" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

{ Welcome Home Pt. 2 }

my dream of worship is actually more alive than ever... even after leaving that part of the "ministry" perse... but really.. who's to say what is your calling... where it was only Grace whom has form and inbuilt a destiny and desire in you right from the beginning...

instead of harping on the humanness that everyone has... including myself... my eyes has grown to actually focus on the dept of what His house is really like... and the core of it all boils down to His people... nothing more... 

is not about how much can we bring to the table... how much can we do and prep up for an amazing service ahead... and even how much recognition for the title that some chase after... all of that contains nothing but self and the doing we strive with...

what happened to just being who we really and embracing each other's differences than attempting to change, control or duplicate it? this home is not about pleasing mortal flesh and senses... cause if it was... we have got it all horribly wrong... and everything else would eventually be trembling in chaos... 

the atmosphere of a church is of peace, freedom, joy, thanksgiving, feeding, building, inspiring, and rest... all of these which every single soul... no matter where they have been or what they have done... are rightfully called to be apart of this place... 

for Jesus has came for the lost... for the broken.. for the unloved... for the sick... for the sinners... and that makes up for the 7 billion of us on this blue speck... wherever position anyone is in... Grace only looks at the person... and says...

"welcome home son... 
welcome home daughter... 
for you are mine...
and all that I have... 
is now absolutely yours..."

this is what my heart of worship is all about... not the platform or foregrounds of a building... as the concrete does not ever compare to the cornerstone of His finished job... that is the only ministry that i stand upon... 

Jesus did not just stay at one place and called it His church... He went out there where the miraculous happened... and that proves one thing... Grace cannot ever be bounded... it did not just remained at the cross but is nesting in our core.. and wants to commune and encounter with the rest out there...

it is time to let all our praises out... here's to the young and free... to the courageous and compelled... to the unstoppable and impossible... we are not going to allow any naysayers put a temporary stop to what Grace has intended us to do... nopes... that just intensifies our anthem... pushing us higher...

"the old has fade...
can't you see I am doing a new thing..."

oh yes indeed...

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