" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, December 31, 2012

{ You will be grateful. Pt. 2 }

honestly, letting go of all the shut doors and what i was trusting Him for is the best fruit that i have ever done in this year. this is the fruit that will produce greater things for the next. have definitely tasted all three of my desires, and the full satisfaction shall come beautifully in His very season and timing. it is not the matter of the calling... because if this ain't it, then i wanna stay right here and see forth His hand of grace for His best is on its way.

so thank You Father, for a spiritually fruitful year. You have never once left me, and You shall always remind me of Your constant presence of comfort throughout every season. goodness that is so undeserving, yet You are so willing.

how great thou art? would say, pretty much above and beyond.

{ Not just your priority, but your everything. }

"don't put Jesus first." - s.furtick

put Him at the center and let Him orbit in all areas of your life. because without Him, all this would nor even come to existence. indeed He is the supreme and glory over all. 

not just your priority, but your everything. 

He wants to be heavily involved in every area of your life. is not about only seeking Him first, but seeking Him in all that you're trusting and putting your faith in Him for. that is what He delights in.

happy accelerated and beautiful timed 2013 folks. for the hand of Grace is already at work for the greater things... 

wowzaaa. am stoked and just want to flow in His faithfully perfect and beautiful timing. this is what i call, a God thing. 

where would i seriously be without Your grace? x

Friday, December 28, 2012

{ You will be grateful. }

"Take some time to thank God for all the shut doors in 2012... New doors are about to open in 2013!"

- C.Caine 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

{ Those were the good times. }

there's a season for everything.



one is and was thankful for all the good times.

and realized that now what you thought would last was meant to be fully enjoyed in its fruitful time. instead of even holding it was a loose hand, now it is left up in the air and for Him to hold onto. it has definitely been a good run, and the only lasting relationship throughout all the many years of bonding that one has experienced is this...

only the one with Him lasts.

till the truth is revealed, one sense the purpose of it all... He is indeed making and clearing out space for the arrival of something new, God planned and promised.

i will wait.

Friday, December 21, 2012

{ Jesus, the Star. }

staring in the high and bright ceilings at our new home is quite a magnificent view… it is just a product of His perfect faithfulness that as a church, it was to us a dream which He has transformed and made more than possible into one that we can touch, feel, experience, enjoy, worship and exalt Him in.

Grace has always been the center of our very gatherings, and that is why one is found in His effortless rhythms and flow of His appointed time which He makes all things beautiful in. indeed we have witness His beauty and fingerprints in this rather exciting time and beginning of a new glory that has been dawned upon us.

this shall be interesting, and expectancy is running wild on the unlimited capabilities of what Grace is going to do next. am planning to sit back, and rest in the flow in which the only thing productive and able are His very own hands.

get ready for a whole new level and explosion of Grace. and it starts... NOW.

{ Tears of Joy... }

had a tears of joy moment this morning, and look what Grace comforted me with...


“You keep track of all my sorrows. 
You have collected all my tears in your bottle. 
You have recorded each one in your book.”
(Psalm 56:8, NLT)

"Do you know how important you are to God? He cares so much about every detail of your life. He cares about your thoughts, feelings and emotions. In fact, what you are going through is so important to Him that He records every sorrow and collects the tears you’ve shed.

Why would God record your sorrows and collect your tears? Because everything that affects you matters to Him. He is your Vindicator. He’s keeping an account of every wrong that’s ever been done to you so that He can make up for every single one of them. He wants to restore to you everything that has ever been stolen. He wants to heal every hurt and pain.

Today, know that God cares about the things that concern you. He cares about the things that hurt you. He is close to the brokenhearted, and He wants to bring you peace and comfort. Turn to Him and receive His love. Let Him bring healing to your heart and restoration to your soul."


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

{ Rock of ages. }

He is indeed so. the Cornerstone who laid His own life for us, and what a better foundation then Grace Himself?

there have definitely been a harvest of good times with the precious individuals that He has divinely allow a kingdom encounter and growing mateship in this journey. empowerment, encouragement, love, joy, laughter, imparting, praying and sharing has been reigning in the place He has once called for in the season which i will forever be grateful for. 

my heart has been overly satisfied, and there are no words to say but just to sit at His feet, and worshiping Him for His magnificence and perfect faithfulness in every season. He is indeed rising up a generation that not only speaks forth the amazement with His Grace, but arising in the glory that He has already filled us in for the greater He is alining us for. 

Jesus has always been the Star, and as exaltation abounds, so will our very lives be in His mercies and favor that never runs dry. and as He is the center of this home we gather in, transformation takes place each time we exit from a Grace environment such as this one. dreams and callings has been formed, but that is just the beginning for us.

we're ready to step into the new He has planned and equipped us for. so here goes for yet another wild one being so full of His fingerprints all around, and with the evidence of the work of His hands. 

and a Star was born.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

{ Chaser has been chased. }

"When you are chasing Love, who knows if it is chasing you too."


Saturday, December 8, 2012

{ A lifestyle of thanksgiving. }

"As I was folding my family's laundry today (no, the angels don't do it) I found myself praying & thanking God for each one. There was a time I didn't have a family & therefore no laundry to fold & put away. I wonder if we find ourselves complaining about what we once prayed for?"



hmm... something to think about definitely. time to nature that attitude for gratitude. not just because december has conveniently arrived, but for every moment of our lives... wouldn't hurt to have a lifestyle of thanksgiving. perhaps one would realize that we already have more than enough. x

{ Payphone Cover - Joseph Vincent ft. Toestah }

the best version of payphone. think its the similar tones and quality of voices within this cover, and the original artist. adam, you met your match. x

{ Blue Skies - Joseph Vincent }

a feel good number with a voice that runs smooth on the ears. ps: i want those keys! x

Friday, December 7, 2012

{ A resistance that confirms your call. }

"If the enemy is working hard, the resistance and contradiction is the enemy's way of confirming God's call in ones life."



just what i have been harping all this while... noiceee. x

{ There is None Like You - Jayselee & Cathy Nguyen }

clearly, there is none like You. x

{ By My Side - David Choi }

"You're all I need J. just wanna be forever, by Your side." x

{ Staying put & Resting up. }

"until God opens the next door for you, praise Him in the hallway!"


