" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Show me how to love,
Like you have loved me

Condemnation has plagued me. The weight is unbearable. I myself is in utter disgust of my at the heat of the moment’ resentment that I have openly let out without any endurance.

Word vomit. Yucks. 

“I am much better than that!”

If perseverance brings out character, I would wonder what does the opposite will result to. Definitely not a temper or mindset that I would be rather fond of being in.

“I wish to be the bigger person!”

No one is perfect. We make mistakes. Admittance is useful but transformation is greatly essential. This is where,

“The Power of The Cross”
comes in. 

Not by our human endeavours, but by The Blood of The Lamb.

“Grace flows down and covers me.”


“Thank you for the cross”
 Praise / Intergrity’s Praise!
Words and Music: Mark Altrogge (1990)

Thank You for the cross, the mighty cross,That God Himself should die for such as us,And everyday we're changed Into Your image more and more,Yes, by the cross we've truly been transformed.
And we're so amazed,and we give You praise.
That You would save us at such a cost.
We're so amazed,and we give You praise.
For the power of the cross


That unerringly sums up what I am feeling right this very moment (and will do in the future).

“Not by my strength, but by His.”

As I am being led to the cross, the only thing that is in sight is Jesus and his wonderful face.

“I see grace, sealed by Your sacrifice.”

His love that is reaching out to me. His blood that is sanctifying me. And with that, healing flows and sets me free. – (Yes, I ripped off those lines from “I See Grace” – New Creation Church).

Note of Gratitude:
1) Daddy God
2) Daddy
3) Mummy
4) Audstarr My Homestarr
5) Vickkeh
6) Kermit

Thanks for the unconditional and absolute love and support that was granted and Thanks for having to bear and witness my extreme level of antagonism and hollering word vomit. I am deeply blessed to have such tenderness, compassion, affection and acceptance from you all. Much love.

Note of Apology:
1) You
2) And the ones who are related to you

Sorry for the uncontrolled fury and rage about this situation and especially to you and whoever is offended. Things may not go back to normal, but at least you are aware of what I am feeling and going through. I shall say my peace soon and be civil in the future.God bless.

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