" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

{ You're coming out gold! }

{worsthip to a new season)

"all that was stolen is returned to you a hundred fold,
tried in the fire but we're coming out gold."

it's a new season, its a new day.
fresh* anoiting, is flowing my way.

it's a season of power*, and prosperity*.
is a new season, coming to me."

- i. houghton


*not the old stuff, but fresh anointing. this is fresh!
*let the weak say i am strong
*let the poor say i am rich


the devil's time is up, that he will no longer bother us, as we know it is God who fathers us. what he failed to please God with his worship, is exactly what we're reigning right now against all his powers and principalities -- the very weapon comes from using our heart, soul, spirit and mouth to cotinually praise and give thanks to the goodness, the faithfulness, the magnificance, the grace, the glory, the love and the presence of our ever living God and Savior.

worship brings you right in the presence of the King. and one shall never leave here, as one day in His very courts, superceds a thousand else where. this is my home, this is my comfort, this is my calling and this is me. not anywhere but to simply worship at His throne, and in His dwelling place forever.

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