" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

{ Possessing the land He promised. }

“The Lord your God will thrust them out from before you and,
And drive them out of your sight,
And you shall possess their land,
As the Lord your God promised you.

Joshua 23:5 (Amp)


our promise land is nearer than we think, and perhaps we are just the same as the children of Israel, unaware that we're literally camping around the land which He has already promised to us despite how the current situation looks.

in all cases, only God gives weight to what is Godly. He is still our God of justice and grace that is harmless as doves, but wise as serpents. we are not just Christian softees to be messed around, as our blessings and territory does not belong to us to begin with.

every single goodness and prosperity comes from above. it cannot be tainted nor penetrated, and to have a thought and boldness of stealing what He has honoured another, only God can be the vindicator of truth which will come to light at the right time.

let us not base on what we think or know best, but rather thoughts and wisdom that is His. for we do not react accordingly to our own self-righteousness and form of retaliation, but rather still holding our head up high despite of what men may say, do or reason. And when we step into our miracle and promise land, we know that we did not come here on our own but knowing entirely Who brought us here.

guess what, the battle belongs to the Lord – He has the upper hand in everything. for He has already placed the victory in our hand, let us fight from a place of a winner and one that will not use His name in vain.
and no matter how impossibilities start screaming in our faces, He just gently whispers:

“my child, for I am with you, you need not fear. victory I have placed, already in your hand.”

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