" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{ Even if... I will never stop praising You. }

even if in the dark,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if the waters are at neckline,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if my enemies are against me,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if i think this is the end,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if i absolutely am not feeling it,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if my faith is non-existence,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if the promise land is far,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if the storms are raging loud,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if in the fire,
am never going to stop praising You.

even if there is nothing left inside of me,
am never going to stop praising You.

and even if i do not get anything at all,
i. will. never. ever. going. to. stop. lifting. Your. name. high!


is time for the enemy to get real scurred up in here. because Grace has won, and is here to divide and conquer across the earth in every nation, city, church, school, businesses and homes.

and when we worship, people will watch, and people will know, who, is, their, Father really is! and how, much, does, He, loves, them despite of themselves and state and ability to "save"!

no one can escape from His glory and presence without being fully satisfied  and drenched with His goodness and mercies. this is some serious soaking.

#somethingsjustneverchange <3 nbsp="">

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