"if He hasn't told you what to do next, busy yourself and be faithful with what He last said."

{ The cross has turn out can't to CAN. }

the t in the can't represents the cross and the love of the Father... which His one and only has completed all our can't, so that now we can surely and most definitely CAN.

{ Send me, I will go. Pt. 3 }

“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me, just as my Father knows me and I know the Father. So I sacrifice my life for the sheep.

John 10:14-15

{ Jesus, You're the cup that won't run dry. }

felt led to bring my anointing oil out as one is experiencing adversaries at work...
and look what Grace dropped by with:

"You prepare a feast,
setting a table of food,
serving and treating me a six-course dinner,
right in front and in the presence of my enemies,
while those who hate me watch.
You revive my drooping head,
honoring me by anointing, pouring and bathing my head in oil.
You fill my cup until it overflows,
and it brims with blessings, so full it spills over.
I have everything I need."

Psalm 23:5 (WordRemix // NLT, NLV, Msg, Contempt Eng, Common Eng)


oil is symbolic of the anointing of God. and what oil does is makes things flow. whenever there is friction or something gets stuck, putting oil on it makes it become more fluid.

and because God anoints you, and because you walk in His favor, surely goodness and mercy will follow you everywhere you go. (psalm 23)

God's anointing makes things easier. people will go out of their way to be good to you for no reason. you're going to have creativity, wisdom and good ideas. God's anointing on your life will cause the right doors to open. it will bring the right people across your faith. it will make things go smoother. 

all you have to do, is ask Him for it.


{ After the light & After the caller. Pt. 2 }

funny how He drops hints and words such as "delight", "rest" and "preparation". definite food for thought...

think i got schooled by Him yesterday haha. not in a bad way of course, but rather, just another day of gently showcasing that His truth and word stands above what we can ever plan or prove to one how much we may yearn for something... but yet the response was just what i needed and actually, desired above all else.

it is time to not be silent anymore... not in a manner of force or pride... but rather flowing with the rhythmic waves of where Grace is leading us to. sometimes not in places and answers that does not enter in any gates that attains to the flesh, and when that discomfort occurs, and fear starts to creep in, just be bold and undaunted to move forward in His leading despite what the natural may be screaming at you.

being ordinary was a life before Christ, and now we have been graciously redeemed and given a second chance with a eternal life and righteous standing in Him, we shall allow Him the privilege to move in the extraordinary in this very vessels that He died for.

have experienced the ugliness and the terrible limits and attempts that the flesh can do. oh the pride and its silent nature of disruption... and even the motives that is birthed from a carnal desire... the temporal satisfaction is a mask holding down what is really going on inside.

but once His breath blows down on us... the refreshing winds just burns every chain down. and what is only left, is our hearts for His glorification, for His presence, for the very person of Grace Himself and not what it can bring.

really... my soul shall delight in the magnificence and warmth of the personification of all goodness and grace of Jesus.

You are my dwelling place, and You called me Yours.

"blow mighty breath of God... move... upon this place.
blow might breath of God... move... in power and grace."
- c.quilala

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

{ Send me, I will go. Pt.2 }

“Once more Jesus addressed the crowd. He said, I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me will not be walking in the dark, but will have the Light which is Life.

- John 8:12 (Amp) 


another inspiration today! God is just amazing and faithful to what He wants us to tell His people that may be living in the dark physically, but never spiritually.

{ Prep in process... }

Proverbs 16:9

"We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it."
- Message

"We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go."
- Contempt English


Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to prepare us for what He has in store next. He'll even take the things the enemy tries to brings against us and turn them around and use them forour good. He is always leading us on a journey of preparation.

That is what it is so important to keep out 

Oftentimes, God will use our experiences in life as stepping stones to prepare us for what He has in store next. He’ll even take the things the enemy tries to bring against us and turn them around and use them for our good. He is always leading us on a journey of preparation.

That’s why it’s so important to keep our eyes focused on Him. We have to trust that when we are submitted to Him — even if we don’t understand — He is ordering our steps. If something is not happening on your timetable, remind yourself, “God knows what He is doing. He has my best interest at heart. God is preparing me.”

While you’re waiting, don’t make the mistake of trying to figure everything out. If you’re constantly trying to figure things out, that will only frustrate you. Turn it over to God. Declare, “God, my times are in Your hands. I’m not going to worry because I trust that You are leading me on a journey of preparation for all the wonderful blessings You have in store for me.”


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

{ Send me, I will go. }

"Jesus replied, I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never be hungry, and he who believes in and cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me will never thirst any more (at any time)."

_John 6:35 (Amp)


first inspiration of the many for my upcoming mission trip this weekend. and my only prayer request for the entire thing is a desire to see Grace move and minister to the hearts of the unhopeful and unloved like never before throughout all ages, backgrounds, generations, beliefs and doctrines. 

indeed Jesus is the hope for all humanity (as hills marked it at their home), and these beloved souls shall never hunger or thirst no more when Grace is encountered, because He simply does not want you to remain just the way you are. He wants to open your eyes, and see His supply beyond the pain and suffering.

still remember while on the keys a year ago... asking Him what is on His heart... and He simply spoke: you. above all things, He chose us... Grace chose us. people who are beyond undeserving yet given a second chance... given a life of eternity, of Sonship. 

so let the redeemed of the Lord says so! and let His people know that their Father has never forgotten them. it is time, to let it shine and let the truth of the Lord be magnified and glorified in every personal encounter with His people beyond the four walls. 

and actually, the four walls are just cement, it is us who make and are the church -- His permanent sanctuary and dwelling place, filled with His spirit that will enable us to go into cities and places of need to share and more so, experience His love. hope shall rise in their hearts, eyes shall open in their circumstances, and a Savior shall be recognized in their lives forever.

this it not it... this is just the beginning of something greater He has already installed and enabled us to go forth... as vessels of His presence and work... undaunted. stoked! 

{ Only He will upgrade you. }

“For honor, promotion and what exalts someone does not come from the east or the west or from the desert. It is God alone who judges; He puts down one and lifts up another, deciding who will rise and who will fall."

- Psalm 75:6–7 // (WordRemix: Amp, NLT, NLV & Common Eng)


the truth is that the people we're playing up to or trying to win their favor may be the ones that open a door for us, but the don't hold the key to our destiny. promotion doesn't come from them, promotion comes from God. and God will use the most unlikely people to open doors of opportunity for you.


