" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

{ On Mission... }

"You have to know that the mission you are on is so important that you cannot afford to worry about what people think. You must go anyway."

_TD Jakes


with one's mind freeing up the opinions of mere beings that do not add or edify one's passion, it truly enlarges the space of a greater destiny that was called right from the start. such liberation of not being chained by society, cultural and even religious like thoughts is a zone that magnifies creativity to it's fullness. 

we're always on mission to something greater, and the unknown does definitely cause an uncomfortable stir. but stepping up seems to be the most logical in the un-logical. so long He is sure in our lack of faith and doubts, creates a sturdy and steady foundation into the promise land He has prepared for each and everyone of us.

money and fame does not amount to success of one's character, because that can come with a heavy self-maintenance tag to it, and go off faster than how it came on by. it is about the core of their character that is consistent, despite any upgrade changes in one's environment or lifestyle. words without an action attached are weightless without a proper purpose.

grace is not just a feel good word to be thrown around and used conveniently. in fact, grace was at it's utter inconvenience from how He was born, to the day He died. He did not just sweeten our ears and hearts of His extravagant love, but attached it with the thing that cost Him the very most -- His own life.

everyone is different and created with personalities and characters of many kinds. but despite being on various routes and stages in life, we all have the same mission -- to impact our community and what lies beyond those walls and into nations.

as D always says, life is without meaning unless it is to live for another. would definitely vouch for that as it would be a sad life living for one self. life is to be shared, endured and uplifted in all settings no matter the barrier.

so here's to stepping up into the Christ zone, and being on mission to whatever He has placed in one's hands.

(worthship) "for everything i am, for Your kingdom's cause."

let one never forget that, but run with it fearlessly, undaunted and victorious.

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