" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

{ Godly discipline & excellence. }

worthship: "i need You Lord, more than yesterday..."

think one word has popped up in my head which is discipline.
does sound harsh when it is misused, but with it comes from a heart of being faithful.
when one is that way on the inside, the lifestyle will be so likewise.

complacency is not what i would want to experience in my life --
the whole getting to the routine and so called entitlement that creeps in.
not to mention, one that only thinks of self and not as a whole and unity.

it is every easy to fend for oneself, especially in a survival mode.
or just care for your own needs instead of putting forth other's above your own.
and this can come in very subtle ways until the light is shown.

as life progresses, responsibilities are multiplied and maturity is set forth.
this time, it would be one to deal with a servant's heart, financial wisdom and, relationships.


"Lord, i want to catch Your spirit of excellence and not of my own. because Your spirit flows with the unforced rhythms of grace and not strive.

perfection is not what i aim for, but for a soul that is birthed from a heart of faithfulness to the calling and desires You have placed in my life to bring You glory.

Jesus, my cares of my lack, inexperience, insecurities and weaknesses are laid at Your feet. as You take it, You shall use it and transform each and everyone of them as weapons and strengths. 

let every instability hear of Your finished work and rest of the stable ground which You have buildt Yourself upon.

this life is not mine to live, but Christ who lives in me."

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