" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

{ Our greatest, Your littlest. }

“Trust in the Lord, draw on His faithfulness, & He will give you the secret desires of what you heart actually wants.” – PersonalRemix (Psalm 37:3-4)


don’t you think God has standards too?

sometimes when we say we trust Him, we trust not in Him for working it His way, but rather Him for doing it our way. like a “boss”, or so we think.

difference is, one is based on a limited view, and the other, boundless.

if we cannot fully trust on One who’s heart is always for us, then who else can we ever? our greatest is indeed His very littlest. imagine that.

“Lord I hand You my greatest, and You shall surprise me with Yours. because above and beyond is what You only do.”

{ Walking in His love. }

what is it like to walk in the love of Christ?

His way of loving and ours is completely different to begin with:
His love came with a sacrifice and without conditions.

had three opportunities to actually live out walking in His love, and it is barely midweek!:

opp. one: person acting cold and expects you for comfort
opp. two: person misjudging you and directly speaks out your faults
opp. three: person going off and blaming you for something you’re not responsible of

our human self-righteous and “i am all about principles” character can easily come out and lay down expectations of how one should act, but we can soon realize it is doom to fail.

human expectations tends to set you up for disappointments, because instead of celebrating who the person is, we dwell on the fact of who they are not -- even in moments where one may be in the right.

witness and experience that many times to tell one-self to lower our expectations on other's behavior and response to certain things.

i believe it is only in crisis we can truly see the colors of one’s heart -- and one has been repeatedly dismayed. but we aren’t perfect ourselves either – one’s person’s weakness can be another person’s strength. and it applies to the other way.

so instead of looking down and being a finger wagging voice of doom to other's faults, we can actually lift the person up by learning from them and more so, giving them opportunities to shine – everyone is destined to do so and has a big role to play in History.

perhaps He would like us to be enlarged more so than endure. because when your heart is enlarged, it adds permanent value which compliments a character change. hence the next time when an opportunity arises for one to walk in His love, it becomes a lifestyle.

worthship: “break my heart, for what breaks Yours.” – hillsong.

Monday, July 30, 2012

{ He's right here, nearer than you think. Pt. 2 }

"God whispers, beacuse He's close."

- S. Furtick

{ He's right here, nearer than you think. }

God is nearer than you think He is.

Especially in moments of doubt, worries, care, situations that you especially been praying much for and seeing no effect what so ever, believe (and not feel it) or not, He is still there.

Even when we doubt His very words that came forth His mouth itself, encouraging us to not fear and assuring that even when we stroll in valleys and make beds in hell, He will be right there with us every step of the way despite how we think or feel.

Am thankful that He acts entirely opposite on how things are normally run or should naturally result in. and every time He utters even just a fant whisper, all living things listen and act upon what He has spoke forth.

He was there the last time, He is still here this time.

{ Life through His word. }

"What you say goes, God,
      and stays, as permanent as the heavens.
   Your truth never goes out of fashion;
      it's as up-to-date as the earth when the sun comes up.

   Your Word and truth are dependable as ever;
      that's what you ordered—you set the earth going.
   If your revelation hadn't delighted me so,
      I would have given up when the hard times came.

   But I'll never forget the advice you gave me;
      you saved my life with those wise words.
   Save me! I'm all yours.

      I look high and low for your words of wisdom.
   The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me,
      but I'm only concerned with your plans for me.

   I see the limits to everything human,
      but the horizons can't contain your commands!"

- Psalm 119:89-96 (Msg)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

{ With Everything - Hillsong NYC Creative Night }

worship does not involve a grand stage, big lights, massive instruments and high-tech sounds systems,  it involves just the hearts of men and their voices to the heavens.

we're the vessels that He has created us to worship Him and we shall do just that with all that we got, and with everything that He has graciously given unto us.

let's have hearts that is after Jesus, and only Jesus.

"for what You have done Lord -- You have personally given us Your very life itself, which does not amount to what we can ever offer, but simply our praises, honor and worship to You."

