" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

{ Appreciate the now, Later will always come.. }

was watching click yesterday with mum, and though its a comedy, i was always get myself teary-eyed at this one scene at the end, where adam sandler was nearing his death -- he started to profess his love and advice to his family which he had neglected previously due to his own career ambitions.

there and then, is where it finally clicked (seriously, with no pun intended). it is time to truly appreciate what God has got for us now, instead of always opting to chase after what we want installed in our future. as He said it is done, then why do we act like it may or may not be?

the present is what makes the future and if we miss it, we still get to the destination but once we get there, it goes back to the vicious cycle of tending to look ahead, then to look around and taking time to smell and taste what He has got in front of us.

every season is meant to be enjoyed as it always prepares us for the next one. He never stops working in our lives and to be secured to that, results in a life dependancy of God and hanging on to all His ways, hanging on to Him saying what He would do, and hanging on to His love (Break Free, Hillsong).

"for as God has said so, its as good as already done."

we got big dreams, which God has very intention to fulfill. for everything comes to pass through His hands and not ours, is time to live according to not the world's rhythms, or even our carnal ones, but His rhythms of grace.

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