" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

{ God make miracles out of our mistakes - Joel Osteeen }

The call of our life, God will never take back.

Nothing that happened in your past can disqualify you for what is installed.

Some of the opportunities you missed might come across your path.

God is the God of second chances.

He will find another route to get us there.

Have a heart to serve God.

God still has a way to bring your dreams to pass.

Don’t give up on your dreams feeling defeated and depressed. The debt has been paid.

Nothing that you’ve done it too much for the mercy of God.

James 1:5

God is not a fault finder, but if you ask Him, He will help you. This is what mercy is all about. He will give you wisdom to help get you out of trouble.

He is not focused on your mistakes, He wants you to succeed and created you to live His abundant life.

You are the apple of God’s eye, His most prized.

Dare to believe.

Do you think your mistake can cancel out His plan for your life?

He has already written down everyday that you will live in His book.

Where you are is not a surprise to God. He already knows.

He does not require a perfect performance but a knowing that our heart is right.

Nobody and nothing can stop His plans coming to pass except you.

Luke 7

Where you are, is not what you will end up.

Where you’ve been is not as important to where you are going.

Zeph 3:19

God will never write you off. He does not see you like others do. He does not look at what you are, but what you can become. He sees your potential.

He knew you before you were born.

He take one step towards God, and He will come running towards you.

See God can take your mess, and turn it into a message.

God looks at your differently, He looks at the heart.

You are never too far gone with our God.

He still can make something great for your life.

Never quit praying for our children.

All it takes is one touch of His favor, and He can turn any life around.

When you give your life to God, He will make so much more out of it.

He does not waste on anything that you go through.

If you stay filled with hope, He will take your broken pieces, not just to put together, but make you better off than you were before.

He heals, restores and brings new life and a bird with a broken wing, will fly twice as high again.

Get a new vision in your life. This is a new day.

Be bold to believe if you do not deserve it.

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