" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, May 5, 2014

:: Was blind, but now I see ::

another memorable celebration of turning two years less than thirty. hearts were bonded over real issues, current and past. topics were flying all over with three main areas of our lives where we get affected the very most. it is just so easy to drop things or people as some may not want to deal with the mess. but with facing up to everything but comfortable, i realise that one feels lighter and learns from every situation. no point going back and wishing things were different, because if they were meant to be it would have already happen. or if it is reserved for another time and season, then it's best we leave it alone until ripen or healed.

may has come and i'd flash backs of the one last year. so, so many things has crazily and unexpectedly occurred since then which i turn will never forget. ever. am thanking Him for what has came, and believing Him for what is to come. whatever it may be, how impossible it may look, i simply know Grace has got this under wraps. everything now is beyond my control, and how foolish to think i'd even some to begin with. don't think my human experience and wisdom can get me out of whatever He is putting me up for.

am slowly moving away from doing things my way, with faith that lies in the One and only -- to Whom will make all things work together for my benefit. none of which i deserve, but of which He has unnervingly supplied and willed in my life. xxx

"i can see You now, i can see the love in Your eyes.
laying Yourself down, raising up the broken to life."
- Hillsong

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