" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{ Steven Furtick - Liberty University Convocation }

"there is a power of greatness that is available to you."

"do not live in a place of good enough."

"greater things that you will do in My name."

"God is talking about you behind your back."

"He does not call your for greater things on external reasons that people can see but it is something that He has placed inside of you before the world ever began."

"most believers spend their lives auditioning to get picked for a role that God has already chose them for before time ever began."

"our lives can become a series of auditions to trying to get people to approve of us, accept us or validate us."

"the audition was cancelled when Jesus died for you and hung His head and breath His last."

"you do not need to try out anymore, all you have to do from this day forward is live out the calling that He has placed in you life." 

"He has a purpose for that one, He has redeemed that one."

"if He waits on us to get ready, we will never go anywhere."

"He will show us a plan and vision but He won't tell us how."

"You go, then I'll show."

"We have to get ready on the way."

"It is not about feeling ready. He never called you to feel ready but to follow Him."

"He does not call us to understand fully but to obey."

"Stay behind your guide one step at a time."

"He wants to be your guide."

"Stay behind the One you are with."

"He wants to teach you on who He is during the process."

"All things will be possible and greater things will be certain."


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