Monday, December 3, 2012

{ Up with God! }

"Up with God, He is already beginning to arise! Down with His enemies as they scatter. Adversaries, run for the hills!"

- Psalm 68:1 (Amp & Msg)


He will cause what was meant to bring you down, to rise you up! higher and greater than what one may even go when all is well, because that is how able our God is.

{ Take heart... God is still at work - C. Caine }

actually... the easiest thing to do in a believers life is what we're simply tasked and called to do... believe.

we dare trust in Him, so that we ourselves get out of the struggle of unbelief and fears... and into the glorious light we're always been in. because our lives are no longer ours to live, but Christ who live in us.

worthship // "every moment that i live, Your mighty hand is doing wonders for me." (ncc)

it is time for reappointments! shall we beloved?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

{ Skyfall - Adele }

{ Medley: I'll Make Love to You/End of the Road - Babyface }

a SERIOUSLY epic combo! this is what i'm talking about, what a stunner... x

{ Hills Conf USA! Ps: Buying in faith. }

Hillsong Conference 2013

Hillsong Conference USA

Pre-Sale Now Available

Dear Elizabeth

Pre-sale registrations for Hillsong Conference USA 2013 are now available online

This is your opportunity to register early, 
and take advantage of the special price for the first 500 registrations. 
Your hosts Brian and Bobbie Houston will be joined by Christine Caine, 
Carl Lentz, Joel Houston and Hillsong UNITED, Reuben Morgan and Hillsong LIVE.
For more information on Hillsong Conference please visit our website!

We are so expectant for what this conference holds for you and your friends,

 family, church and team. EveryONE is welcome!
The Hillsong Team
Ps - If you're bringing a group we have a special rate available to you only by phone. 
Save $5 on each ticket for groups of 10 of more.  
For New York City call: 212-465-6080 
and for Los Angeles call 877-234-8425.


Radio City Musical Hall
4 & 5 Oct 2013


Nokia Theatre L.A. Live
18 & 19 Oct 2013

Friday, November 30, 2012

{ And a Star was born... }

A place where You see Your grace abounding, 
Your spirit moving, 
Your presence dwelling, 
Your miracles happening, 
Your light shining, 
Your hope rising, 
Your love unfailing, 
Your prayers availing, 
Your healing restoring, 
Your righteousness abounding, 
Your hands moulding, 
Your fruits unceasing, 
Your supply never-ending, 
Your glory shining, 
Your anointing reigning,
Your gifts enlarging,
 and Your people praising. 

This is, home :)

{ A holy calling because of His purpose & grace. }

in everything... it is for His sole purpose and glory.

the Blesser gets glorified, 
the Gifter gets magnified, 
the Caller gets lifted up, 
and the Father gets all the praise.

this is core of what our holy calling is all about...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

{ DailyDevo Repost: You're in good company - J.Osteen }

(here's one for the misunderstood and unappreciated. much love.) xoxo

"...but Jesus refused to answer." (Luke 23:9)


In scripture, many times people would come against Jesus and criticize Him. Many times it says, “Jesus answered them not a word.” He simply didn’t respond to His critics. He didn’t try to convince them to change their minds. He didn’t get upset because somebody was talking about Him. No, He just ignored it.

When people come against you and they’re jealous, trying to make you look bad, trying to discourage you, remember you’re in good company! Jesus was probably criticized more than anyone else. I love the fact that He didn’t try to explain Himself. He didn’t try to make everyone understand Him. He just stayed focused on what He was called to do. He simply ran His race.

Friend, Jesus set the example for you and me. We don’t have to try to win the approval of others. We have to understand that not everyone is going to understand us. Our focus should be on following God’s leading and let Him order our steps. The next time someone criticizes you, remember the example of Jesus. Overlook it, don’t get offended, and keep moving forward in the destiny God has for you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

{ The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole }

one can never go wrong with a phenomenal classic such as NKC... his voice goes through generations. x 

{ Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Coldplay }

and all we're missing is being cushioned against snow flaked frosted windows nursing a hot cuppa accompanied with the crackling of wood on a warm fireplace... x

{ Winter Wonderland - Jason Mraz }

awesome festive cover... it has mraz all over it! x

{ All I Want For Christmas Is You - Michael Bublé }

all because of CHRISTmas, i got You. x

{ I'll Be Home For Christmas - Rascal Flatts }

still doesn't get old this one... ps: those CHRISTmas trees reminds me of the one we got back at our perth home. sprewing that we're tree-less for the third year. i need a miracle! x

{ Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Christina Aguilera & Brian McKnight }

what a stellar combo on one of my faves festive tunes. the CHRISTmas joy continues... x

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

{ After the light & After the caller. }

de · light (after light) | a high degree of enjoyment, joy and rapture. | something that gives great and extreme pleasure or satisfaction | something that causes this


my source of great joy and pleasure comes from the Lord. there is truly nothing else that satisfies. He is the main cause of all existence of my deepest and secret desires.

and now instead of running after anything that my heart greatly yearns for, even ones that seem to be inbuilt and set in stone since young... abilities, hopes and dreams... and even down to my calling and purpose on this very earth itself...

it is the Caller whom my heart is truly for.

i rather be where He wants me to be, and that is in the safe in His very arms, and being steadfast in this time of breaking point. and when one delights in the light, one cannot help be rubbed off the same way.

we do not live for ourselves, for ourdesires, for ourdreams, for ourpurpose, and even... even for ourcalling... to live is to live for Hisglory.

the flesh is now dead, but the Spirit is very much alive!

{ Because Of You Stories - Life Church }

this is an encouragement to all severs in all capacity in and beyond the walls. your service for Him and for His people never goes forgotten in the sight of Him, and the many many lives you never know you're impacting. 

the world is our playground. its time to go m.a.d. x

{ Because of You - Steven Furtick }

{ We Have A Saviour - Hillsong }

"we have a Saviour,
and His love will reign forever."



it is now a festive and celebration because of what the King of our freedom has done. x

{ The Christmas Song - Jayesslee Cover }

the CHRISTmas vibes are kicking in... so here's my upmost fave festive tune to welcome december and what it may bring... x

Monday, November 26, 2012

{ Only the best of the very best }

"Don't settle for less than God's best for you."



and this echoes in the heart's of my lovelee folks... x

{ Forever - Michael W. Smith }

serenity to the ears... x

{ Sing Praise. }

“O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; 
for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!”

