" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, March 25, 2013

{ How Do You Know Someone Is "The One"? || Jefferson Bethke }

  • the scriptures are not just cookie cutters in your life but someone the one man Jesus who has redeemed our life
  • there is no such thing as the one
  • logically if there is the one, one can marry someones one and if one misses it up, it does not work anymore
  • puts way too much pressure on the person 
  • upholding an ideal that only God and Jesus can satisfy
  • putting a burden on the person they cannot bear
  • it is not about finding the one, but preparing youself to be the one
  • we want to find the one to make our life easy
  • we are lazy, and do not need to change or restructure our lives
  • marraige is to make us holy more than happy, making us look like Him
  • how can you be a better person to serve that spouse
  • do not put that idol on the person as you react base upon what they do
  • rest and put their identity on who God is, and you can give them grace and love, instead of reacting base on what they do
  • have freedom to pick in a church community 
  • pick whoever you want 
  • it is not about finding the one, but treating that person with love, grace and forgiveness mercy with anyone
  • takes all the pressure and burden off the relationship
  • it is a standard that no one can meet
  • you may miss good Godly people
  • you will never actually find that person
  • start to notice people in your life who might make a good partner you can be on mission with you, doing what God has called you to do

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