" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

{ The Master's Piece. }

to know that we are His Masterpiece, we have a heavenly value upon us that goes above what there is natural and common.

now the things from above is our eternal life and inheritance, that we live from His perspective and draw from His everlasting supply.

we are made in His very image, and to imagine that blows your mind away!!! for we are no longer who we think we are by our earthly positions, but who He has said and seen who we already are in the different calling and purpose He has already set us forth to fill.

He lives our life differently as He knows our ending and works from there, comparatively to what we are doing so from start to finish. He has marked a good ending for us (inspired by Ps. M), and if the hand of Grace is marked it, consider it done.

so how much value do we really think we are to Him? for He has even His all, His everything, His best and His one and only... we definitely must be worth a great deal, and be worth something greater.

maybe we would really think twice with our own thoughts on our own physical appearance... and change how we would look in the mirror perhaps? because we are His very own reflection... and with His very own face shining upon us.

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