" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{ Vicky's Testimony - The Healing Power Of Jesus' Blood }

"it is because He has already borne it all."

"because of this, i understand how precious the blood is, what it can do, to build you or destroy you, to redeem you and make you whole again."

"healed and restored in Your embrace" (ncc)

"and i believe that God heals, because it's His healing promise."

- vicky.


how precious is one to give thanks to what He's done. i remembered bumping into vicky in the loo on the same day her testimony was aired in church, and giving her a warm hug to thank her for sharing such a God aspiring praise report -- which still brought tears in her eyes knowing that Grace has camped in her heart, and all is left are no longer doubts but a simple gratitude on how great and gracious her God is.

healing is definitely Your promise, and there is nothing but the blood of Jesus. now that's the gospel truth! x

{ Lord, I thank You. }

never treasured health so much till now. it is truly by His goodness and grace that we are able to be alive and breathing. and because of what He has already done and completed, divine healing and wholeness are ours to continually take whenever and wherever.

so thank You Lord, for what You've done. every single beating and stripe was truly for us now to enjoy a healthy and prosperous living that nothing can ever buy or satisfy.

oh the feeling of a cleared head, a sturdy stomach, a good appetite, and normal temperatures are one that i'm at extreme gratitude to be comforted again. and, it is definitely here to stay.

(worthship) "Lord I thank You, for Your sacrifice. Lord I thank You, You're the giver of my life. Lord I praise You, I honor You." - Ncc.

Friday, October 26, 2012

{ The Last }

cute with the words. x

{ He's taking over. }

am beyond my limit.

this is where one has come to the absolute end of anything really. no matter how hard, or how much of our own "grace" may put out, or how many practices there may be, the limit is still disturbingly there.

and it gets rough. to a point where numbness emotes and the scenes are just a boring replay of a typical ordinary life filled with the usual routines. story of my life one may utter.

so, i don't wanna try anymore. i don't wanna care anymore. i don't wanna please anymore. i don't wanna audition anymore. and, i don't wanna be silent anymore.

it is time to take out the trash, and get rid of every single dust that was hidden under the rug. insecurity and any form of a mask that has been worn to cover up has stayed for far too long. time's up.

and what has been attacked and thought victorious, is what we will be exalted high and above with Him being our Vindicator, our Healer, our Restorer, our Provider, and our Protection through it all, no matter how people may paint a false picture.

i believe that every moment, despite the quietness, Your very hand is working behind the scenes. and whatever we may lack of, You will increase for Your greater glory and anointing for Your people to experience Your very presence everywhere we go.

"if it is not for Your Grace, how can i stand?" (ncc)

for You are indeed holy Lord. here You go, the reigns are now fully Yours. let nothing be of our own will but Yours. You're taking over...

{ Hamish and Andy - Freeating }

humor at its ever best!!! 

ando: hmm, second hand kid's burgers. you just bit over where they bit.
ham: arent we doing that?

gosh i miss some good aussie teevee! x

{ Hamish & Andy - Hear No Evil, See No Evil }

need a pick me up?

ando (blind): guys i wanna take this opportunity to tell you both, that hamish wipes his bum from the front.

the boys: he doesnt. no he doesnt.

ando (blind): i dunno how he does it either? but he reckons fifty percent of people do it

the boys: fifty percent of people DO NOT wipe their bum from the front.

ham (deaf): are you saying about the arse wiping thing? is not that weird. is just how i was raised.

absolute gold! x

Thursday, October 25, 2012

{ Wake up, Arise, & Shine / His glory is already here. }

“Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you! Rise to a new life!

Let your light shine for all to see. Be radiant with the glory of the Lord! For your light has come and His glory has risen upon you!”

Isaiah 60:1 // WordRemix: Amp & NLT


The glory of the Lord is not going to come on you one day, or when you get that good break, it is already on you!

Glory indicates that God’s favour, blessings and splendour is on you in a heavy way. It’s something that is tangible and has weight.

You are not less than, intimidated or weak, you are heavy with God’s favour. You are dripping with God’s goodness.

Though there’s no telling what is in your future, you are not weighed down with burdens and problems but weight down with the favour of God.

It is easy to believe for big things when you know God has favoured you in a big way. It is time for you to arise and shine because His glory and favour is heavy upon you!

_J.Osteen (DailyDevo: Heavy with Favor)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

{ He's got chu. }

"If you'll let God be your vindicator, He will bring justice and promote you regardless of those trying to make you look bad."

_J. Osteen


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

{ Titanium (David Guetta ft. Sia Cover) by Beatrice Miller }

{ Nobody Knows (The Tony Rich Project Cover) by Willie Jones }

"and nobody knows it but Him."

{ Steven Furtick - Liberty University Convocation }

"there is a power of greatness that is available to you."

