" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

:: "On Changing Dreams" by Emma (A Beautiful Mess)

1. Move with the flow of life, not against it.

Life is absolutely full of opportunities. Don't let them pass you by simply because they aren't the opportunities you thought you wanted. We don't always know what direction our life will go. I think it can be wise to try anything that comes your way, especially when you are young and trying to "figure it all out" (Spoiler: You won't. Life is never that simple). Don't set your heart on achieving one thing, only one specific way, in order to feel happy and accomplished. An amazing opportunity disguised as a mundane option may come your way tomorrow; don't miss it.

2. Be honest about your strengths and expand on them.

I was good at working with my sister. We have always made a good team, because our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. This was hard for me to see when I was younger, because I always felt like her achievements outweighed and looked better than mine. Instead of running away from a good situation, I should have fought to make it a great situation. Sometimes you have to be honest about what you're good at. (A great place to start if you're not sure is asking those closest to you.) If you enjoy something but it's not a strength of yours, it might make a better hobby than career choice. That ended up being the case for me anyway.

3. Dreams don't have to die, but they do sometimes have to change. Embrace it.

Even before I moved home from LA I felt afraid to do so, even though a part of me really wanted to. I felt that if I turned my back on my dream (to be an actress) then I was a failure. Being a "failure" is just a label that you give yourself. Don't box yourself in like I did! It's ok to change your dreams. It's ok to pursue something else for a while if your current efforts don't seem to be working. Embrace where your life seems to be headed, and forget the labels. Moving in with my parents after being a failed actress was the most cliche and embarrassing choice I've ever made. But it was also the BEST choice I've ever made.

4. Success is a process, not an event or state of being.
Being successful in whatever you are pursing in life is never going to magically happen one day and then it's done. It's an ongoing thing. You don't always feel it. It doesn't look the same in everyone's life. And another really weird thing about it is you don't always know it as it's happening. Like I said, choosing to be a failed actress is what led me to my current dream job. This was a successful move, but it sure didn't feel like it at the time. I felt anything but successful that year of my life. Don't be discouraged if you're not feeling successful this year. Keep going. Work hard. Play to your strengths. Take opportunities as they come. Be brave.

No matter where you are in life, I already know one thing about you: You are not a failure. Even if you're feeling like one lately, please know I've been right there with you. I believe in you. You should believe in yourself.

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