" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

{ More opportunities to change a mood than a word }

"Be careful what you say. You can say something hurtful in ten seconds, but ten years later, the wounds are still there."

_J. Osteen

could not come at a better time or season in one's life... really. being the receiving and giving end of one's "in the mad heat of the moment" one liners (and more) have taught my soul to now hold back the usual straight up responses one is accustomed to since young unless beneficial -- which most of the time it does not even come close to anything positive.

G has defo graced my oldies and the rest of the L clan on that. oh bless their gentle hearts of intense perseverance because it was a period of long suffering during those tested times as a youngster pulling off the whole prodigal lifestyle. that is some relentless love and undeserved grace beyond all conditions for sure which i can never stop thanking Him for the number one blessing in my life.

now being in a complete different stage in this journey, that attitude seems to creep back hence the needed wisdom to execute it only for edification and none else. oh it is tough alright, my my my... the temptation of just spitting the weaponry from thy mouth being pushed by the momentary fire surely does not help. but have brutally learnt that once those words are out in the open, there is no retracting their destruction.

as one's strength and love language is of encouragement by discerning it with spirit rather than the normal senses, it could possible go the other way as well. so instead of uplifting another, the rebellious persona rises up to it's evil intentions, giving into the weakness of the flesh. guess everyone's w.i.p. with little but permanent transformation in the long run.

true that to His word that states a fiery man acting on his actions is a complete fool, (yeah that's me, plenty of times) and life and death is in the tongue. He surely understands our humanness being driven by heavy emotions, and yet provides the grace to overcome until we are de-shackled and living beyond them. funny how one's destiny and impact lies in such a small organ... there's something to mediate on.

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