" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Oh December December...

oh december december, you have indeed started in the most unexpected manner. it truly is a month of decisions to be made, battles to conquer, and opportunities to head into. so many mixed emotions the heart has endure, but like G. has mentioned, it is He who saves, who heals, who makes all things abound to us and for us. 

worship is not just in those anointed feel good moments, but in times where no human hands nor resources can alter nor improve any given situation. it is in this kind of posture where we surrender it all to the One who's eyes is forever upon us. 

have decided from this day forward to surround myself in environments where my heart is free, light and appreciated. it is tough because of an upbringing of grace for all, no matter the cause nor severity but there shall be wisdom for this.

let everything now be led not by my heart, but Your spirit because it is so easy to be swayed by the surface and facade all around. in everything, and that includes times of distress and worry, we will shout forth His glory whom never fails to disappoint. 

"Your light will shine in the darkness..."

indeed Your greatest glory in our lives is upon us which is far above what we have experienced through our senses. i am not satisfied, because i simply know there is more, much more. xxx

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