" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

{ "That Girl Is Poison (Remix)" - Carl Lentz @ Dedicated Conf }

"you're not the church of the frozen."

""that girl is poison. you don't even know her, how you going to judge her?"

"there is nothing more important in life that is protecting the call of God that is on you."

"there is a call of God on your life that is so vibrant, and dynamic, and explosive and world changing that is unbelievable. and the devil knows this as well. your call, your anointing, the message, the dream, the marriage you are in, and the stuff God has put in your heart, it is so unbelievable that the devil knows that if he can put a little bit of poison in your potential, you will never fulfill the purpose, that you have on this planet."

"there is a attack on your life. there are amazing people on a heap of what might have been, possibilities, has beens, what could have beens, where God wants what has never beens."

"you have accepted the biggest fight in the world."

"make sure we are not one that is going to be caught sleeping."

*Judges 16

"there is always something behind God's demands."

"you know what took out Samson. a woman and a nap, took out one of the greatest warriors we have record."

"has your perspective been poison tonight? because your vision dictates your future."

"we have to be able to lift our vision in the current vision and fight, and that when we get the eyes above it and see jesus is in it.

“look above the mountain.”

“we do not want dreams that is possible, because it is a good idea. we have to able to look above it. “

"challenges? is Jesus is around? oh He is? we're good."

"if we cannot see hte power, breakthrough and healer, it does not reallt matter what the turth is.

“sometimes what we see comes out what we say, when we see a problem, or a non-christain. because it reveals what we see. “

“poision perspective vs. healthy perspective“

*God knocked the law down, and graced it's eyes.

“see who Jesus is. “

“learn to look above it. “

*luke 10

“the good stuff is right up in the front lines. people who criticise have so much time because they are not helping anybody. hang around the people who are busy."

"this harvest is plenty, and your lack of vision is poison and it ends today."

“sometimes the enemy plans to let you go for you to fly higher, and than fall deeper. “

“God does not need your facebook status to find the right person. “

“Jesus has more followers than twitter. “

1. isolation
- if you stand alone, you are going to fall alone
- have someone anchoring your ship
- who is around you tonight?

“your motives is not important when it comes to serving Jesus. “

“take inventory of your relationships and make sure you are fighting for them. “

“make sure you are around people who are doing better than you. “

“if you want to date somebody, run, see someone, keep running again, and when someone really loves you they will nudge you. “

“have someone in your life that is going to help you understand. “

“Jesus did not die on the cross for you to have an average life. Everything you do matters. “

“while in isolation, issues can seem bigger than they really are. “

“you are doing better than you think you are. “

“God is happy with you. God is smiling at you.“

“when you are alone, you do weird things. “

“problems seem so much worse, but you need someone to tell you that you are doing good. “

“do not blow up the whole blue print. “

“don’t you dare turn around, you push through it.”

“we are in a thrash hold with something unbelievable in our nation.”

“don’t do it. don’t leave the church, don’t leave your marriage.”

“when you are at your worse, you should be in church.”

“rest your soul, you are going to be alright. This thing with Jesus, is not a fairy dust, it’s a war!”

“do not be caught alone in this city. It is a jungle out there. You do not want to play with it.”

“there is time for everything.  there is a time for revival. “

“some supernatural doors are only opened for a moment. “

“please let the word almost disappear from your vocab. it is offensive. can you imagine if God almost or so close sent His son? it is killing people.”

“we are not going to almost make a difference but we are going to make a difference. God is not going to almost use your gift. “

“He is not looking for the perfect Christian, but he is looking for the available.

“you cannot do about the opportunities you missed, but you can do everything about the opportunities that is about to come. “

“people think it is almost over, and the opportunities are gone, but it is not over. you cannot do everything about the past, but you can do something about the future. the old is gone and the new is here. “

“the enemy likes to steal your visions, and he is a disgrace. “

you are going get another shot! and when it comes, we have every right under heaven to tell God, look at me. “

“we have the spirit of remembering and missed opportunities. but if you see a door, we are going to take it. if you feel unworthy that is why you go to Jesus. do not hesitate. Jesus died so we have the right to tell him here i am help me now.”

“it is not okay to think it through as He wants to use it. God has called you young person who is down the tracks. it is not over. there is chance here. “

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