{ Best form of worship, is just You & Jesus. }

the best form of worship does not involve a platform or particular setting of a gathering or any sort: it actually only requires a heart of one, and the presence of Another. just soaking in all that He has got to offer to you more than the praises that one sings.

it is like The Lord Himself is your worship leader, and the difference is that He need not require to lead you into His presence, or to point your eyes towards Him -- because one is already encountering the very Person Himself.

honestly, i'm trying my very best to put the experience to words, but think one would rather have a personal encounter more than a beautiful description of one.

and the best position to be in, is letting Grace serve you rather the other way around. receiving and taking is what He delights us in.

worthship: "everything was done, so you would come." - hillsong.

{ Running Pt. 2 }

"I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made.
But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ,
who has so wondrously reached out for me. 

Friends, don't get me wrong: 
By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, 
but I've got my eye on the goal, 
where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. 

I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back."

- Philippians 3:14 (Msg)

{ Running. }

Running by Hillsong (Cornerstone)

"Ever stride is taken in faith,
Every step compelled by Your grace.

We're never gonna stop."

{ Through your service, you shine. }

‎"The platform is not your opportunity to shine, it's your opportunity to serve.
Through your service, you shine." 

- J. Gillies 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

{ No limits, only possibilities. }

He really, and truly, and seriously means it when He says,

"All things are possible to him who believes."


because when i heard the voice of one that is ninety-five percent deaf, and yet not being moved or barred down by this so-called human disability, God's miracle and wonders was never stopped there -- despite the natural form and characteristics of one that has not ever heard a sound.

it clearly shows that God's character overrides what is flesh; He did not call it SUPER-natural for no reason, and only lives up to that very title which does not even merely cover His greatness and goodness of a God that is always for us.

not only e. johnson is speaking as one whose ears are not responding to the any mode of noise, but he is preaching the very word from God who has enabled him to do so. to think that is impossible to even utter a straight and smooth sentence, this very man of God did not depend on the man himself, but rather depend on the possibilities of God and His ability to cause one to do all things.

He has truly equipped us with every good thing to accomplish and move forward in the very call He has for each and everyone us despite our status, our gifts, our resources and anything that is of human progress and excellence.

no no no, our God wants us to depend on Him despite of what amount or revelation that we give unto Him and His house. Grace came to us, and not the other around -- and because of that position of receiving, let us humbly and boldly come to His very throne and take all that we would ever need in this life itself.

because He is able, and He is willing and He has placed eternity in our hearts that calls forth the destiny that He has already planned that is irrevocable and unchanged.

there are simply no limits when Grace is involved -- it is always > enough.

Friday, July 27, 2012

{ Faith. }

"Faith is being sure we will get what we hope for
It is the confirmation, reality and assurance of the things we expect,
Being confident that what we hope for will actually happen.

It makes us sure of the existence and proof about things we do not and cannot see,
Perceiving and convicted as real to what is not revealed to the senses."

- Hebrews 11:1

(WordRemix// Amp, Common Eng, God’s Word, NLV & NLT)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

{ Live as Christ Lived. }

{ A God-kind of success }

"Beloved, real, long lasting and abiding success comes only when you depend on Jesus. Cease from your self-efforts to promote yourself. 

Jesus wants you to trust and depend wholly on His presence and favor, and let His glory manifest mightily in everything that you touch! 

Now that is the God-kind of success that He wants you to have!"

- J. Prince

{ What is the purpose of church? - S. Furtick }

"Be a church for the unloved."

"We got Jesus. We preach Him."

"Look for an opportunity to impact."

"Luke 19:10: Seek and save that which is lost."

"Never become a church of front row spectators who judge the deeds being done more than we care about the people that Jesus wants to save."

{ Just, believe. }

"I urge you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that it is granted to you,
trust, be confident and have faith that you are receiving it,
and it be so for you -- you will get it and it will be yours."

