" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Enjoying the ride.

Watching people ending one part of their lives and starting anew is rather a bittersweet emotion.

Yes, when one door closes another opens.
But what about all the past experiences that happened?
Does it fade into a distant memory,
remaining behind the closed door and never opened again?

(L)ife (I)s (F)ull of (Endings) are not always disney inspired with an happily after tag to it.

Being happy is not our very aim as it does vary;
mostly according to our happenings.
However rather being mature prepares you for your let down moments,
 And builds a shield which does not affect you that much as it may have before.

Ultimately, who says we are living for ourselves?

I realize when you step out of your comfort zone,
into your new, He meets you there.
It is like He has not only been waiting at the finish line,
but walking with you also.

He is near, right here, at this present moment, in your every second, during your daily life;

Loving, gracing, hugging, kissing and embracing every part of you.

Doubt your doubts and trust in the greatness of our Abba Father and how everything is possible for Him. 

He is on our side and we shall enjoy the ride.

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