- 1 Chronicles 16:34 (AMP)


"He delights in an attitude of gratitude. Praise Him throughout the day with a humble heart and watch what He will do on your behalf!"

_J. Osteen


the word praise has never sprung up to me in a special manner till two weeks ago... and it was rather comforting to hear it again on the weekend unlimitlessly and through the young and daring ones. how precious to see our praises lifted up through different ages, backgrounds and seasons we all may be in... but one thing that unites us all together, are our resounding hearts with thanksgiving for a life that has been completely, and utterly transformed by Grace. 

there are a variety of songs for the season which may speak to us... but One that goes beyond generations and still continues to beat in our hearts is the one which is sung by the Creator Himself. His praises to us will always be louder than our praises to Him.

and that in itself is a sanctuary that one will forever bask in, which is in the arms and embrace of Grace.

"i will never let you go." _J.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

{ Sanctuary - City Harvest Church }

"Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them."
- Exodus 25:8 

"Honor and majesty are before Him;
strength and beauty are in His sanctuary."
- Psalm 96:6

"Judah became God's sanctuary, the holy place of His habitation.."
- Psalm 114:2

"Do you not know that your body is God's temple, and it is the very sanctuary that God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, lives within you and made you His permanent dwelling. He is to be at home in you."
- 1 Cor 3:16 & 6:19

{ Forever I will praise You. }

" Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ...”
- 2 Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV)


"Praise is putting action behind your faith."

_J. Osteen

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

{ Bella's Finals - Pitch Perfect }

{ Just The Way You Are/Just A Dream Remix - Pitch Perfect }

one for all the ladies out there. x

{ Sanctuary. }

"here is my heart, make it Your sanctuary,
for nobody else, but Jesus only You."



You are the only one that i completely trust my heart to... oh Your unfailing love reigns with comfort and warmth like no other... i surrender to You... let me just bask in here until You entrust it to another... x

{ Standing out in the small things. }

something personal...

it is not much of the big things that captures the human eye,
but rather, the small ones that captures one's heart.

just saying.

( Lifesong by Casting Crowns }

"let my lifesong sing to You..." x

{ Let my lifesong sing to You. }

"Come, let us sing  with joy to the Lord,
let’s shout praises and sing loud!
raise the roof for the Rock who saved us!
let’s march into His presence singing praises,
coming to Him with thanksgiving,
lifting the rafters with our hymns,
making a sound of joy,
and singing psalms of praise to Him."

- Psalm 95:1-2 (Msg, NLT, NLV)

{ Into His courts with Praise! }

We have to understand, praise isn’t just about singing songs on Sunday mornings. Praise is the expression of gratefulness to Father God for Who He is and all that He has done. Praise gets God’s attention. Praise is a powerful tool in the life of the believer because God inhabits our praises! When we enter His presence the right way, He enters our circumstances, and when God shows up, the enemy must flee! Today, enter into His gates with thanksgiving and open the door for Him to move on your behalf!



“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. 
Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

- Psalm 100:4 (NKJV)

{ Praise Opens The Door To Grace. Pt. 2 }

when one seeks His face than His hand
when one worships God for who He is than what He can do
when one soughts after the One being worshiped that the gifts of it
and when one dwells in the secret place than the natural one.

as we open our mouths, despite whatever breath there is, we open all of ourselves to the person of Grace who already has the entrance to every single desire, calling, and blessings that got NOTHING to do with us, and EVERYTHING to do with Him and ALL He's done!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

{ Tell the world that Jesus lives. }

"If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry,
And satisfy the needs of the oppressed,
Then your light will rise in the darkness
And your night will become like noonday
You will be like a well watered garden
Like a spring whose waters never fail."

- Isaiah 58

{ God focused. }

"to focus on You, is to worship You."

{ Savior King, hope for humanity. }

"it is a time and season for Asia." _j. prince

"and now the church, shines as Your bride.." _hills.

tell the world that Jesus lives,
tell them: "welcome home." x

{ Reminder: It is still unceasingly fruitful / the promise still stands }

"find joy in the law of the Lord,
think about and meditate on it day and night,
and you will be like a tree planted by rivers of water,
bearing and giving fresh fruit every month,
at the right time in each season,
never dropping a leaf or drying up,
always in blossom,
having it working out well and prospering,
and everything you do succeeds."

- psalm 1:2-3 (wordremix // nlv, nlt,msg & complete jewish)

Monday, November 19, 2012

{ I will wait on You. }

"Be like those who stay on course and committed faith,
and through faith and patience,
you will inherit what has been promised."

- Hebrews 6:12 (WordRemix // NIV & Msg)


(worthship: "teach me Lord, to follow You, where You say to go, i will go." - darls)

as my heart is now exposed to Your grace that i can now rest upon, let i not hurry or be at haste in anything, but wait on You and Your appointed time, to go where You want me to go, beyond my desires and foolish pride. for You promised at the point on waiting for You, we shall mount up like eagles, unafraid of the storms and thunderous sounds that may scream louder than our hope and promises.and in the midst of these very fears and insecurities, Your gentle whisper is more than enough to not only keep afloat, but to praise You in times of despair. and You shall uplift us through the storms, arising to what You have called us to be that is higher than any greater calling or gifting there is... You called us to be Yours.

so, i will wait... x

Friday, November 16, 2012

{ And even if... You are greater still. }

and even if all things fails, even if our very desires itself does not come to fruition, even if our calling does not match up to what is lacking,

i will still worship You, with whatever breath there is.


worthship: "there is nothing, that can ever separate us. there is nothing, that can ever separate us from Your love. no life, no death, of this i am convinced that You my God, are greater still.." - hills.

{ Oh how He loves us so... }

only God knows how to move your heart, in moments where the warmth is indescribable. He truly loves you with your love language... and that is more than enough to cast all fears away.

oh how He loves us so...

#deeplyencouraged x

Thursday, November 15, 2012

{ Faithfulness. }

"someone who knows how to stay faithful to God,
will know how to stay faithful to you."