- Mark 11:24

WordRemix: Amp, Common Eng, Complete Jewish, God's Word

{ In with our gory, out with His glory. }

in midst of our trials, issues, troubles, problems, worries, fears, lack , weaknesses, and limitations, is where God is glorified the most.

not in moments where everything is going on fine and comfortable, but times where:

in the absolute darkest, He shines the brightest,
in our utter weaknesses, He uses it to nullify the mighty;
working only well with what is imperfect and rejected.

and that is the beauty of Grace as JP reminded us about:
it is our very weakness in itself that attracts His grace.
so why not boast in it?

He takes in our gory, and uses it for His greater glory.
and the missing "l" represents His love which is never-failing and everlasting.
Love came, Love gave, Love conquered and Love won.

C’s reminder (that had a great amount of spiritual goose bumps going off) was spot on regarding spiritual welfare (inspired by BJ):

“God does not need welfare because He already won.”

He defo did. hence we're always going from victory, to greater victory.

with Him on our end, backing us up, and holding us with His right hand,
why shall we want to waste our emotions in fear,
where we’re already birthed winners in Christ?

{ Darlene Zschech @ The Morning Show - Yahoo!7 TV}

"it's my call and thing to do. it's my great honor and privilege everyday."

- d. zschech (on worship)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{ Life With God. }

{ God knows what you truly need - S. Furtick }

“Did you know that your God is so good that He wants better for you than you could ever want for yourself?”

“He is not taking anything away from you, He’s making room to get something better to you.”

“He has great intentions for His children. He wants the best for you.”

“If you are saved and redeemed by the power of God, if He never does anything else for you, He’s been good to you.“

“The cross settled His goodness once and for all.”

“Once and for all God settled the fact that He is good to you.”

“Thank Him in the middle of your struggle that He is still good.”

“Praise the Lord all my soul and all my inmost being, praise His holy name.”

“We do not know the benefits in our heavenly insurance policy.”

“He’s been better to you than you deserve and could ever earn.”

{ Touched - T.D. Jakes }

“You will never reach the end of Him.”

“His riches are unsearchable, His love incomprehensible, His ways pass finding out, you will grow old and still be searching the newness of God, His mercies are new every morning.”

Luke 8:46

“Somebody got something from me. Because I can feel the virtue go out of me.”

Hebrews 4:5-16

“The only thing that God said it was not good was that it was not good for men to be alone.”

“He always takes you to something better, never lesser.”

“God is never in the business of taking you backwards, only forwards. He’s not in the business of diminishing you, He’s in the business of increasing you. He doesn’t want to divide you, He wants to multiply you. He doesn’t want to subtract from you, He wants to add onto you. And wherever God is, He will take you from faith to faith, and from glory to glory.”

“It is getting better and you have to know that by faith because sometimes when He takes some thing or someone, the enemy will tempt you that you life is on a decline. But there is no way that our life can be on a decline and you serve the Lord because He is ever increasing brighter and brighter to a ever perfect day. If He pulled it out, took it away, or moved it, it is only a sign that something is coming that is better than the thing before.”

“Your tears and needs touch Me.”

“Relationship is very intimate; it has touch, feel, stimulation and passion in it.”

“Religion has the tendency to cause people to back away, to be untouchable, to serperate and divide. It tends to hold dear to the principles and let the people go.”

“But God did not so love the world to that He might save principles, God so love the world that He might save people. If you want to know what God cares the most, is the person sitting next, behind and in front of you.”

“He paid the ultimate price that He might express the value of you.”

“Anytime you doubt your worth, you tell the enemy that I must be valuable because Jesus died for me. I must be somebody or He wouldn’t have died for me. No matter what I did, been through or mistakes I made, I got to be value because He shed His blood for me.”

“I am somebody only because Jesus paid the price to recognize my worth.”

“How can you doubt your worth when you already been purchased by the blood of the lamb? There is no debate on your value or worth.”

“We have a High Priest who can be touched. You can reach Him. He is accessible unto you.”

“I can be touched by the feelings of your infirmities (tears/needs) that touch Me.”

“He responses to us on the basis of our need.”

