" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

" In Your Freedom! "

I search for You
God of strength
I bow to You
In my brokenness


No other King
Could have so humbly come
To save my soul
And heal my heart


I have nothing more
Than all You offer me
There is nothing else
That is of worth to me


I love You Lord
You rescued me
You are all I want
You’re all I need


I pray to You
God of peace
I rest in You
My cares released


In Your freedom I will live
In Your freedom I will live
I offer devotion
I offer devotion

Album: 'Saviour King' by Hillsong
Words & Music: Marty Sampson and Raymond Badham 

So what is it like to be 'In His Freedom'?

We are given His strength as we come to Him broken and torn. A full restoration is taken place.

As He had came to save us. Everything of us (inc. our soul and our heart) belongs to Him. Perfection is taken place.

Anything that the world offers us does not compare to the fullness of His love and goodness. So everything else becomes worthless.

Basking in His presence, being rescued, He becomes our everything. He becomes our wants. He becomes our needs.

As we pray, His shalom peace just showers over our troubled hearts and minds. Our cares and worries are just lifted up and off our shoulders. He bore it all.

Being free is like being carefree with Jesus. We offer ourselves wholly unto Him, giving Him all glory and all praise. Hence, "live freely with Jesus, your Saviour King!"

:: Resting in You! ::

Sunday, October 7, 2007

More Than A Conqueror!

Yeh that's me :) And it's not because of me but because of Jesus! His death has brought us life! It's all on Him that I can walk onvictorious grounds. I win! 

Got a problem? Go talk to my Saviour King about it. He'll tell you that the reason to all the bless'sed things, events, and people in life is due to the fact of His astronomical, awesome, undeserved Grace and Love that reaches out to all of us every, single, day and moment of our lives! That's pretty rad aye? 


So, What is a definition of a Conqueror?

: a person who conquers or vanquishes; victor. (vanquisher, winner.)
: To defeat or subdue by force, especially by force of arms.
: To gain or secure control of by or as if by force of arms: scientists battling to conquer disease; a singer who conquered the operatic world.
: To overcome or surmount by physical, mental, or moral force: I finally conquered my fear of heights.
: To be victorious; win.
: someone who is victorious by force of arms.

Ref: www.dictionary.com


See the deal here? We're all Conqueror, Vanquishers, Winners and Victorious and not because of the 'force of arms' mentioned, but because of what was done At the Cross, His blood for our sins and sufferings, that now, we are Destined to Reign! 

You know, if you really realise how much more can your Daddy God place for your situation, family, friends, church, job, studies and the future, then we ought not to worry, but to live in His freedom. Offer up our devotions and be led by His spirit, word and truth!

" I Trust in You, With All my Heart! "

He is our Hope and our Everything! We're His sheep hence, we're covered and safe under our shepherd's hands. Heading forth, togreen green pastures!

" Your the Shepherd, In You I Live! " 


Honestly speaking, I do tend to worry a lot at times. What to eat? What to wear? (Oh my, that can take up to hours and hours!) What to buy? (Unfortunately, this one take up 3 minutes - Look, See, Buy!) What job to take? What is going to happen in the future? Is this choice better than the other? Am I losing out? What can't I have done that ages ago or in the first place?
And the list goes on and on.. (Very sad, I know!) Think I definitely have painted you's a clear picture. What can we do? That's our usual human trait. 

Our lives are so much filled with our own self fulfilling needs and wants of life that we tend to forget the main reason of why we live; to serve Him and to spread His goodness and grace around. That's all. Really. The rest gets added on as we're having our daily walkswith Him.

When Jesus is concentrated and looked at in every single area of our life, we'll be stress-free and worry-free! 

" Your the reason that I live, the reason that I sing! "


I have been three months in Perth. The first was beeped up. The second was a little less beeped up. And the third? Well the third was a big improvement with the first two and lets just say, I'm looking forward with God and nothing is to difficult for me! 

The past few months, I was living in the fear of my undecided and unknown future of mine. Now, I'm liberated from that thought, and set free with a strong determination and will to succeed, conquer and win!


" Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you! "

It's Him that you want. It's Him that you need. 

Now, enjoy :)

:: Walking on Ocean's Deep! ::