do in an instant."

- J. Prince 

{ PAID. }

"Jesus doesn't need you to add your works to His sacrifice. 
Don't try to pay for something that He already paid for."

- J. Meyer

{ Folks, what would we seriously do without 'em? }

after hours of awesome fellowship with the folks, especially dad, few things really stood out from the dept of revelational convos:

1) to say we are a new creation, that means the old has not only just pass, but it is obsolete. it cant be used no more.

2) God is higher than inflation. and, He used less to feed the 7,000 comparative to the 5,000.

3) nothing can ruin God's reputation. if it can, than He's not God.

4) we must know our purpose and that we're destined to reign. (inspiration from RW & JP)

5) the worser the situation, the greater the turn out.

6) we're under grace whether you know or like it or not. it is indispensable.

there were plenty more, but these really stood out for me. not only as great reminders, but something that you can add onto your lifestyle and experience it as the self-preaching is switched on.


"Daddy God, You've undeservingly blessed me with a set of folks that are simply irreplaceable... thank You...

for Your astronomical grace in their lives (as dad always says),
for Your renewal of youth in their physicality,
for Your divine health in their bodies and organs,
for Your Godly wisdom and thoughts in their decision making,
for Your unending supply and abundance in their giving,
for Your open heavens on their ground You've set them upon,
for Your anointing and influence in their ministry,
for Your unconditional love and patience in their relationship,
for Your glory and reign above in their worship,
for Your perfect faithfulness in their area of trust,

and for You being the center of every detail and moment in their lives which You have called and destined them to both live and conquer.

greater things are just around the corner for all of us. it is simply the beginning... and like dad as reminded in Your word:

He makes all things beautiful in His time. amen to that. but what makes us think that we're not already in Your time? we have definitely yet to see Your glory. and, it is nearer than we think."

Monday, August 13, 2012

{ So I lay me down... }

it is not so much of the destination of victory,
but the journey of how He got us there.
it is through this time, where our character is perfected each time and fall.

(working in progress...)


"in utter abandonment, i lay myself down, and turning to You and only You to not only cause us to overcome, but walk in the destiny which You've already planned. our weapon is not formed in our self resistance, but in the truth that will set us free.

and when transformation comes, true transformation, it shall come to us unexpected and unscripted. that way, we will all know it was only You to blame.

we shall overcome, and triumph in Your glory from above."

Sunday, August 12, 2012

{ Beneath the Waters - Hillsong }

This is my revelation
Christ Jesus crucified
Salvation through repentance
At the cross on which He died

Now hear my absolution
Forgiveness for my sin
And I sink beneath the waters
That Christ was buried in

I will rise
I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him
Now in Him I live

I stand a new creation
Baptised in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith i'm justified

I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your lordship
And glorify Your name

Your word it stands eternal
Your Kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
And on and on again

No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone

I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For I was dead in my sin

Saturday, August 11, 2012

{ More happenings simply mean greater happenings. }

when there are attacks, that means there is something epically great that is seen as an offense opportunity. else why will one need to be the target?

we're to be feared by the enemy because of the great destiny that God has breathed onto us -- whether we realize it or not, we will soon and are filling up our shoes in walking into His divine plan which simply is unstoppable.

for one is seen holding such power, then one should recognize such and utilize it for His glory and purpose. why hold back now?


"Jesus, You are our defender: with You in play, we know we're on the winning team, we know who've won, and we're going from victory to greater victory.

and if our God is for us, then who can dare be against us?"

Friday, August 10, 2012

{ His thoughts about you are all that matters. }

to live a life free from the opinions and thoughts of men,
is a life reigning in what He thinks of you always.

G: "you are my beloved son and daughter, in whom, I am well pleased."

for only His view on us is the most valuable and one we need to please... yet that is not the case of any sort, and He is not affected a slight bit because His mind has been made up about each and everyone of us:

such worth, joy, love, grace, royalty, princes, princesses, precious, goodness, righteous and the list is never ending... and all terms does not come with any conditions or stumbling of who we are not.

even when men fail to see the heart, and cease to soften, forgive or repent, it has already took place in the eye of the One whom need not any proving but simply us to enjoy.


"Lord, there is none like You."

{ Jesus, hope for humanity. }

J E S U S.

there is nothing like His name,
and no one like His nature.

He is, the hope for humanity.

(*inspired by hillsong australia and their fantastic leadership and impact throughout the nations. because of you, we are blessed. #justsaying)

{ In His time / I will wait. }

all along, I’ve been trusting Him with my best,
all along I’ve been putting my faith in making my way work,
all along I’ve been desiring what I deemed was the greatest.

And all this while, He wanted me to trust Him with His best,
all this while He wanted me to put my faith in making His way work,
all this while, He has been desiring what He knows is greater than one can ever deserve.


“You have taught me to wait on You, and though it is a long journey to walk through, You never once gave in with impatience but rather letting me in on the beautiful things when a woman trusts You. This is what it is like living in Your time. All things cannot help but be beautiful.

I will wait.”

{ Ministry starts at home. Pt. 2 )

it is a easier to do ministry in church as the setting is surrounded by the unlimited access of His word, with the backing of a church environment and anointing hitting you without even budging. the Amen’s are freely thrown out and agreement of His word is at it’s peak.

after receiving so much, one goes home, and there i personally find, is where everything that we have taken in is finally placed out and put to the test of where one’s heart and faith truly lies. because at home, all guards are down and comfortbility of one’s own actions and thoughts goes full steam without hiding behind a façade.

am in a journey of trusting Him and His definite grace, to actually be the same person beyond the four walls as it is at home. to not just be complacent with what is being taught and heard every Sunday, but also apply and have that as a lifestyle from the rest of the week.