- unknown.

{ look again. }

me: "i don't see it..."
G.: "look again."


"And sure enough, the seventh time he said, “Oh yes, a cloud! But very small, no bigger than someone’s hand, rising out of the sea.”

- 1 Kings 18:44 (Msg)


{ Not caring & loving it! }

for the One whom i should actually please, is already pleased with me.

then everything else is secondary and perhaps unnecessary. enough with trying to ease the tension or improve any given situation. so be it, as one is not accepted in our own merits or goodness, but rather in the Beloved Himself.

not everyone will like you regardless of their own exposure to grace -- is one of the disgusting feature that the insecurity of the flesh gives out. goes to show what one is really believing on the inside, and i am preaching to myself as well.

indeed we are paralyze without His grace in our lives.

and we need it not only for our well being, but for others in the area He has called us in. one has definitely found absolute freedom in knowing who i am, and Whose i am, which is more than enough to not care about the thoughts and characters of anybody else.

security comes when you truly know how much you are loved in your very own shoes, and there you will find anointing which comes in so effortlessly.

it is not about your ability to connect, but His favor bringing you places that you've never been, and divinely places and attracts the world and environment around you without your attempt.

oh such freedom and loving it! x

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{ Benjamin Generation - Joseph Prince }

God be gracious to you, my son.

grace locates that generation.

it is already here, its gaining momentum.

and a whole new voice is in the land.
a whole new sound,
the sound of grace,
the sound of victory
the sound of redemption

God is rising, the last generation.
the end time generation.
tbe grace generation.

this time, I will name the last generation
and He calls it the benjamin generation.

a generation marked by undeserved favor
and five times more blessings

God will serve you five times more food,
both in the natural and spiritual

our message to the world is
no more judgement
no more punishment
no more wrath

"..so have I sworn that i would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you."
(isaiah 54:9

there is something about the benjamin generation that has a special place in His heart,
and you are that generation.


we are called for such a time where Grace is creating a whole new wave in this land that is crying out for hope. as He rises us up daily, we shall experience greater multiplication like never before. i say, thank You Lord, for choosing us, such people undeserving. x

{ Praise Opens The Door To Grace - Joseph Prince }


You are all that i need
You are faithful and true
You are the God of all creation
You are everything to me

i will sing praises to You.

"when you sing to yourself, some things begin to take place.
when You sing God's word, you're meditating on God's word."

You are the light in my darkness
my hope when all seems lost.
You are my refuge when i am fearful
my Savior and my song

"all this will banish stress and fear in one fell swoop.
it is not for you to get yourself out of fear, 
is for You to sing to the Lord and His perfect love cast out fear.
only He has prefect love and He loves you perfectly."

You are my provider 
You are the shpeard of my live 
You are my deliver 
You are my strength when i am weak 

i worship you my god 
i song to to you lord 
i praise you for your amazing grace 

"everytime you praise you open the door of Grace."

"every problem that comes your way,
praise goes out first."

"start singing praises. 
you feel lonely, sing praises.
you feel down, sing praises.
you feel under the weather, sing praises.
if you are not healed, you will be in the position and an emotional prosperity to be healed, 
and the outward will follow."

i will give you praise.

"in every valley of trouble, there is going to be adoor of hope.
and what opens the door?



one of the most heartfelt messages in my life and for the rest of it to come. to imagine to be so filled already in this few anointed minutes, what more the entire message and life of it to be? x

{ Church, home for everyone. }

"let people have freedom in the church. let's have an environment of Grace. if people make mistakes, its not the end of the world."



you want a place where people can be free to be themselves, accepted just the way they are and no less, instead of bounding in laws or expectancy on how one should be like. because at the end of the day, men fail as there is no perfection in this flesh that is already dead.

so instead of an environment of "having it all together all the time", grace is only magnified in areas where we need it the most -- which is right smack in the middle of our up-most failures and lack of a "holy" being.

and in the midst of it, instead of finger wagging text book answers, the people are embraced by Grace knowing that they are accepted not in and of their do good persona or how well kept together they are trying to get at, but in the Beloved which is Christ.

God meant for His house to be for everyone. the Savior came for all, so there are no self-righteous thoughts or behaviors that we deserve it because none of us do. we are constantly in need of Him, He is the reason why we even wake up and why we even breathe.

remember what b.houston also said that, "the church is to be attractive to the world." making people wanting to know who this amazing Jesus is all about. such power when she uttered that, knowing that our love and relationship with Jesus draws people in. and as they are in this place of liberty, the rest, is up to Him.

because the One who knows best how to save, is our very Savior Himself.

{ Being the right person rather than looking for one. }

"concentrate on being the right person."



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

{ Undaunted by Christine Caine }

"undaunted... DARING to do what GOD calls you to do."

"there is great power to know what God says about you."

"God through great effort to make you."

"the pinnacle of His creation is PEOPLE."

"we are not product of time but a product of ETERNITY."

"we are so much MORE that who we think we are."

"God's love can sustain and carry us in our darkest hour."

"the truth of God's word hasn't change."

"we who ought to know this love and grace, should take it to a lost and a broken world, and do it in a way that we are totally and utterly, UNDAUNTED."

_C. Caine

{ Receive the unlimited by not limiting it. }

"God has unlimited supplies. The only thing that limits Him is our ability to receive."


{ you are more that you think you are. }

the voice in you is greater and more that you think it is.


Monday, November 12, 2012

{ A Generation leader and changer. }

Courage, Clarity, Competence, Coachibility and Character… A next generation leader.

- A. Stanley

Friday, November 9, 2012

{ TodayDevo Repost: Closer than you think. }

"Have you been praying and believing for something that seems like it’s taking a lot longer than you thought?

Many times, people can miss God’s best simply because they give up before they see their “due season” come.

Don’t let that be you! Be encouraged today, your answer is closer than you think.

If it seems like things are getting more difficult, remember, when the intensity heats up, that means you are closer to your victory. It always seems darkest just before the dawn arrives.

We serve a faithful God, and He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. Don’t cast away your confidence today because your reward is coming."


#PickMeUp x

{ Just a very little while. }

"Remember those early days after you first saw the light?

Those were the hard times!
Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse
—some days it was you, other days your friends.