"do not live in a place of good enough."

"greater things that you will do in My name."

"God is talking about you behind your back."

"He does not call your for greater things on external reasons that people can see but it is something that He has placed inside of you before the world ever began."

"most believers spend their lives auditioning to get picked for a role that God has already chose them for before time ever began."

"our lives can become a series of auditions to trying to get people to approve of us, accept us or validate us."

"the audition was cancelled when Jesus died for you and hung His head and breath His last."

"you do not need to try out anymore, all you have to do from this day forward is live out the calling that He has placed in you life." 

"He has a purpose for that one, He has redeemed that one."

"if He waits on us to get ready, we will never go anywhere."

"He will show us a plan and vision but He won't tell us how."

"You go, then I'll show."

"We have to get ready on the way."

"It is not about feeling ready. He never called you to feel ready but to follow Him."

"He does not call us to understand fully but to obey."

"Stay behind your guide one step at a time."

"He wants to be your guide."

"Stay behind the One you are with."

"He wants to teach you on who He is during the process."

"All things will be possible and greater things will be certain."


{ With heart and your best for the Lord. }

“Whatever you do, work at it willingly with all of your heart. don’t just do the minimum that will get you by, do your best as though you were serving the Lord Himself and not just for men.”

- Col 3:23 // WordRemix: Contempt, Amp, Msg

{ Show me Your glory. }

(worthship) "show me Your heart, show me Your ways, show me Your glory."


Monday, October 22, 2012

{ Halo (Beyonce Cover) - Ailee }

{ Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress - BBC }

what. a. vision. oh mcqueen, you've done it again.

{ Only from above and Only by Grace. }

all i would ever want, are goodness and increase that came from the work of His hands. anything not by Grace, no matter the size of it, you can deem it unwanted.

God sustainable blessings are for ours to receive and not achieve.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

{ Where You go, I'll go. Where You stay, I'll stay. }

"Your best innovation flows from revelation. 
You must prioritize the presence of God in your life."

_S. Furtick 

Friday, October 19, 2012

{ Carly Rose Sonenclar - THE X FACTOR USA }

she's possessed and definitely killed it. 

how much more when we sing to the One above?
just a thought.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

{ How nice is too nice? }

what is the boundary of being “too nice”? yes we’s are all people of love and grace, and I know it cannot be limited cause it does not ever come from us, but we would need wisdom on when and who to execute it correct?
one has personally seen people of meekness get pushed around for their harmless stature, and yet they still have faith and mercy to that person that they will change (despite the constant true colors of their unremorseful, disrespectful and heartless pride).
yes harsh words, and yet the reality of it is still biting which goes to show that putting your faith in men to change will fail on it’s selfish and cunning form -- the flesh will only be centered on one thing, themselves.
so after numerous times of attempting to heal the cancerous chunk, and yet they even sink deeper with motives to get you down, dry and out (and with this effecting the rest of the body), would not that be a very clear sign of getting it removed completely? purely on the truth to protect one’s very own.
personally, I have figured that how I was brought up was rather different and rare from the others. with parents that will constantly go above and beyond for others, and yet seeing it taken advantage and misworded in countless of vicious manners, one has been disgusted and swears to not be likewise, but it is in your very blood.
the word “no” is never in your mind, heart, soul and body -- it is simply never an option but to truly go those extra miles because that is innate so deeply in your character and upbringing which has left me burnt a number of hurtful times.
even so for my dearest and most valuable love folks, the severity of the burnt scars has never stopped them by for walking His grace and mercy out. they will faithfully be there for anyone with a need despite it’s size and impossibilities. and if those very same people come back with slanderous remarks and stealing what is not theirs, justice and vengeance never arises. ever.
when is it ever enough? when do we stop? when does justice comes in? because when one is in victory, another has to lose. and it is sure not us, because God only gives weight to what is Godly. His judgment is also His love, likewise for His correction. so how does one know?
“Lord, You be our wisdom, our justice, our victor. Show us Your ways and Your heart.”

{ Believe, Obey & Declare. }

"When you believe God, you position yourself for a miracle.
When you obey His commands, you set yourself under the open windows of heaven.
When you declare His word, you activate His power."


Monday, October 15, 2012

{ Ordinary People - John Legend (Live) }

taking it back to circa 2007.
"take it slow." (william)

wow. what a voice. what a gift. what a soul.
legend, i want your motif, and i want your hands.

ps: we's just ordinary people, with an extraordinary God.

