" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Friday, December 7, 2012

{ After the light & After the caller. Pt. 2 }

funny how He drops hints and words such as "delight", "rest" and "preparation". definite food for thought...

think i got schooled by Him yesterday haha. not in a bad way of course, but rather, just another day of gently showcasing that His truth and word stands above what we can ever plan or prove to one how much we may yearn for something... but yet the response was just what i needed and actually, desired above all else.

it is time to not be silent anymore... not in a manner of force or pride... but rather flowing with the rhythmic waves of where Grace is leading us to. sometimes not in places and answers that does not enter in any gates that attains to the flesh, and when that discomfort occurs, and fear starts to creep in, just be bold and undaunted to move forward in His leading despite what the natural may be screaming at you.

being ordinary was a life before Christ, and now we have been graciously redeemed and given a second chance with a eternal life and righteous standing in Him, we shall allow Him the privilege to move in the extraordinary in this very vessels that He died for.

have experienced the ugliness and the terrible limits and attempts that the flesh can do. oh the pride and its silent nature of disruption... and even the motives that is birthed from a carnal desire... the temporal satisfaction is a mask holding down what is really going on inside.

but once His breath blows down on us... the refreshing winds just burns every chain down. and what is only left, is our hearts for His glorification, for His presence, for the very person of Grace Himself and not what it can bring.

really... my soul shall delight in the magnificence and warmth of the personification of all goodness and grace of Jesus.

You are my dwelling place, and You called me Yours.

"blow mighty breath of God... move... upon this place.
blow might breath of God... move... in power and grace."
- c.quilala

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