If some friends went to prison, you stuck by them.
If some enemies broke in and seized your goods,
you let them go with a smile, knowing they couldn’t touch your real treasure.

Nothing they did bothered you, nothing set you back.

So don’t throw it all away now.
You were sure of yourselves then.
It’s still a sure thing!

But you need to stick it out, staying with God’s plan so you’ll be there for the promised completion.

It won’t be long now, He’s on the way;
He’ll show up most any minute.

But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust;
if he cuts and runs, I won’t be very happy.

But we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! 
We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way."

- Hebrews 32-39 (Msg) 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

{ Paralyzed without His Grace. }

"i cant quit now,
this can't be right,

if You're not here, i am paralyzed.

i can't win this game,
i can't make it by.

without You."


ps: we would be paralyzed without His Grace. x

{ He'll never stop. }

He will never put your faith and whatever that's left of your hope to see forth the possibilities to waste.

every journey and hardship is valuable.
every moment of waiting and wondering,
even in our very fears and doubts has it's purpose.

to build you up instead of tearing you down,
to strengthen your spirit instead of weakening your flesh,
to show forth the vastness of His grace instead of your total understanding of it,
to let His faith in you be greater than your faith in Him, 
to show you each time that there is truly nothing too difficult for Him,
and to have an encounter with you in every second of your life to say,

"I will never stop loving you."

{ Nothing you've been through will be wasted. }

"God has the ability to take all the things of your life that seem to make no sense and use them all for His purpose and your benefit.



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

{ At the right time, His that is. }

"and by what Christ has done, God has shown us His own mysterious ways and secret of His will, plan and purpose.

at the right time, He will do all that He has planned to fulfill His own good pleasure and merciful intention which He has previously purpose and set forth in Him.

He planned to bring and unify all of history to its goal in Christ, and He will be the head of bringing together everything in heaven and on earth."

- Ephesians 1:9-10 // WordRemix (Contempt Eng, NLT, Amp & God's Word)

{ Restinful increase while You rain on me. }

increase me Lord, in all that i do -- whatever places You have called and placed me in. i want more.

let it be a display of Your glory and not mine, let it be a testimony of Your grace and not mine, let it be of Your presence and not mine, let it be Your adoration and not mine, and let it be of Your heartwarming anointing and not mine.

because, i am absolutely nothing without You.

(worthship) let the rain of Your presence, fall on me... everywhere that i go, Lord let Your presence flow, rain on me...

#soakedinyourpresence x

{ A sure beginning of His promises. So be it! }

"For all God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ, they all find answer with a resounding Yes! and the great Amen, so be it. He affirms us, making us steadfast, established and a sure thing in Christ, putting His Yes within us. He has consecrated and anointed us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and also acknowledged us as His by His spirit in out hearts as the security deposit, guarantee and a sure beginning of the fulfillment of His promise, and what He is destined to complete.

1 Cor 1:20-22 // WordRemix (Amp, NLT, Msg, NKJ)


and that is why i trust in You completely, and this is why i trust you with all of my heart.

one is anchored in You, secured in all that You have already done and complete before a request is make known. Your answer has bounced back to every need and every cry, affirming our doubts and fears each time with Your love that You have done it all.

our destinies are fixed purely on Your finished work, and now Your last cry has became our first praise, our first worship, our first taste of Grace, and our first promise of the many good things You have see forth coming.

greater things has yet to come, because You saw them first. it is You that i heartfully and soulfully adore. Your steadfast love surely never ceases.

{ Waiting here for you - Martin Smith & Jesus Culture }

what a fresh edition of this track.
jesus culture and martin smith... need one say more? 

(worthship) "and it is YOU, we adore. singing alle-luia."

"when we sing together, we can change nations can't we?"

#blown x

{ Martin Smith @ Worship Central London 2010 }

cutting edge worship at it's finest. martin, you're brilliant mate! x

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

{ My life is in Your hands. }

"Hour by hour, my days, time, life and future is in Your hands."

Psalms 31:5 // WordRemix (Contempt Eng,Amp, Msg, NLT)


"God doesn't always work on our time table. He rarely does. But in a single moment, God can change your life and instantly turn things around!

Your times are in His hands and trust that He has your best interest at heart. Keep standing, hoping, and believing because He is working behind the scenes."



(Worthship) "You hold my future in Your hands, You know my dreams and You have a plan. as You light my way, I'll follow You."


#EyesOnAllOfTheAbove x

Monday, November 5, 2012

{ A grace worth thanksgiving. }

"Don’t just focus on what’s wrong in your life; focus on what God will do in your life."



"In everything, give thanks.  Whatever happens, be thankful in all circumstances "

1 Thessalonians 5:18 // WordRemix (NLT, Contempt Eng, NLV)

{ Valuable waiting. Ps: There's hope. }

"If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end."

- 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (The Msg)

{ Our Love Story! }

"there is value in waiting, preparing yourself, and *hope."

- charis.

*second time i bumped into hope today and for two very different things that have been stirring in my heart... x

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

{ Culture of Honor. }

"When you give your very best, your whole life is giving praise to God.

As believers, we should set the standard in all areas of life. People should see the dept of your character and your spirit of excellence and know that you are a child of the Most High God.

Today, make the decision to honor Him in all that you do because you are His representative, His hands and feet in the earth."

_J.Osteen (TodaysWord: Raise the Standard)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

{ Closing the door on fear Pt. 2 }

"When you put go in front of disable, you have God is able."
_N. Vujicic

let not fear stand in the way of what we can or cannot do. go and He'll show. that's the joy of walking by faith and not by sight. faith in Him that is. x

{ Closing the door on fear. }

“Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy sues to try to hold us back.”


it is designed to paralyze and cripple us, bringing torment as osteen goes on. definitely not one that is God inspired, and one that is “false evidence appearing real” as Nic Vujicic puts it. indeed so as we maybe temporarily blind with thinking our fears are our reality. in all cases, a lie can bring tangible surroundings and feelings but end of the day, it is still a lie.

time to close the door on the whole list of fears that has been irking and lingering around like an unwanted overstayed guest.


“God’s spirit does not make us afraid or a coward. He did not give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving and a sound mind.”

- 2 Tim 1:7 // WordRemix: Contempt Eng, Common Eng, NKJ

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{ Vicky's Testimony - The Healing Power Of Jesus' Blood }

"it is because He has already borne it all."