“Whenever you got something that goes beyond the extremities of men’s ability, don’t throw up your hands and think that it can’t be done. Just because a man can’t do it, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. This is a job of Jesus.”

“If you can’t do it, it is just right for Jesus.”

“With walking with God, it is not so much about the destination; it is about the things that happen along the way.”

“We’re so focus on getting from point A to point B, but the greatest lessons are in the journey. It’s in the process, walking it out, getting up everyday waiting on the thing to happen – it is not the thing you hope for that is important, it is the lessons you learn while you wait.”

“He delays the answer so we can learn by the process. If He gave you the promise quickly, you would miss the opportunity to learn from the process. You think the glory is in the promise, the destination, the conclusion, the fulfillment, but the real glory is in the things that happen along the way.”

“Sometimes the problem becomes so big in your life that it swallows up your identity – you begin to lose sight on who He is, on who you are and the only thing that is big to you is your problem.”

“Whenever you start talking more about your problem than you do your promise, you are praising your problem. And whatever you praise will be magnified in your life.”

“When man’s ability fails, that is when Faith erupts. Faith starts at the point of human limitations. You believe God when you run out of options.”

“If you are coming to rock bottom, if you have a problem than you can fix and solve, you are just right for God.”

“Anything can happen.”

“What the world needs now is radical Christians who will do something that has never been done before.”

“We have a will that God respects.”

“Do you want it bad enough to call for it?”

“If the human spirit is that strong, imagine if you add the holy.”

“I’m after something.”

“She kept saying within herself: If I can but touch, if I can but touch, if I can but touch.”

“You must be radical enough to move out of your history and into your destiny.”

“Sometimes you got to press, push, and move ahead.”

“She touched something that was touching Him, and she got healed. It was not by His hand, not anointing but got healed by the stiches in His clothes, the fabric at the bottom of the garment, the dustiness part of the robe and immediately was made whole.”

“It won’t take along – that means suddenly and quickly.”

“It does not take long to get out then to get in. One touch of Jesus will set you free immediately.”

“You don’t have to ask other people, if you have been made whole. You have to know within yourself you have been made whole.”

“Don’t grieve. I am the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. Not only can I heal the former, I can resurrect the latter.”

“Every dead thing under the power of God, He is able to resurrect and stand in line and up on its feet.”

“God is still touching.”

“You don’t have an issue He cannot fix, it is in His grasp.”

{ His word has no limits. }

"I have seen that everything [human] has its limits and end [no matter how extensive, noble, and excellent]; but Your commandment is exceedingly broad and extends without limits [into eternity]."

Psalm 119:96


even men's perfection has it's limits.
shows comfort that even by our own standards of excellence,
it will not amount or come close to the hands of Grace in our lifes.

His grace is simply inexhaustible.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

{ Unstoppable Power - Steven Furtick }

“The unstoppable power of God is strongest inside the box (limitations in our life and if onlys)”

“There is something that you have to give.”

“That such that I have, I give unto you.”

“Reach down to what you have.”

“The question isn’t what you don’t have, what can’t you do, but will you give Jesus what you have, so He can do what only He can do.”

“When you do what you can do, He’ll do what only He can do.”

“Quit telling God what you don’t have, and start offering what you do have, and watch His unlimited power flowing through your life.”

{ If you can't do it, it is just right for Jesus. }

“Whenever you got something that goes beyond the extremities of men’s ability, don’t throw up your hands and think that it can’t be done. Just because a man can’t do it, does not mean it can’t be done. This is a job of Jesus."
- TD Jakes

Monday, July 23, 2012

{ Just Believe! - Steven Furtick }

"It depends on what you're measuring."

"If you are measuring your life according to your circumstances, it would be the most tragic ending."

"Your circumstance does not have to be at 100 percent for your faith to be 100 percent."

"Just keep moving forward in faith. Don't be afraid, don't give up, don't count yourself out, just believe."

"The enemy say why bother, Jesus says just believe."

"There is another day coming. Your best is not behind you. God does have a plan for you. Your circumstances does not define you. There is something new and better He can do in your life."

