" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, May 28, 2012

{ God's firestarter. }

for the fire comes from Him, and all we simply need to do, is to start it.
ignition is on and ready, and not even dawn can handle it.

worthship: "for Your love is like fire, it burns for all to see." - hills.

to be the light of the world, is to put darkness in its place.
we are born to invade every inch of what the enemy has taken over.

worthship: "so let this fire consume my life." - hills.

as it says in His word that the path of the righteous gets brighter and brighter,
indeed shall it be for all righteous ones clothe in His.

with each match He ignites, and with each baton He keeps it burning.
for what He started, it can never be put out.

God is simply unstoppable. His path can never be destroyed nor harmed.
everything else will have to just move right out of His way, will and desire.

worthship: "Your kingdom reigns above all." - hills.

(inspired by one of my dearest and most precious GC.
i shall now not only humbly but boldly receive every single declaration.)

C, indeed your appointed journey was one that He made to last for eternity.
and whatever you are experiencing, shall be multiplied to His great measures and pleasures.
you are of my greatest and rarest blessing that He has faithfully placed me with.
let your life always be one that showcase His grace, love and healing like no other.
Jesus shall be lifted up in every area and moment of your life.
pastoral in boldness and support is for your to consume.
as a matter a fact, it already started.

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