" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{ DevoRepost: Hit the delete button }

“About what’s happened long ago, and all the former things, forget about all that.
Do not think about the past, keeping going over old history.
It is nothing compared to what I am going to do."

WordRemix: Isaiah 43:18 (Msg, NIV, Contempt Eng, NLT)


"Just like a virus can slow down a perfectly good computer, our wrong thinking can keep us from our destiny. If you’re going to live in victory, you’ve got to know how to hit the delete button."



Lord, it is time for the new season coming to me. despite of what I do not see, feel, touch, taste... Your goodness and faithfulness does not depend on any of my human senses, but purely on Your heart, wanting only Your best for us. 

here goes to deleting (and not archiving) all the pass and former times that one has experienced, both stormy and still. as it is now of empty, and ready to be filled and overflowed with Your new plans and purpose. 

and the only doors one is going to ever walk and reign in, are the ones that only Your hand of grace has open wide for us to be fruitful in.

for Your rain never stops falling on our ground, goes to show the amount of harvest that You have sent forth and planned way ahead of our own "great" plans.

the harvest is not just coming in weeks, but it is now. its all to You and on You and for You J.

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