"Everytime potential for faith to be born in your life, the enemy is going to be right there saying why bother."

"Doubt is like a telemarketer, and the best strategy is to never even pick up the phone."

"All the reasons that the enemy has given you, the bible said that Jesus put them all out."

"God's not worried about your situation, God's not freaked out about what's keeping you up at night."

"God's got this one, just like the last one."

"Why are worrying about a battle that God has already won?"

"Why are you mourning over a situation that God has the ability to resurrect?"

"Even if the sun goes down, God Himself will be your light."

"Even if your situation doesn't get better, He will use the very thing that the enemy meant to tear you apart and use it to build you up to His great testimony."

"Faith, you don't have to understand in order to believe."

"Don't stop believing."

"Don't hold on to your feeling, hold on to your faith."

"Jesus says come."

"Even when you go down, just say close to Jesus; He can reach out His hand and help you."

"Remember the promise of God."

"He proved that once and for all that is possible. And it does not matter how dead your situation seems to be. "

"We serve a God who would hang Himself on the cross, and would talk about resurrection, so that He would prove Himself faithful in your life."

{ What happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible? - Steven Furtick }

“Your dead dreams will be resurrected, your hope to be stronger than ever, and your vision of God will be clearer; that His spirit will empower you in a new way.”
Joshua 10:12-14
“Begin to think about the impossible things in your life that God wants to accomplish.”
“The same power that lifts Jesus from the grave lives in every believer.”
“God often turns our mistakes into miracles.”
"Audacious faith is available in every believer in Christ no matter how far you run, how long you dropped, how bleak your situation seems."
"This promise that God will do the impossible in your life is not only for the perfected saints and ministers, but for all God’s people who will embrace God’s promise."
"It is impossible to let God down, because you were never holding Him up."
"I believe that the God we serve can still make the sun stand still. I believe that the savior who died for us, that the spirit that lives in us has the potential and desire to do the impossible in our lives so we can see God’s glory in our lives."
"If we have the audacious to ask, God has the ability to act."
"Both of us have saving faith in Jesus, but we settle into spiritual survival mode."
"We are not saved to survive the world but we are here to change the world."
"Ask Him to do impossible things for the glory of Jesus as a normal course of action."
"Seize God’s vision."
"Anytime that God steps into a human life and intervenes with His grace is a miraculous – if He has saved you, forgiven you, implanted His life in you, intergreted His spirit in our heart, given you His mind, and covered you with His love."
“I dispirited the thought that my life might pass me by with God moving greatly on my behalf.”
Ephesians 3:20
"If the size of the vision for isn’t intimidating to you, it is a good chance it is insulting to God – God desires to do big things through you."
"Change the perspective on the size of the vision that God desires to accomplish for you."
"God wants to do more through your life that you can imagine or even ask."
"Earn with a purpose."
"Activate your faith."
"Audacious faith and prayers are not birthed in the absence of ambiguity and uncertainty. but it embraces the faith not of our own, but of the faithfulness of God."
"Active believe in God joined with the participation in His purpose."
"Speaks words of life to your spouse and serve your wife as Christ loves the church."
"God can bring back His lost children back home."
"Be alined with His motives, and then make your move."
"This is not the time for a church to back down but this is the time for the church to rise."
"God will make the sun stand still over your situation."
"Sometimes the sun seems to set, but isn’t it the time when our lives seems the darkness, that God’s glory shines the brightest? And even if you do not get to see the miracle, God will enable you to be the miracle. He will give us a sun stand still strength to stand through our trials and trust Jesus with all our heart."
(Life Partner) He will give you the strength to wait in His perfect timing
(Work/School) God will show us off like a trophy and He will ignite the ordinary in our life; seeing burning bushes all around where He is speaking and moving, that He will demonstrate His kingdom in every sphere of His kingdom
"God desires to the do the impossible in our life and all things are possible to Him who believes."
(Church) God will increase our influence, take bold steps of faith and launch out and inherit the land, embrace the uncertainty as an opportunity to see God’s purpose and experience His power and receive His provision

