" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Heading to what lies ahead...

Years ago when Joel and I first got married, we decided to buy a home. We found a home that looked perfect for us! It was located on a beautiful lot in a neighborhood with other young families and had a swimming pool—something I always wanted. We made the best offer we could and prayed that the owners would accept it. Day after day went by, but we didn’t hear anything. We kept speaking words of faith, declaring, “This is our house!” No one was living in it at the time, so we would drive over to it in the evening and sit outside studying it and dreaming about where we would put our furniture. But unfortunately, the homeowners didn’t accept our offer. That door totally closed, and I was so disappointed. I thought for sure that was our house! I found myself tempted to say if only we had offered more money. If only we had prayed harder. If only we had acted sooner, on and on. But instead of mourning over what didn’t work out, I made the choice to let it go and believe that God had something better in store.

Right after we heard the news about the house, I found another property that caught my attention. It was an old, run-down house on a beautiful lot in a really nice neighborhood. It was actually abandoned with broken windows, no landscaping, and even had a scarecrow in the kitchen to keep the animals out. It didn’t look like much, but deep down I believed it was right for us—not based on how much sense it made in the natural, but based on the supernatural peace I had inside. We put a bid on that house, and sure enough, our offer was accepted. 

Truthfully, I wasn’t as excited about this house as I was the first one. It didn’t have a swimming pool like I dreamed of; instead, it had crooked floors. The foundation was cracked, and some of the interior doors wouldn’t close. I had to put blocks under my sofa just to keep it from leaning forward. Friends and family used to make jokes about those crooked floors, but I grew to love that house. I knew God gave us that house, so I wasn’t going to look back and focus on what I didn’t get. 

We lived in that house for three years, and God blessed us beyond our wildest dreams. We ended up dividing our lot and selling half of it for the same price we originally paid for the entire piece of property. We were able to build a new home for less than what we would have paid for the first house we wanted. God used that crooked-floored house to bless us and bring us through a journey of faith.

Today, I’m not living in a house with crooked floors. I’m living in a house more beautiful than I ever dreamed we would own. But I’m convinced that if I would have been unhappy over what didn’t work out, my attitude would have kept me from God’s best. 

Today, if you’re thinking, Life would have been different if only I had this or if only that had happened, let it go. Don’t get stuck focusing on what didn’t work out. Trust that God is guiding your steps. It may not make a lot of sense right now, but if you’ll let go of what you had in mind, God can give you something better. If He can bless us through a crooked-floored house, there’s no telling what He will do for you! 

“No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” (Philippians 3:13, NLT)

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