" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

{ Yours Forever.. }

Yours Forever (You Took The Nails) - Darlene Zschech

it has been nearly a year serving in His house, and have to say, last night was one that has struck my worship cord if there is such a metaphor. is no longer just a practice but rather another anointed worship opportunity to experience His presence and exalting His name on high.

would not want a difference on how we sing on either the weds or suns -- it is time to give Him our all, whichever way He has so graciously created each and everyone of us to do so. the King deserves our very best, because we cannot help but be compelled by His love to surrender all that He has imparted us with.

when our hearts all unite as one, heaven starts to invade, and before we know it, we're in His inner courts -- sitting at His feet, basking in His sweet presence, and be empty vessels being filled beyond the brim with His magnificence and person Himself.

imagine, the very King of heaven taking over our mere human of a body and transforming, moudling our image and character to be just like His. how not, can we be moved? we want more of You Lord, You can have Your way.

truly He is the only man that could reach in and hold the very core of our being and love us just as we are -- "in Your love, my soul is free." (d.zschech)

never want to for a second to forget about the ultimate love act that He did 2ooo years ago. He took it all, so that we can be His forever. His death, has given us eternal life -- life that we never once deserved. no amount of our own doings can atone for His one very act that He never once thought of backing out on. His love went all the way for us.

we give You all the praise, all the honour, all the glory to You Lord. i exalt Thee! -- "death could not hold You, freedom abounds! i sing of Your mercy, the power of the cross!" (d.zschech)


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