" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

{ Jesus is_ Grace - Judah Smith }

  • Luke 15
  • Fasting's good, but eating's better
  • Ephesians 2:8-9
  • This salvation, worth, birth is not of yourself, and not of works. This is by definition, gift. This is essence of our believe system
  • Christianity has nothing to do with us paying God back for what He's done for us
  • What am I worth? Who am I? What am I about?
  • We all believe that worth is earned
  • If You are God, why would you befriend people who do not deserve it?
  • Understand who He is
  • God is illogical. When it comes to people, God never hedges His best and plays it safe. Ever.
  • The percentage may be in our favor, but God does not think that way
  • Why do I hang out with people? Because they are of infinite value to me. Each and everyone of them.
  • Jesus gives us a tag, a number, how much as an individual worth - It makes no sense or logic but no one operates this way except He does
  • There is no guarantee you will find the one 
  • What are you doing? Are you wasting your life? Have you lost your mind? Maybe.
  • This God is not like us - "I am like a Father with sons."
  • You want to know why God hangs out with bad people? There is only one answer. Because of Himself. 
  • They searched, they find, they recover and they celebrate
  • God is saying, I am who I am. I am Grace. For what? For Grace.
  • We cannot get passed "can't earned" "only received. Cause and effect, logic.What? That's right.
  • Don't you claim one portion of this transformation and acceptance. It was Him, only Him, exclusively Him and it will always be Him. This is grace.
  • Grace is: God meeting man, at his very point of need, in a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. You cannot set up a meeting with God. Go ahead and set up a meeting with God. You can't barely find your way out of Washington, let alone find your way to God. Where will you meet Him? Where will you find Him? No, God meets with man. God comes to man. Man cannot go to God else we would have gone to Him long time ago. But God had to come to man, in a person of Jesus Christ, and extended grace, worth and acceptance because of who He is. 
  • Worth cannot be gained by the world we live in but by the image we have been created in. That is where our worth comes from. 
  • Genesis 1:26
  • God cannot deny Himself. Don't flatter yourself, It is nothing you done, is not who you are, or because you have a great head of hair, or great last name, or money in your bank. No offence but God is not moved by any of it. Is not because you're so charismatic, so good looking, have extraordinary gifts, talents or abilities, or because you can paint the sixteenth chapel. No offence God is not impressed or moved by any of it.
  • What He is moved by is His image. And He will not allow His image be lost. So He will do whatever it takes to recover His image in mankind. It does not matter to Him, what you done, who you are or where you at. 
  • He will do the logically, unthinkable and the ridiculous to get to you and reveal to You. His extraordinary love. He will leave the greater sum value, He will throw cushions everywhere and mattresses over to find one, because each and every individual is of infinite value to God because you are His image bearer. 
  • Your worth was given to you before you were born. You can't devalue what is of infinite value.You can try, but you will always be of infinite value to Him no matter what.
  • Worth is not earned, but the Creator of heaven and earth worth is received, just like everything else with God. It is not achieved, it is received. 
  • Mark 10:13-16
  • Jesus did not just want to only take kids in His arms, but everybody in His arms, but some would like to clarify.
  • If you receive the gift like some of the kids receive the Christmas presents, if you receive the gospel that way, your life will never be the same.
  • Do you actually think your sin or bondage has shook Him to His core that He did not know? Would you stop trying to fix, better, and improve yourself, and let Him hold you? 
  • You want to play your part? Your part is letting go, leaning in, and sinking in His arms - Let Him hold you, restore you, heal you, love you, celebrate you.
  • It is time for you to let Him hold you again
  • Christainity starts in His arms, ends in His arms, and is all about being in His arms
  • We got nothing we know, but He got it all. He will take care of you - "I gave My Son to insure this. I let you, the human beings that I created, to rip Him to shreds and nail him to a tree, to insure by His sinless perfect blood that I could accept you eternally. Please son, daughter, let Me hold you."
  • Could it  be this good? No, it is much better than we are making it up to be
  • Jesus is, grace
  • We cannot earn this, but we receive it

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