" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

{ Church, home for everyone. }

"let people have freedom in the church. let's have an environment of Grace. if people make mistakes, its not the end of the world."



you want a place where people can be free to be themselves, accepted just the way they are and no less, instead of bounding in laws or expectancy on how one should be like. because at the end of the day, men fail as there is no perfection in this flesh that is already dead.

so instead of an environment of "having it all together all the time", grace is only magnified in areas where we need it the most -- which is right smack in the middle of our up-most failures and lack of a "holy" being.

and in the midst of it, instead of finger wagging text book answers, the people are embraced by Grace knowing that they are accepted not in and of their do good persona or how well kept together they are trying to get at, but in the Beloved which is Christ.

God meant for His house to be for everyone. the Savior came for all, so there are no self-righteous thoughts or behaviors that we deserve it because none of us do. we are constantly in need of Him, He is the reason why we even wake up and why we even breathe.

remember what b.houston also said that, "the church is to be attractive to the world." making people wanting to know who this amazing Jesus is all about. such power when she uttered that, knowing that our love and relationship with Jesus draws people in. and as they are in this place of liberty, the rest, is up to Him.

because the One who knows best how to save, is our very Savior Himself.

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