" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, January 2, 2012

{ My heart will sing, How great is our God. }

what a privilege to come into enter His courts with praise and thanksgiving in our hearts. oh the noise of worth-ship -- for once it was based out of fear with an enclosed vail, but His love has changed it all, and now we can freely run into His throne, be caught in His arms of grace, and bask in this freedom we definitely know.

holding bekah in my arms while singing to how great is our God, brings me back to the time where the exact same song was sung on both occasions of where a new journey was birthed from -- the first worship moment was at Naomi's cremation, our hearts were morning but yet still giving all that was left to praise Him, and knowing that despite the temporal loss, He is still good.

the second worship moment was at church, when He spoke while our thanksgiving was resounding in the place, with affirming words arrowed at my heart: "for this year, your family shall see no lack." and indeed in His time, He came through with more an enough for every single one of us. when God ordains, His supply never runs dry.

and this is yet another worship moment, where this time round, waiting upon Him is the best place and position to be, to receive and watch how He will unfold all that He has prepared us for from the previous year. the growth, stretch and lessons learnt will not be put to shame, but rather be utilized at the moment where the fruits will be fully ripe for the season and journey ahead.

"how great thou art?"

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