" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

{ I Desire Jesus. Pt. 2 }

"my heart leans in, my soul must sing,
You are all glorious."

- hillsong (i desire Jesus)


and this is how our worship is all about -- not glorying of what Jesus can do, but rather just Jesus... the Person Himself.

this very Man that everything is build upon, and this very Savior who's very existence changed the fate of all man kind. if He was not in our story, our existence would never become one that is new, bought, righteous, free, and imputed with every drop of His goodness, faithfulness, grace and love that knows no end.

even in the waiting room, being gloriously saved is already a miracle in itself. 

and because of that very truth, we can lift up our hands, look up with our eyes, worship with our voices, and open our hearts to the heavens and just soak in every bit of His presence.

this is my desire... Jesus.

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