"because of this, i understand how precious the blood is, what it can do, to build you or destroy you, to redeem you and make you whole again."

"healed and restored in Your embrace" (ncc)

"and i believe that God heals, because it's His healing promise."

- vicky.


how precious is one to give thanks to what He's done. i remembered bumping into vicky in the loo on the same day her testimony was aired in church, and giving her a warm hug to thank her for sharing such a God aspiring praise report -- which still brought tears in her eyes knowing that Grace has camped in her heart, and all is left are no longer doubts but a simple gratitude on how great and gracious her God is.

healing is definitely Your promise, and there is nothing but the blood of Jesus. now that's the gospel truth! x

{ Lord, I thank You. }

never treasured health so much till now. it is truly by His goodness and grace that we are able to be alive and breathing. and because of what He has already done and completed, divine healing and wholeness are ours to continually take whenever and wherever.

so thank You Lord, for what You've done. every single beating and stripe was truly for us now to enjoy a healthy and prosperous living that nothing can ever buy or satisfy.

oh the feeling of a cleared head, a sturdy stomach, a good appetite, and normal temperatures are one that i'm at extreme gratitude to be comforted again. and, it is definitely here to stay.

(worthship) "Lord I thank You, for Your sacrifice. Lord I thank You, You're the giver of my life. Lord I praise You, I honor You." - Ncc.

Friday, October 26, 2012

{ The Last }

cute with the words. x

{ He's taking over. }

am beyond my limit.

this is where one has come to the absolute end of anything really. no matter how hard, or how much of our own "grace" may put out, or how many practices there may be, the limit is still disturbingly there.

and it gets rough. to a point where numbness emotes and the scenes are just a boring replay of a typical ordinary life filled with the usual routines. story of my life one may utter.

so, i don't wanna try anymore. i don't wanna care anymore. i don't wanna please anymore. i don't wanna audition anymore. and, i don't wanna be silent anymore.

it is time to take out the trash, and get rid of every single dust that was hidden under the rug. insecurity and any form of a mask that has been worn to cover up has stayed for far too long. time's up.

and what has been attacked and thought victorious, is what we will be exalted high and above with Him being our Vindicator, our Healer, our Restorer, our Provider, and our Protection through it all, no matter how people may paint a false picture.

i believe that every moment, despite the quietness, Your very hand is working behind the scenes. and whatever we may lack of, You will increase for Your greater glory and anointing for Your people to experience Your very presence everywhere we go.

"if it is not for Your Grace, how can i stand?" (ncc)

for You are indeed holy Lord. here You go, the reigns are now fully Yours. let nothing be of our own will but Yours. You're taking over...

{ Hamish and Andy - Freeating }

humor at its ever best!!! 

ando: hmm, second hand kid's burgers. you just bit over where they bit.
ham: arent we doing that?

gosh i miss some good aussie teevee! x

{ Hamish & Andy - Hear No Evil, See No Evil }

need a pick me up?

ando (blind): guys i wanna take this opportunity to tell you both, that hamish wipes his bum from the front.

the boys: he doesnt. no he doesnt.

ando (blind): i dunno how he does it either? but he reckons fifty percent of people do it

the boys: fifty percent of people DO NOT wipe their bum from the front.

ham (deaf): are you saying about the arse wiping thing? is not that weird. is just how i was raised.

absolute gold! x

Thursday, October 25, 2012

{ Wake up, Arise, & Shine / His glory is already here. }

“Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you! Rise to a new life!

Let your light shine for all to see. Be radiant with the glory of the Lord! For your light has come and His glory has risen upon you!”

Isaiah 60:1 // WordRemix: Amp & NLT


The glory of the Lord is not going to come on you one day, or when you get that good break, it is already on you!

Glory indicates that God’s favour, blessings and splendour is on you in a heavy way. It’s something that is tangible and has weight.

You are not less than, intimidated or weak, you are heavy with God’s favour. You are dripping with God’s goodness.

Though there’s no telling what is in your future, you are not weighed down with burdens and problems but weight down with the favour of God.

It is easy to believe for big things when you know God has favoured you in a big way. It is time for you to arise and shine because His glory and favour is heavy upon you!

_J.Osteen (DailyDevo: Heavy with Favor)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

{ He's got chu. }

"If you'll let God be your vindicator, He will bring justice and promote you regardless of those trying to make you look bad."

_J. Osteen


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{ Titanium (David Guetta ft. Sia Cover) by Beatrice Miller }

{ Nobody Knows (The Tony Rich Project Cover) by Willie Jones }

"and nobody knows it but Him."

{ Steven Furtick - Liberty University Convocation }

"there is a power of greatness that is available to you."

"do not live in a place of good enough."

"greater things that you will do in My name."

"God is talking about you behind your back."

"He does not call your for greater things on external reasons that people can see but it is something that He has placed inside of you before the world ever began."

"most believers spend their lives auditioning to get picked for a role that God has already chose them for before time ever began."

"our lives can become a series of auditions to trying to get people to approve of us, accept us or validate us."

"the audition was cancelled when Jesus died for you and hung His head and breath His last."

"you do not need to try out anymore, all you have to do from this day forward is live out the calling that He has placed in you life." 

"He has a purpose for that one, He has redeemed that one."

"if He waits on us to get ready, we will never go anywhere."

"He will show us a plan and vision but He won't tell us how."

"You go, then I'll show."

"We have to get ready on the way."

"It is not about feeling ready. He never called you to feel ready but to follow Him."

"He does not call us to understand fully but to obey."

"Stay behind your guide one step at a time."

"He wants to be your guide."

"Stay behind the One you are with."

"He wants to teach you on who He is during the process."

"All things will be possible and greater things will be certain."


{ With heart and your best for the Lord. }

“Whatever you do, work at it willingly with all of your heart. don’t just do the minimum that will get you by, do your best as though you were serving the Lord Himself and not just for men.”

- Col 3:23 // WordRemix: Contempt, Amp, Msg

{ Show me Your glory. }

(worthship) "show me Your heart, show me Your ways, show me Your glory."


Monday, October 22, 2012

{ Halo (Beyonce Cover) - Ailee }

{ Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress - BBC }

what. a. vision. oh mcqueen, you've done it again.

