" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, February 18, 2013

{ Hills Conf 2012: "Grace!" - JP }

It is one thing to assemble, but another to be gathered (Jesus said "when two or three are gathered")

Only eternity will tell how many lives are impacted

John 1:17

You cannot preach too much on grace - it is the abundance of grace that we reign in life 

The gospel is not about right doing but right believing = right living

What God put together, let men not put a slander 

Grace and truth are one - when you touch grace you touch truth, and when you touch truth you touch grace 

Grace is not a teaching, or one of the topics you would learn, but it is a person

When you encounter the person, grace teaches you  - we preach grace and grace will teach

God is not about behavior modification but heart transformation 

Romans 6:14: "for sin shall not have dominion over you because you are no longer the law but under grace"

When you are under grace, our attraction towards Jesus gets stronger and stronger, towards holiness gets greater, and towards sin gets lesser and lesser

You cannot mix law and grace anymore you can mix oil and water

When you are under grace, sin (satan, sickness, poverty, the curse) shall no longer have dominion over you

Jesus said the servant (law from Moses) does not abide in the house forever, but the Son (grace through Jesus) will abide in the house forever

Grace will never go out of fashion, grace is forever

The first miracle of the law, water = blood (resulting in death), the first miracle of grace, water = wine (resulting in life and celebration)

Under grace, He remembers our sins no more - there is a change, and it is the cross

The law condemns the best of us, grace saves the worse of us

2 Cor 3

God does not anoint anyone to be a minister from the old covenant - bring Jesus out of the old covenant

The law kills, but the Spirit gives life - The more we preach grace, the more life is imparted onto our people

Everything about us become harmonious - we are integrated and we are whole 

The ministry of death is written and engraved on stones (ten commandments)

*important to know your identity in Christ

The holy spirit comes to not to unveil the law but Jesus

The gospel is that we receive the good to receive what we do not deserve, because another receive the bad He did not deserve

Every which way you see Jesus, you see beauty and perfection (He is all together lovely, lover of my soul - we get lost in His beauty)

The Spirit has come to anoint us to talk about His goodness

You can be under water, and not be wet, anymore you can be under grace that not be holy

Holiness is not about your behavior or do's and don't but being occupied with the lovely one Jesus (being in love with Him)

Love is the fulfilling of the law 

Those who loved best, love best, and those who are forgiven completely, forgives others completely

The ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory - we ain't seen nothing yet

Under the law, God demands righteousness, but under grace, God imparts righteousness as a gift to be recevied - will you take it? and live in it?

Romans 5:17

When you reign the enemy, addictions and sin doesn't

*When condemnation is lifted, our desire of sin is no more

Luke 18 and 19

The law is designed to bring you to the end of yourself, to show you up and become guilty

Every time we boast in the law, there is one thing we lack

God is not against us having processions but processions having us

*The affect of the law is giving out nothing

What the law could not do, grace accomplished without any laws

We come out not because of our own but His goodness and faithfulness

*He has brought us home by grace

Exodus 19

God gave the ten commandments to bring men to the end of Himself

Jesus is an expert in using the law in its pristine glory and utmost purity  and bringing everyone to the end of themselves so they see their need for the Savior and see their need for grace

Jesus paid the price for you and I, we are beneficiaries 

If God wants to have all the glory, let Him do all the work

Cast your crowns before the Lamb of God 

God gives you the grace to accomplish a task, when we use the grace He rewards and bless us using the grace He first gave us

But let us not forget that all the glory goes to Him 

The only labor is that we work towards not working, but towards having an inwards rest

Under law man works (your performance, you shall nots), under grace God works (I will)

Be conscious that God is working for, in and through you now

The Teacher has taken over and learn to rest in Him

It is not laziness but spirit directed – Sensing His prompting and leading (Life and not dead works)

Mercy rejoices over judgment

Falling from grace is not sinning, but sin becomes attractive 

We are saved completely by Christ alone

Today when we worship God, God is not looking at you but at your offering – He is examining the Lamb who is good, perfect and without blemish and all together lovely 

He accepts us in the offering that we bring  

God’s grace and goodness is shining on you

Jesus could have stoned but He would not and said: “Neither do I condemn you, and go and sin no more.” 

To give people no commendation will empower them to go and sin no more



What we deserve is death and separation from God but because Jesus is so good and that we need Him

No matter where you have been and done, Jesus has died for you and that you can have life - you will not live the same that you did, and start fresh

God can do anything like with a man like you when you put your hands up and tell Him “Save me” and it all changes

Right now is a time for salvation, and do not wait for another day

But Jesus Christ alone is the same yesterday today and forever and that is the life you are building yourself on

By His grace we are saved, and by His power we are set free, and it is a new day


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