Sunday, July 22, 2012

{ A God incident & A life for the church. }

today makes another journey and event that will shape a personal in-take of the ministry that God has graciously placed me in. despite where are and called to be in, there will be moments where it takes a lot of dying to self to constantly be reminded that is really not about us, nor about our grace gift in all He has placed us to do.

one tends to look at the gift at times, more so that the grace that is came through in. praise the Lord that He is way good and holds on to us even when our focus are not entirely on Him. this is the time where we find ourselves being in the grip of grace, and whatever He holds on to He never lets go.

when things happens that is beyond human expectation, it becomes a God incident which is a definite wake up call for me – never to take any opportunity or serve in His house for granted, always come from a heart of gratitude and honouring the people He has placed above us, and to only rely on the voice of the King and none other (including ourselves) in such times.

because His voice eventually becomes our own as His word and thoughts are shared on this beloved vessel He continues to expand, equip and mature us. He never wants us to remain the same, always having the faith in us to do far greater things than one’s weakness and insecurity.

Honestly, I thought we were letting K down – who has been placing her heart and drive through each and everyone of us more so than the item. To have that faith in us is what inspiring. the confident and constant feedback has mould us into the greater potential that one is seen in to succeed and go beyond one’s comfort zone.

It has been a dream to actually meet such an anointed psalmist and instrumentalist, let alone serve with her in His house such as this one. And what a slained experience to have an encounter with the shepherd who’s life has been always for the church (us). To truly witness the presence and heart of him for his people and servers alongside with him, is an impactful and encouraging vision.

We are indeed in one of His many awesome houses He has called and anoint each man to lead His people in:

“My life is for the church.” – JP

Never ever going to forget that moment, because one just realizes, I don’t exactly have to experience that when we get to face the man himself, but rather we are experiencing it every, single, Sunday. In and of itself, is already a privi to be under a revolutionizing gospel of grace which cannot help but amaze us each time through God behind this phenomenal man. wonder what will it be truly like to have a five minute cuppa with this bloke haha.

If this is the beginning of what new things He has got installed for each of us, I truly am open to the greater things He has yet blow our spiritual minds away. Yes, that’s not the power, or ability of grace, but rather, the Person -- Jesus, it is You.

{ Sun Stand Still - Steven Furtick }

"nothing is impossible to him who believes. nothing is too difficult for God."

"let's be a generation be known for what we stand for. let's be a generation known for what we love, let's be a generation that represents the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. we are a generation that will restore honor."

"most christians carry the chronic ache of the ordinary."

"what you're seeing is not matching up with what you've heard."

"when there is nothing to see, God is active and busy and capable in your life."

"don't you ever let anyone talk you out of what God put you in it. if He spoke it, He will fulfill it."

{ D&R's Christ centered day. }

just witnessed D&R's wedding, and i must say, it was one of the most interesting and relaxed one amongst the usual. what an honor to be invited to view the happy and blessed couple, not only getting hitched, but just speaking forth of His goodness and faithfulness through their worship, speeches, thanksgiving, and even dance moves.

to have your God ordained LP (life partner) to speak what He speaks of you, of the worth that God has placed an eternal value in a woman such as us, goes to show that this man (D in this case), truly loves R the way Christ has loved the church. you can tell by seeing the beam and glow on the receivers end. what a vision.

true that to the verse in the P31 woman series where it goes, freestyle mode: the man knows there are plenty other beautiful woman out there (visually stimulated as they are designed to be), but when he sees you (the P31 woman that you are),

he sees you as a woman that outclass them all.

wow. "that ain't no lie." - kitty. soon and very soon.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

{ When The Sun Goes Down by Steven Furtick }

"sometimes God gives an perspective on what to do when the sun goes down."

"there is things in God's will that we do not completely understand."

"sometimes the questions isn't why but what, what does God wants to do in your life in this situation."

"what would it be like if you seize the opportunity of your adversity to see God's glory?"

