" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Carrying The Father's Heart - Day #1

Last minute packing is always fun: Bible, Devo Book, iPhone, 7 Tops, 3 Tights, 1 Dress, 1 Shorts, 1 Bathers, 3 Shoes, Towel and Toiletries later, 
Dad and I were ready to set off. 
After waiting ever so patiently for someone’s arrival [cough: MH], 
we finally checked in and grabbed a quick bite from downstairs. 
Whilst everyone was full, my tummy disagreed and went on for red-bean paste pancakes; three to be exact.
With the excitement of being in T1 instead of budget birthed out the idea of duty free shopping. Unfortunately that did not come to pass and Dad’s pocket was fortunate enough due to time constraints. 
Once the seat belt sign was off, i was off, off to Dad’s assigned seat at the back asking him for a couple of rupiah to settle the newly developed mild craving for dinner. Did not get the response which I usually receive from mum so I was sent away not pleased, and not fed. 
In this case, (and the rest of them) Dad will succumb to my unreasonable whining and temper. But, I realized my childish manner and decided to tahan the two hours flight. Yes, something which was extremely un-doable at that time, especially dealing with the demands of my greediness. 
Thought relying on my iPhone would help me focus off my hunger pangs. Unfortunately, it hanged on me. Two hours without music is a tragedy. How do I live? So out came the pen and notebook with a beginning question of: “God, what do you want me to speak about?” “LOVE!” He replied.
So what is love? How to we define love? How do we picture love? And from there the message of “God’s love” developed and shortly after, we were in Bali.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Promise #1: Eternal Life

Afer hearing that we have over 7,000 promises in the bible,
I thought how awesome would it be if I found all of them,
and then start declaring one each day.

Imagine that!

It is like a gold, and all we have to do is dig for it!
So I'm on a mission: Dig, Read and Declare His promises! 


"And this is the promise that He has promised us
- Eternal Life."
1 John 2:25 (NKJ)

He only leads us to victory.

honestly, there are times where i tend to dismiss His promptings.

your human capacity will always question your spirit man.
"nah uh, you for real? nah, it can't be.."

plus, we will tend to take in consideration of men's opinions of us.
"what will they think? what will they do?"

who cares!

when we ask God why He is not there during a situation,
He has actually always been there with the red flag.
we just choose not to see it.
or worse yet, being totally unaware of His pre-warnings.

He always does things for us out of His love.
And what does love do?
Love love, and love protects.

think it is time to just do it His way.
i mean, since when ours are higher anyways?

and whenever the Spirit leads you,
you will only prosper.

"Your presence in me, Jesus light the way."

PS: we are led by His spirit, to do things for His glory.