" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Steadfast & Unafraid...

even in the midst of the storm, i can still feel His grace ever so strongly. surely He is in the midst, right where the mayhem is situated at. it is strange that what i am use to in a family setting is stretched and positioned in different areas compared to the usual sole roof we were accustomed to since birth. 

yes, life has taken it's rightful course in various stages from being a grandparent, parent, fiancé, long term relationship and a fresh one. what is hitting me like a big red bus is the well being of the littlest one. though fully legal, to me S will always that munkin in the punkin patch getup wearing the biggest smile one can live for.

seeing her going through one of her toughest period of her life makes me see her in a greater light than i have previously. surely He has had her all along, especially in the area of worthship and growth of a wog. she has turned out far better than imagined, and i cannot be anymore proud. indeed her 120% is brewing presently as one declares and believes.

here's to being marveled while rested. He shall have His will done here and now, as it is where J is sitted. my vision for S has always been one where her voice will spread out through the crowds and into the heavens. surely His grace is on it, and the reality of it all is not too far off. 

for now i am coming to Him.

"I am the Lord your God, I go before you now
I stand beside you, I’m all around you
Though you feel I’m far away, I’m closer than your breath
I am with you, more than you know

I am the Lord your peace, no evil will conquer you
Steady now your heart and mind, come into My rest
Oh, let your faith arise, lift up your weary head
I am with you wherever you go

Come to Me, I’m all you need.
Come to Me, I’m everything
Come to Me, I’m all you need.
Come to Me, I’m your everything

I am your anchor, in the wind and the waves
I am your steadfast, so don’t be afraid
Though your heart and flesh may fail you, I’m your faithful strength
I am with you wherever you go

Don’t look to the right or to the left but keep your eyes on Me
You will not be shaken, you will not be moved
I am the hand to hold, I am the truth, I am the way
Just come to Me, come to Me, cause I’m all that you need."

- Bethel Music

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