" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Love Thy Foes..

Can you practice what you preach? 

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. ... If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?

Matthew 5:44,46-47


So we all have heard this countless of times; “Love thy neighbour..” and “Love thy enemies..” But putting it into action and practice is a whole other story. 

Hence, "Where is the love y'all?" - Black Eyed Peas


Of course at times we implant ourselves the idea of “Oh it’s hard”.

I mean are there really people out there who foresee their needs and goes way beyond their ability to lend a hand to others? 

And are there really people out there who still care for others who have wronged them or betrayed them?


Wells let me say that I have only come across 3 people who have experienced those situations and been role models in my life.

1) Jesus
Just look at the cross! Enough said. 

2) Dad
3) Mum

They have ministered and assist to countless of friends, relatives as well as the unfortunate in third world countries as mainly Dad is very missioned based.

There were people who have mistreated and taken advantage of them even though Dad and Mum were overusing their ability of helping them out.

And where they found the ability to forgive and show grace even when they were right is beyond me. 


I had two things to say to them when those incidents occurred. 

One, those so called “friends” I shall say have major balls as whilst getting help from my folks, they mistreated the benefit as well as mistreated them.

Second, I swore that I won’t be like them and do the nice and pleasant things that they do.


Not as if I would not hesitate to help others but I would be avoiding the fact of being 'too nice' as there are possibilities of getting stepped on.

But guess what, I am born with the traits and character of My Father/Saviour and My Folks!
And yes, I got stepped on. Bad. 


Though as much as I would love to bring out the claws out and do some damage (What? I’m human okay! Haha!), what Jesus as well as my parents have brought me is this,

“Much grace received is also Much grace given out.”


I got some sort of revelation you might say -- Grace is not THE message, It’s JESUS THAT'S THE ONE AND ONLY MESSAGE! 

“He is our grace!”


Sometimes we get to carried away with the sub-heading as we only read the heading once.


“It’s the heading that gives the sub-heading the full substance and essence that flows all over and give character and life to the entire body.”


So, back on the topic of furnishing out love to friends and foes. 

Overlooking people’s flaws and the lack of ability of being an assistance to others do somewhat change our perspectives. 

Patience and tenderness is a good combo of emotions that we all have but just need to manifest out.


But in all, we need His Aid, His Love, His Peace and as well as His wisdom in all things as He is the only one that sees us through. "Everywhere I go I know You're not far away.. You're right here!"

I See Grace. Thank You Jesus (:

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