" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Living in Your glory and grace.

When your under law,
there's always bound to be some sort of shortage or failures.
You are always striving and when you get tempted, condemnation creeps in.
It is when moments like that, you need the love of Grace.

Grace empowers you and super-abounds when we fall.

The law is always ready to condemn us.
But Jesus, He is always ready to catch us and love us just as we are.

"Your love will never fail."

On personal experiences, there are moments of self control.
Yes it may work on a temporal basis,
but not a maintenance level for long term.

Shopping and diets are my worst enemies.
With their clothing and food partners, they seem to get the weak side of me.
(Not the best, because that side is only affected by Him*)

With the plastic used, and the consumption of sinful treats taunting me,
 I give in and have side effects of a guilty conscious shopperholic/anorexic.
"Why did I buy or eat that.." or "Omg I should not have bought or ate that.."

I give up trying, pushing and using my own strength.
None of that can pull me through.
Only He can.

As we cast all our cares to Him,
not only He cares for us but He has already began working on it.
God does the work while we rest in Him.

So I'd enough of being caught up at the shops or at the pantry.
They shant rule over me and hence it is all by His spirit;
that is going to lead me to victory.

"Over everything Lord, You reign!"

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