" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Friday, August 10, 2012

{ Ministry starts at home. Pt. 2 )

it is a easier to do ministry in church as the setting is surrounded by the unlimited access of His word, with the backing of a church environment and anointing hitting you without even budging. the Amen’s are freely thrown out and agreement of His word is at it’s peak.

after receiving so much, one goes home, and there i personally find, is where everything that we have taken in is finally placed out and put to the test of where one’s heart and faith truly lies. because at home, all guards are down and comfortbility of one’s own actions and thoughts goes full steam without hiding behind a façade.

am in a journey of trusting Him and His definite grace, to actually be the same person beyond the four walls as it is at home. to not just be complacent with what is being taught and heard every Sunday, but also apply and have that as a lifestyle from the rest of the week.

Grace is a word that is freely said out of the mouths of many, but one wonders how would it be really like to be lived out as well? because not only it is a revolutionized message, but a Person that we draw all enabling’s from.

Walking not by our strength, but utter reliance and continual renewing of the mind with His word and truth -- becoming more and more like Him as time goes by.

The platform is where grace is received, and the world is where grace is given out.

“Jesus, You are all that I need.”

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