"what if my greatest crisis in my life became the greatest opportunity to see the sun stand still, but not over my situation, what if God wants to make a miracle inside of me."

"sometimes we see the miracle, and sometimes God wants us to be the miracle."

"God does not always answer our prayers, but He never ever waste our faith."

"God is working on our behalf, even when our prayers doesn't seem to be working at all."

"the greatest set backs in our lives, were actually the greatest set ups for God to reveal His glory."

"choose to embrace your crisis as an opportunity for God to glorify Himself through our lives."

"true faith does not begin until our understanding has ended."

"revealed to us at a new level a we walk by faith, and not by sight."

"help us be the miracle even when we can't see the miracle."

Friday, July 20, 2012

{ Steven Furtick @ Liberty University Convocation }

“You can feel entitled to something you use to be grateful for.”
“We should be grateful that God has given us another day.”
“Trouble will make you look for God in places you haven’t looked.”
“It may force you to depend on God where you have not been in otherwise.”
“You can’t expect God’s blessing when you are living your life your way. If you want God’s results you got to do it God’s way because there is some things that only God can do.”
“Only God can send the rain.”
“Nothing is impossible with God. There is nothing He can’t do. There no situation He can’t change.”
“You can do it. You can make it. Don’t give up. No, matter, what.”
“You can have incredible inspiration, but if you have inspiration without an implementation, you don’t really have a vision, you just have a daydream.”
“Real faith plays out on the plains on reality where we believe that God can do it.”
“You want to know what the Lord says, and not caring about some human opinion.”
“This is what the Lord says: Make this valley full of ditches.”
“If you want God to send the rain in your life, you need to dig a ditch.”
“Grab a shuffle and start preparing on what He wants to do in your life.”
“Dig a ditch for the blessing you are expecting even before you will ever see it.”
“When He sends it, you’ll be ready to receive it and give Him the glory.”
“Make this valley full of ditches.”
“It is hard to dig a ditch when the valley is a low place. But the valley is the exact place where you need to believe God the most. The time where you can’t feel him, where you can’t see him, the time where you don’t know how He is going to do it, it is the exact time you need to trust Him like never before.”
“God can still rain in your life and use you in ways that you will never imagine.”
“Focus on becoming the right person so that when God sends the right person you will be ready.”
“Quit waiting on what you want, and work with what you got.”
“What is in your hand? What do you have right now?”
“God I want to see Your promises come to pass in my life. God I believe you have a plan for me that is above and beyond anything that I can ask or imagine.”
“The God of heaven and earth did not send His son to be brutally murdered on a cross, so that you could simply survive the world. But this God, our God, has called you, that your life, might be a demonstration and reflection of His glory. And if you wanna see God send the rain, make your valley full of ditches. Dig a lot of ditches, dig with faith, dig when it’s hard, dig when you don’t feel it, dig when you can’t see it, dig when you’re lonely, dig when you don’t feel like it’s ever gonna happen, because our God is faithful, and nothing is impossible to him who believes.”

{ I AM... with You. }

"Don’t be afraid. I am with you.
Don’t tremble with fear.
I am your God.

I will make you strong,
as I protect you with my arm,
and give you victories."

- Isaiah 41:10 (Contemporary English Version)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

{ Overwhelmed / So let the weak say I am strong Pt. 2 }

"every weakness you have,
is an opportunity for God to show His strength in Your life."

- unknown.

{ Overwhelmed / So let the weak say I am strong. }


it is time for grace to show up again, and do what one cannot ever do.
take over.

because i can't, and You can.
because i see the impossibilities, and You make the possibilities.
because i am Your child, and You are my Father.

all the cares of the world, especially of ones that one holds dearly to the deepest core of the heart, is now handed completely over to Your hands that i know will make wonders.

You are the ultimate care-giver and miracle-maker. this is one characteristics of You that one would want to experience in the darkest hour, over and over, and over again.

"so let the weak say i am strong." - hillsong.