{ Only from above and Only by Grace. }

all i would ever want, are goodness and increase that came from the work of His hands. anything not by Grace, no matter the size of it, you can deem it unwanted.

God sustainable blessings are for ours to receive and not achieve.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

{ Where You go, I'll go. Where You stay, I'll stay. }

"Your best innovation flows from revelation. 
You must prioritize the presence of God in your life."

_S. Furtick 

Friday, October 19, 2012

{ Carly Rose Sonenclar - THE X FACTOR USA }

she's possessed and definitely killed it. 

how much more when we sing to the One above?
just a thought.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

{ How nice is too nice? }

what is the boundary of being “too nice”? yes we’s are all people of love and grace, and I know it cannot be limited cause it does not ever come from us, but we would need wisdom on when and who to execute it correct?
one has personally seen people of meekness get pushed around for their harmless stature, and yet they still have faith and mercy to that person that they will change (despite the constant true colors of their unremorseful, disrespectful and heartless pride).
yes harsh words, and yet the reality of it is still biting which goes to show that putting your faith in men to change will fail on it’s selfish and cunning form -- the flesh will only be centered on one thing, themselves.
so after numerous times of attempting to heal the cancerous chunk, and yet they even sink deeper with motives to get you down, dry and out (and with this effecting the rest of the body), would not that be a very clear sign of getting it removed completely? purely on the truth to protect one’s very own.
personally, I have figured that how I was brought up was rather different and rare from the others. with parents that will constantly go above and beyond for others, and yet seeing it taken advantage and misworded in countless of vicious manners, one has been disgusted and swears to not be likewise, but it is in your very blood.
the word “no” is never in your mind, heart, soul and body -- it is simply never an option but to truly go those extra miles because that is innate so deeply in your character and upbringing which has left me burnt a number of hurtful times.
even so for my dearest and most valuable love folks, the severity of the burnt scars has never stopped them by for walking His grace and mercy out. they will faithfully be there for anyone with a need despite it’s size and impossibilities. and if those very same people come back with slanderous remarks and stealing what is not theirs, justice and vengeance never arises. ever.
when is it ever enough? when do we stop? when does justice comes in? because when one is in victory, another has to lose. and it is sure not us, because God only gives weight to what is Godly. His judgment is also His love, likewise for His correction. so how does one know?
“Lord, You be our wisdom, our justice, our victor. Show us Your ways and Your heart.”

{ Believe, Obey & Declare. }

"When you believe God, you position yourself for a miracle.
When you obey His commands, you set yourself under the open windows of heaven.
When you declare His word, you activate His power."


Monday, October 15, 2012

{ Ordinary People - John Legend (Live) }

taking it back to circa 2007.
"take it slow." (william)

wow. what a voice. what a gift. what a soul.
legend, i want your motif, and i want your hands.

ps: we's just ordinary people, with an extraordinary God.

{ Your Presence is Heaven to me Pt. 2 }

"God tells Moses to take His people and go over here.
(Exodus 33) “God, there is absolutely no point in us going if Your presence doesn’t go with us.” – Moses
“I will personally go with you.” – God
The whole reason we come together is not to experience good music, great preaching, cool lights, stage and the band, because that is just the icing. The really best cake you ever have in your life is the presence of the living God.
Sometimes in church it is great to get under the shower of His presence, but I don’t wanna leave this place without His presence going with us. I need His presence Monday morning and Tuesday on the freeway.
Let His presence consume us, that we walk in it daily, but not just on Sunday or just enough to get through today, but the overflow of His presence.
I want to be in His presence, I need to be in His presence, I desire to be in His presence more than anything else. Because there, that’s where there is fullness of joy, that’s where there is strength for the journey, that’s where there is life, and hope and grace for all that we need.
“God there is nothing like Your presence, Your presence is like heaven.”
- I. Hougton

{ Your Presence Is Heaven To Me (Live) by Israel Houghton and New Breed }

Friday, October 12, 2012

{ God, the One and Only / Set for life. }

“God, the One and Only who can save me.
I’ll calmly wait as long as He says, quietly before Him.
For my victory and everything I need comes from Him, so why not?

He alone is my solid and mighty rock under my feet.
A breathing room for my soul and impregnable castle that keeps me safe.
My fortress where I am secure and I will never be shaken.

I’m set for life."

WordRemix // Psalm 62:1-2 (Msg, NLT, Contempt Eng)

{ Precious Treasures for Life. }

Mates. Aren’t we thankful for the good ones, and deeply for the kingdom ones? Sure He has placed everyone in different circles where you get appreciated in many other ways, revealing a warm sense of easy comfort and assurance that you are accepted for you who are, rather than what you are.
Society tends to veer to what is on sight, and it is biblically proven. Cause only God knows the motives and intensions of one beyond the action itself. He does not care of your status or face value, because He is the one that have created you (beautifully and in His worth I may add).
As maturity beckons, it does tire one to mingle and fit into a whole different group and let alone, culture that you are not familiar with. So one would rather be selective and wise in choosing what you let out, and who you let out to. Another biblical fact in choosing the people you want to be surrounded and uplifted by.
Just thankful that everything is a season (a word that I would honestly dread in), else you will not get to relish other greater things that He has planned ahead, and even the people around you now. Making room is not a bad thing, as there will be some who are there for a period to enjoy before they walk out, or otherwise (another more scary encounter).
So who do you know are the ones to stay? I use to know and never doubted, and then realize that does not mean the huge investment of years and care for one or a group has so called returns as S would say. Not saying we are in there to get something, but rather be reciprocated with support and edification instead of words of defeat that brings you down.
Through the storms and especially out of it are the ones which will determine a true character and appreciation of a friend. As A described that there cases of people who use to say good things about you, are now using that very same mouth to bring you right down. Of course it hurts, but at least the toxic has let out and the truth in how one truly values you is revealed.
Funny how the topic of friends has come up from last week till now. But am definitely blessed for the ones who have stayed, and the new ones that He has blessed me with. And one did not forget what He said at one of the worship meetings, as He promises even closer ones to come.
Wow. All trust is on You Lord, because what one is experiencing is already a dream beyond any other. And am stoked You are not stopping here. “You make all things new, and I will follow you, forward.”