" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

#Priorities ♥ ♥

after a week of extreme happenings, my realignment of priorities are only based on two of the most important and precious relationships in my life: 

my relationship with my Daddy God,
and my relationship with my familee. 

anything else, is just an added bonus and evidence of His love for me. 

it is time, to make it concrete.
 the focus is not on myself anymore.

and what makes both relationships work?
L  . ♥ . V . E

so thank you both, for continually embracing me with the undeserved grace that is beyond human measure, and binding me with His chords of love that cannot be broken.

truly, (His) love, conquers all.

freedom to His surprises.

in wonderland, and doing my head in.

haven't i surrendered?
yet i'm still trying to figure it out.

new things pop in and my discernment is not so clear anymore.
assumptions flying all over base on emotional and sightly evidence.
been there and thought that, countless of times.

how about relying on the spirit for a change.
this includes what we see and feel beyond our human emotions.

why not, give God the freedom to surprise me?

"Jesus rarely comes where we expect Him;
He appears where we least expect Him,
and always in the most illogical of ways.
The only way a worker can keep true to God,
is being ready for these surprise visits."
- Oswald Chambers

Monday, July 12, 2010

new intimacy with G.

okay, God created everyone uniquely different yeah?
so i wonder what is like being the opposite of myself.

let's see.. quiet, calm, collected, soft, gentle..
all the qualities that mum (and dad of course) would like to have.
or should i just sum it up to one word:

L A D Y L I K E.

or is that two? anyways..
i tend to get just a tad beyond crazy. and loud.
and maybe, embarrassing?

my usual excuse is, i can't help it. truly!

volume wise, it only gets loud or louder.
random and teh-ness unfortunately comes in when i'm comfortable.
and thank God for forgiving and secured mates.

comparing at other girls, i would say, i don't fit in the norm.
if there is a box, or a door, i would be outside and down the road.
(if you know what i'm sayin'.)

and my folks are praying mad hard for someone to be able to handle me.

i told them, it would have to be some big 'butt' [not actual word] miracle.
like when Jesus turned the water into wine that sort of thing.
since i have increased my so called "standards" from an interesting experience. (which i shan't recall haha.)

oh bless forgiving and understanding (and throw in hopeful) "olds" like mine.

and what did God have to say in this?
me: "G., why can't i just be normal unlike crazy or loud?"
G.: "liz, i created you this crazy, this loud, and this is why, i love you."

i was floored by his gentle response.
this is love right here; oh such love, such true love.
one that is unearned, and accepts who you really are; all of you, and nothing less or more.

however, of course, wisdom does come in handy with certain words or phrases that i need to change. **inserts: glory to glory.**

hence why, aren't we all enjoying the progress and rewarding journey of morphing into the P31 G. lovin' W.O.G.* that He has so wonderfully and fearfully created us?
(*Proverbs 31 God Loving Woman of God)

but first, i am liking this new intimacy i am having with my heavenly D.

being embraced, wooed and cherished in His love,
He has definitely captured my heart, all of my heart.

"how awesome is Your L.O.V.E.?" xo

Friday, July 9, 2010

my heart sings: Jesus. and only, Jesus.

as You spoke, my spirit slowly consumed Your words; trickling down right to the core of my heart that no one has gone before.  you said, with a voice so audible, so kind, so gentle, so loving,

"liz, just let go. and trust Me.
are you willing to let go?"

i was honestly in awe, and before uttering anything, i was just so filled with His presence.. and the two words of 'letting go'.

yes, it is pretty self explanatory. but, it also means not caring, not being burdened, not assuming, not fighting, not bounded,  not protecting, not earning, not striving, not worrying, not trying, and not self anymore.

after five minutes of a heart-filled mediation, the conviction was complete and definite obedience followed through and i said:

"yes God, yes, i am willing to let it all go."

immediately i felt complete freedom and liberty. like i am no longer bounded by the particular situation, or anything else anymore.

nothing can hold me down.

not the world, not men, not men's opinions, not even myself and my own dreams, plans and desires, nothing.

my heart just sings: Jesus. and only, Jesus.

**pausing in His love**

i love the fact, that i have already found love, true love.

love that is substantial and beyond what even love means. because, this love is more than a meaning.

and the beauty of it all, unlike other love, this love, this one true love, does not have to be earned, to be prettified, to be impressed, to be protected, it is a gift. it is already ours and it came through one person:

J E S U S. 

everything else, is secondary. 

"It's Your love, that saved me."