" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

{ A God incident & A life for the church. }

today makes another journey and event that will shape a personal in-take of the ministry that God has graciously placed me in. despite where are and called to be in, there will be moments where it takes a lot of dying to self to constantly be reminded that is really not about us, nor about our grace gift in all He has placed us to do.

one tends to look at the gift at times, more so that the grace that is came through in. praise the Lord that He is way good and holds on to us even when our focus are not entirely on Him. this is the time where we find ourselves being in the grip of grace, and whatever He holds on to He never lets go.

when things happens that is beyond human expectation, it becomes a God incident which is a definite wake up call for me – never to take any opportunity or serve in His house for granted, always come from a heart of gratitude and honouring the people He has placed above us, and to only rely on the voice of the King and none other (including ourselves) in such times.

because His voice eventually becomes our own as His word and thoughts are shared on this beloved vessel He continues to expand, equip and mature us. He never wants us to remain the same, always having the faith in us to do far greater things than one’s weakness and insecurity.

Honestly, I thought we were letting K down – who has been placing her heart and drive through each and everyone of us more so than the item. To have that faith in us is what inspiring. the confident and constant feedback has mould us into the greater potential that one is seen in to succeed and go beyond one’s comfort zone.

It has been a dream to actually meet such an anointed psalmist and instrumentalist, let alone serve with her in His house such as this one. And what a slained experience to have an encounter with the shepherd who’s life has been always for the church (us). To truly witness the presence and heart of him for his people and servers alongside with him, is an impactful and encouraging vision.

We are indeed in one of His many awesome houses He has called and anoint each man to lead His people in:

“My life is for the church.” – JP

Never ever going to forget that moment, because one just realizes, I don’t exactly have to experience that when we get to face the man himself, but rather we are experiencing it every, single, Sunday. In and of itself, is already a privi to be under a revolutionizing gospel of grace which cannot help but amaze us each time through God behind this phenomenal man. wonder what will it be truly like to have a five minute cuppa with this bloke haha.

If this is the beginning of what new things He has got installed for each of us, I truly am open to the greater things He has yet blow our spiritual minds away. Yes, that’s not the power, or ability of grace, but rather, the Person -- Jesus, it is You.

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