Grace is a word that is freely said out of the mouths of many, but one wonders how would it be really like to be lived out as well? because not only it is a revolutionized message, but a Person that we draw all enabling’s from.

Walking not by our strength, but utter reliance and continual renewing of the mind with His word and truth -- becoming more and more like Him as time goes by.

The platform is where grace is received, and the world is where grace is given out.

“Jesus, You are all that I need.”

{ Devo Repost: Taking off the limits - J. Osteen }

We have to remember that God’s promises never return void. His Word stands true forever!

Don’t limit what God can do in your life by focusing on what you see in the natural realm. You have to realize that you serve a supernatural God, and just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have a way.

If you’ll shift your focus from this limited realm and start looking at God’s supernatural realm, you’ll see His unlimited possibilities for your future.

Take the limits off by setting your thoughts on what Almighty God can do in your life today!

Monday, August 6, 2012

{ Never good with goodbyes / Trust among the change }

never good with goodbyes. am kindda like a late bloomer – though one maybe touched or hurting of any sort, it only stays in there for awhile before it starts to lurk out on the eyes. and, it only happens behind close doors and not for anyone’s eyes but His (who has seen the severity of it all beyond the supply of clinex).

very rarely that a closet emo such as myself would express what is internal to a more external form. does get a tad misleading as men’s determined factor is of the outside as it does take a longer drive to head into one’s heart.

with all the changes going on, the only dependency is His consistency in one’s life. He simply never changes or wavers with His goodness, faithfulness and grace. As a matter a fact, our realization of what He has already supplied is getting clearer each time.

Am thankful for the leaders that He has placed over me throughout the different seasons. One of which is M, who has been the most gracious, patient, kind and encouraging bossman to work with. For one to have the upmost faith even in your weakness or newness to the position, goes to show that faith takes us a long way, and that is the way to success and growth.

Am undeservingly blessed to have learned so much for just this year and a half, much which which one desires to become. If this is just a glimpse of what His grace is also like being full time at the marketplace ministry, and if one has already tasted His goodness, then whatever He has installed in the days to come will be impossibly above and beyond what one’s natural self can even dare to imagine.

Not saying that He always comes in a big bang or fully anointed setting with the spiritual goose bumps going off, but rather, He has shown me what trust is really all about:

To trust Him is His character over our requests,
To trust Him is His goodness over our fears,
To trust Him is His faithfulness over our doubts,
To trust Him is His ability over our weaknesses,
To trust Him is His glory over our confidence,
To trust Him is His grace over our struggles,
And to trust Him is His love over all else.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

{ I Desire Jesus. Pt. 2 }

"my heart leans in, my soul must sing,
You are all glorious."

- hillsong (i desire Jesus)


and this is how our worship is all about -- not glorying of what Jesus can do, but rather just Jesus... the Person Himself.

this very Man that everything is build upon, and this very Savior who's very existence changed the fate of all man kind. if He was not in our story, our existence would never become one that is new, bought, righteous, free, and imputed with every drop of His goodness, faithfulness, grace and love that knows no end.

even in the waiting room, being gloriously saved is already a miracle in itself. 

and because of that very truth, we can lift up our hands, look up with our eyes, worship with our voices, and open our hearts to the heavens and just soak in every bit of His presence.

this is my desire... Jesus.

{ God's perfect timing. Pt. 2 }

"You are not forgotten. God sees you.
In His perfect time, you will see Him do what only He can do."

- S. Walsh


indeed, at the right time, He will personally make it happen.
and our faith in Him, He will not put it to waste.

how's that being the very focus of the One who sees all things?

{ Because He's in it, it's perfect. }

there is not perfect family, ministry, work, relationship, life-partner if it didn't have Jesus in it. because He is in it, it is then perfect.

even beyond what we would ever are to dream, ask or inculcate. that is how God like it:

jobs that were once said it cannot be done, that our human mindset has undermine the life of the situation, and that the possible seems like a daydream.

there is simply no area of my life, that i do not need His grace in. simply... none...

"His story is perfection, and I am in Him."
- C. Lentz

{ Grace 24'7. }

there is simply no area in my life, which does not depend on His grace.

{ Wake up call! }

‎"If you're not daring to believe God for the impossible, 
you're sleeping through some of the best parts of your Christian life." 

- S. Furtick

Thursday, August 2, 2012

{ God's perfect timing. }

“God makes everything happen at the right time.”

- Ecclesiastes 3:11


as S reminded today, it is only in His timing, where His best happens.
wow, how's that for trusting in His way and will .

{ Worship in Spirit & in Truth. )

“It's who you are and the way you live that count before God.
Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth.

That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for:
those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship.

God is sheer being itself—Spirit.
Those who worship Him must do it out of their very being,
their spirits, their true selves, in adoration."

- John 4:24 (Msg)

{ Change - Know Who's on your boat. Pt. 2 }

"to know Who's on the boat, and that He slept through the storm,
means one is enabled and can do so likewise."

- rev repost.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

{ Change - Know Who's on your boat. }

change seems to be the main event in my current life – some good, some bad and some… unsure. the thought of it can be scary, and the experience, rather daunting. as one is heading into unfamiliar waters, the only thing that is pulling me through is knowing Who’s on my boat.

people tend to look at their fears as a bad thing, but it actually drives us even closer to God because we realize that it is only Him who we can depend on and put our upmost trust and hope in. who else is willing to go all out for you?

man can take risk, but it does not beat sacrifice.

just thankful that though changes are inevitable, the only constant variable is Jesus. He faithfully remains the same; always for us till the end. goes to show our stability lies in the character of our Savior who protects, shields, delivers and comforts all.

He is simply, mighty to save.

“He will never leave us, He will never fail us.” – Hillsong (God is Able)

{ There's a place for everyone. }

"There may not be positions for everyone, but there is a place."

- C. Caine