{ Your Presence is Heaven to me Pt. 2 }

"God tells Moses to take His people and go over here.
(Exodus 33) “God, there is absolutely no point in us going if Your presence doesn’t go with us.” – Moses
“I will personally go with you.” – God
The whole reason we come together is not to experience good music, great preaching, cool lights, stage and the band, because that is just the icing. The really best cake you ever have in your life is the presence of the living God.
Sometimes in church it is great to get under the shower of His presence, but I don’t wanna leave this place without His presence going with us. I need His presence Monday morning and Tuesday on the freeway.
Let His presence consume us, that we walk in it daily, but not just on Sunday or just enough to get through today, but the overflow of His presence.
I want to be in His presence, I need to be in His presence, I desire to be in His presence more than anything else. Because there, that’s where there is fullness of joy, that’s where there is strength for the journey, that’s where there is life, and hope and grace for all that we need.
“God there is nothing like Your presence, Your presence is like heaven.”
- I. Hougton

{ Your Presence Is Heaven To Me (Live) by Israel Houghton and New Breed }

Friday, October 12, 2012

{ God, the One and Only / Set for life. }

“God, the One and Only who can save me.
I’ll calmly wait as long as He says, quietly before Him.
For my victory and everything I need comes from Him, so why not?

He alone is my solid and mighty rock under my feet.
A breathing room for my soul and impregnable castle that keeps me safe.
My fortress where I am secure and I will never be shaken.

I’m set for life."

WordRemix // Psalm 62:1-2 (Msg, NLT, Contempt Eng)

{ Precious Treasures for Life. }

Mates. Aren’t we thankful for the good ones, and deeply for the kingdom ones? Sure He has placed everyone in different circles where you get appreciated in many other ways, revealing a warm sense of easy comfort and assurance that you are accepted for you who are, rather than what you are.
Society tends to veer to what is on sight, and it is biblically proven. Cause only God knows the motives and intensions of one beyond the action itself. He does not care of your status or face value, because He is the one that have created you (beautifully and in His worth I may add).
As maturity beckons, it does tire one to mingle and fit into a whole different group and let alone, culture that you are not familiar with. So one would rather be selective and wise in choosing what you let out, and who you let out to. Another biblical fact in choosing the people you want to be surrounded and uplifted by.
Just thankful that everything is a season (a word that I would honestly dread in), else you will not get to relish other greater things that He has planned ahead, and even the people around you now. Making room is not a bad thing, as there will be some who are there for a period to enjoy before they walk out, or otherwise (another more scary encounter).
So who do you know are the ones to stay? I use to know and never doubted, and then realize that does not mean the huge investment of years and care for one or a group has so called returns as S would say. Not saying we are in there to get something, but rather be reciprocated with support and edification instead of words of defeat that brings you down.
Through the storms and especially out of it are the ones which will determine a true character and appreciation of a friend. As A described that there cases of people who use to say good things about you, are now using that very same mouth to bring you right down. Of course it hurts, but at least the toxic has let out and the truth in how one truly values you is revealed.
Funny how the topic of friends has come up from last week till now. But am definitely blessed for the ones who have stayed, and the new ones that He has blessed me with. And one did not forget what He said at one of the worship meetings, as He promises even closer ones to come.
Wow. All trust is on You Lord, because what one is experiencing is already a dream beyond any other. And am stoked You are not stopping here. “You make all things new, and I will follow you, forward.”

{ Grace to make decisions, even the bad ones. }

He even gives us the grace to make decisions, even bad ones. Because ultimately, He already knows what to do, and have decided before our options were laid unto Him. What a God we serve who freely allows us to be our very own, accepting us and gracing us in our flaws and own limited will.
Well the pressure is there to make the “correct” or “good” choices, one trust that He shows us to make, a God one.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

{ We can plan, but He decides. }

“We humans keep brainstorming options and may make many plans,
But the Lord will do what He has decided,
it is His purpose for us that will stand, succeed and prevail.”

- Proverbs 19:21

(WordRemix // Msg, Contempt Eng, NLT, Amp, Common Eng)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

{ All you single ladies.. }

“She’s single because she refuses to change her relationship status for someone who falls shorts of what she deserves. Knowing her self-value, she’s chosen to preserve a sport in her heart for a real man, someone mature enough to understand that loyalty, commitment and honesty is a priority and not an option.” (Unknown)
All you single ladies:
You’re not made to settle. None of us are -- Cause we’re that worthy and valuable which a REAL man can only chase and cherish you like a glorious bride. We’re already treasured treasures in the One who knows what real love is, and one day you’ll soon experience likewise in the one He’s already chosen.
This is being in His worth and priceless value.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

{ Chosen: He already had us in mind }

"Long before He made the world, God had us in mind.
He settled on us as the focus of His love,
chose us and actually picked us out for Himself as His own in Christ,
that we should be holy, consecrated, set apart for Him,
and blameless in His eyes, even above reproach."

