" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

{ Living beyond your critics. }

Anytime in life, we have critics that may come at you – especially times where you are on the rise where God has placed you at in any area of your life. Doesn’t sting as much from coming from a random comparative to someone close.

If something is meant to be said and done, despite it being hard to swallow, if it is coming from a critic, they base it purely on a basis point of view, and saying words that they will probably forget after the session. Sadly, words does carry weight and meaning – and that goes either way if it is bad or good.

And if one have the tendency to say forth what comes in and out from their mind, goes to show that it is not coming from the heart – because everything it gives birth to is eternal and never forgotten.

Normally as one is corrected and of course it is not comfortable, there will be some unexplained and not self-building peace inside that resonates louder than the correction. It comes when one is tucked in the love-whack-and love again sandwich.

 Have realized that even if it is good thing for the person, and it is executed wrongly, it is unfortunate to lose the benefit of the statement despite coming from a good place. Our words hold power, and He does not given weight to what is edifying.

Your words and actions got to match up what it is in your heart. Here comes right living and right believing. These five words may seem to utter out very easily from our mouths, and one is probably thinking it is better said than done?

It is not true but very true – but if one believes rightly, the living will be as effortless and non-striving as it is already internalized. The tough part has already been done. Whatever that is in your heart, is being transported to our daily actions and lifestyle.

Correction is definitely needed in any society and communal setting of course – else how’d we learn, improve and eventually mature? Not saying every single blind spot is meant to be pointed out as we are all imperfect and working in progress.

The Master already sees perfection, but He is still refining us when there are any breaks or slight cracks – and for a Potter to do so, not only He works on His craft on His bare hands, but the pot needs to be placed under strong heat to come out smoothened and more polished.

It is never our job to change someone or expect someone to change. To be accountable in any relationship, first we have to be accountable to Him. And doing so is simply by letting Him do what He does best without any human interference.

We are never pointers to ourselves or to others, we are pointers to Jesus. He is author and finisher of our very faith. That goes to show that our faith has nothing to do with a man (despite their influence and close proximity) but a Savior.

Instead of using our fingers and positioning them straight ahead, position them where it should be in the first place which is up. That way, everything else will rest on and come from where it is pointing to.

“Where does our help come from? My help comes from above.”

Living under a perspective from heaven is one that is no longer filled with specks but vivid colors and motions of our life here on earth. It is not waiting for heaven but actually experiencing it now.

“I’m seeing everything with brand new eyes.” – ncc (the highest praise)

Tweaking in love will never back-fire if it comes from His definition of what love is all about, and not our own or how good it does feel. And if His peace does not reign after it has been said, then keep seating on it and trust in what He wants to do, reveal and change in your life or perspective.
“In quietness, my strength is found, Your tender mercies, is my crown.” – ncc (I sing hosanna)

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