" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Friday, October 12, 2012

{ Precious Treasures for Life. }

Mates. Aren’t we thankful for the good ones, and deeply for the kingdom ones? Sure He has placed everyone in different circles where you get appreciated in many other ways, revealing a warm sense of easy comfort and assurance that you are accepted for you who are, rather than what you are.
Society tends to veer to what is on sight, and it is biblically proven. Cause only God knows the motives and intensions of one beyond the action itself. He does not care of your status or face value, because He is the one that have created you (beautifully and in His worth I may add).
As maturity beckons, it does tire one to mingle and fit into a whole different group and let alone, culture that you are not familiar with. So one would rather be selective and wise in choosing what you let out, and who you let out to. Another biblical fact in choosing the people you want to be surrounded and uplifted by.
Just thankful that everything is a season (a word that I would honestly dread in), else you will not get to relish other greater things that He has planned ahead, and even the people around you now. Making room is not a bad thing, as there will be some who are there for a period to enjoy before they walk out, or otherwise (another more scary encounter).
So who do you know are the ones to stay? I use to know and never doubted, and then realize that does not mean the huge investment of years and care for one or a group has so called returns as S would say. Not saying we are in there to get something, but rather be reciprocated with support and edification instead of words of defeat that brings you down.
Through the storms and especially out of it are the ones which will determine a true character and appreciation of a friend. As A described that there cases of people who use to say good things about you, are now using that very same mouth to bring you right down. Of course it hurts, but at least the toxic has let out and the truth in how one truly values you is revealed.
Funny how the topic of friends has come up from last week till now. But am definitely blessed for the ones who have stayed, and the new ones that He has blessed me with. And one did not forget what He said at one of the worship meetings, as He promises even closer ones to come.
Wow. All trust is on You Lord, because what one is experiencing is already a dream beyond any other. And am stoked You are not stopping here. “You make all things new, and I will follow you, forward.”

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