" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

{ Not caring & loving it! }

for the One whom i should actually please, is already pleased with me.

then everything else is secondary and perhaps unnecessary. enough with trying to ease the tension or improve any given situation. so be it, as one is not accepted in our own merits or goodness, but rather in the Beloved Himself.

not everyone will like you regardless of their own exposure to grace -- is one of the disgusting feature that the insecurity of the flesh gives out. goes to show what one is really believing on the inside, and i am preaching to myself as well.

indeed we are paralyze without His grace in our lives.

and we need it not only for our well being, but for others in the area He has called us in. one has definitely found absolute freedom in knowing who i am, and Whose i am, which is more than enough to not care about the thoughts and characters of anybody else.

security comes when you truly know how much you are loved in your very own shoes, and there you will find anointing which comes in so effortlessly.

it is not about your ability to connect, but His favor bringing you places that you've never been, and divinely places and attracts the world and environment around you without your attempt.

oh such freedom and loving it! x

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