" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

{ Changed by grace. }

"If you believe in grace, then let it change you.
Don't use it as an excuse to stay the way you are."

- J. Meyer

bam! how nicely said is that? is that grace, or, is, that, grace?
once you have encountered grace, you cannot help but be transformed.
we are simply never the same.

contentment is not part of the grace journey, gratitude is.
and, His unending grace amazes us yet again.
how not when you are worshipping right in His throne where all the action is.

this is it. we may not know what is in front of us, but He does.
so despite of our form of lack and insecurities,
we shall ride out this wave of grace where it can take us to places we can dare to dream.

"mould me, use me, and fill me Lord; with your grace that multiplies and transforms. put us in Your constant rest and peace knowing that the miraculous and impossible is only set upon us as believers and beloveds of Christ. this is the life You died for us, and this is the life You have caused us to boldy live in."
worthship: "oh Lord You saved my life, through Your precious sacrifice. Jesus I thank You, for the cross." (new cre)

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