WordRemix // Ephesians 1:4 (Amp, Msg, NLT)

Friday, October 5, 2012

{ Back to Grace / He qualifies the called }

“learn to give yourself grace.” – (S.Goh)
especially in times where the word fail is marked in red and bold, blinking in front of your very dreams and desires. yes, it is true, in and of ourselves we are nothing, but because of what Grace has done, He has not just given us something, but everything in this very life itself to reign in.
this is our very destiny that He has already planned for us. after all, we are just camping next to the promise land He has prepped and ready for us to step into despite of our qualifications.
“God does not call the qualified, but He qualifies the called.” – (S.Furtick)

{ Moving forward, No turning back Pt. 2 }

“And He Who is seated on the throne said, See! I make all things new.
Also He said, Record this, for these sayings are faithful (accurate, incorruptible, and trustworthy) and trust (genuine).”
Revelation 21:5 (Amp)

{ Moving forward, No turning back. }

Moving Forward (Unplugged) by Israel Houghton

What a moment You have brought me to
Such a freedom, I have found in You
You're the healer, who makes all things new
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I'm not going back, I'm moving ahead
Here to declare to You, my past is over in You
All things are made new, surrendered my life to Christ
I'm moving, moving forward

You have risen with all power in Your hands
You have given me a second chance
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

You make all things new
Yes, You make all things new and
I will follow You forward

Though none go with me, Still I will follow
Though none go with me, Still I will follow
Though none go with me, Still I will follow
No turning back, No turning back.

(Free Flow)

Somebody needs to know
Somebody needs to know for real this time
That it's over
It's over
It's already done

Nothing is too hard for God
Nothing is too hard for God

It's a brand new day:
New mercies met you this morning.

And nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do to earn that love
And there's nothing you can do
There's nothing you can do to burn it up

Nothing you can say
Will make Him turn and walk away
I know you think He's mad at you
He's not mad at you
He's madly in love with you

So with confidence would you say, believing
You make all things new, You make all things new
And I will follow you, forward

Thursday, October 4, 2012

{ I surrender. }

worthship: "here i am... down on my knees again... surrendering all... surrendering all…" (hillsong)


in and of myself, i lack far beyond imaginable. not even close to where one would desire to be.

hence, i let go of every confidence remaining in the flesh, and not putting any ounce of faith in the natural which holds no stability and truth. take my raw form and use it in Your supernatural ways of increase and boldness.

as i gladly leave my pride, You shall be the only security that one can be utterly dependant on. i know i absolutely can’t, but glad You can.

breathe on me again, i surrender.

{ A new life. }

"What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now!

God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you’ll have it all—life healed and whole.”

- 1 Peter 1:3 (Msg)

{ Stop trying, Just be. }

"Stop trying to become what you already are..."
- C. Caine

{ Possessing the land He promised. }

“The Lord your God will thrust them out from before you and,
And drive them out of your sight,
And you shall possess their land,
As the Lord your God promised you.

Joshua 23:5 (Amp)


our promise land is nearer than we think, and perhaps we are just the same as the children of Israel, unaware that we're literally camping around the land which He has already promised to us despite how the current situation looks.

in all cases, only God gives weight to what is Godly. He is still our God of justice and grace that is harmless as doves, but wise as serpents. we are not just Christian softees to be messed around, as our blessings and territory does not belong to us to begin with.

every single goodness and prosperity comes from above. it cannot be tainted nor penetrated, and to have a thought and boldness of stealing what He has honoured another, only God can be the vindicator of truth which will come to light at the right time.

let us not base on what we think or know best, but rather thoughts and wisdom that is His. for we do not react accordingly to our own self-righteousness and form of retaliation, but rather still holding our head up high despite of what men may say, do or reason. And when we step into our miracle and promise land, we know that we did not come here on our own but knowing entirely Who brought us here.

guess what, the battle belongs to the Lord – He has the upper hand in everything. for He has already placed the victory in our hand, let us fight from a place of a winner and one that will not use His name in vain.
and no matter how impossibilities start screaming in our faces, He just gently whispers:

“my child, for I am with you, you need not fear. victory I have placed, already in your hand.”

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{ But holy trust in Jesus name. }

worthship: "but holy trust, in Jesus name." (hills, cornerstone)



"for You put your trust in Me, I shall never fail you. I will live up to what My character says in My word, and forever I shall be perfectly faithful to You. I am Your anchor, I am Your strong tower, and I am Your rock.

at all times I shall be with you, with My unchanging grace that will be more than enough for you. I am covering You with my righteousness always; never seeing your faults but seeing Me in you. you are My reflection, as just as I am, so are You likewise.

let Me be the builder of your life, let only the hands which are doing the work be Mine, and I shall show you wonders and miracles that you have yet seen."

- J.