( He heals the heart of the broken. }

"thank You that You are my healer,
thank You that You are my peace that passes all understanding,
thank You that You are my Father, my King, my First Love,
and thank You that You are my redeemer,
You have turned the ugliness in my life into beauty."

Father, if You are for us, who ever can be against us?

- The Broken (Short Film)


He heals the heart of the broken.
once restored, it shall fly again.
nothing can stop the goodness and love of our Father,
who personally by His hand of grace,
makes all things work together for our good.

{ Walking by faith, shameless. }

i walk by not on the dependency of seeing through my natural eyes,
where everything seems like it is,
but through the eyes of Your faith,
where the impossible is ours to experience at hand.

even at the point where faith seems like a distance,
You always come in the most unexpected moments,
to surprise us with Your faithfulness and wondrous plans
that You already have planned all along.

this is what it is like, to trust in You.
as You personally said,
"we will not be put to shame."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

{ It is not just a daydream. }

"You can have incredible inspiration,
but if you have inspiration without implementation,
you don’t really have a vision,
but just a daydream."

- S. Furtick

( Pray Like You Mean It - Steven Furtick }

"when you pray like a juggernaut and you ask God to do the impossible, there is no mountain He can't move."

"pray audaciously."

"have prayers with faith building results and believe something is going to happen when you pray."

"size up the impossible and pray in way that is bold, faith inspiring and earth shaking."

"do not change what you pray about, but change how you pray."

"start praying like a juggernaut overcoming with all the obstacles that comes your way."

"base your case in the word of God."

"engage God. pray God's will by praying God's word."

"infuse Your prayer with some attitude."

"believe God in who He says He is."

"we are going to inherit the land that God has promised to you."

{ Wanna know how great God is? - Steven Furtick }

"Your God is so great, that God cannot contain Himself to a particular description."

"I am who I am, You can't box me in."

"I am that I am. whatever you need, that's what I am. I am that."

"whatever you need, that's who He is. He simply is."

"God is _____."

"We lost our perspective on how big our God is."

"Jesus is our friend, but He is not our homeboy. thank God that we can approach Him as a friend, but we need to honour Him as a real God because He is great and greatly to be praised. He is excellent, He is phenomenal."

"if you see how great God is, all the deep stuff will take care of itself and the dept of His greatness and glory of your life."

{ You saved my soul & now i live / Your word brings life. }

"It's news I'm most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God's powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else!

 God's way of putting people right shows up in the acts of faith, confirming what Scripture has said all along:
"The person in right standing before God by trusting him really lives."

- Romans 1:16 (The Message)

"Lord as we speak forth Your very word that has came right from Your very mouth which will never ever return to us void, may our faith activate to the level of Your word and trusting You every moment of my life that You have graced, equipped and more so impacted me in many many ways that one cannot put it in words but by just lifting up my eyes and hands from earth, and say:

thank You and thank You for YOU in my life. where would i truly be if You have not shown up? it is Your love that sustains us, and holds us and secures us that everything will be all right according to not only our faith, but Your faith in us through Your very word.

let Your word come forth from the bible, renewing my mind, restoring my heart, anointing my mouth and experiencing what it exactly says through my spirit and body.

Your word is truly the light unto my feet, and the light unto my path."

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

{ Coming to His fullness & power over everything. }

"Watch out for people who try to dazzle you with big words and intellectual double-talk They want to drag you off into endless arguments that never amount to anything. They spread their ideas through the empty traditions of human beings and the empty superstitions of spirit beings.

But that's not the way of Christ.

Everything of God gets expressed in Him, so you can see and hear him clearly. You don't need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without Him.

When you come to him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything."

Colossians 2:8-10 (The Message)

{ His love is > all. }

there is faith, hope and love. but the greatest of them all is love.

goes to show that His love is greater than our faith,
and His love is greater that our hope.

{ Pray like a juggernaut. )

‎"When you ask God for the impossible,
there is no mountain He cannot move."

- S. Furtick

Monday, July 16, 2012

{ Faith Confessions by Steven Furtick }

"you got to hear God's word, speak God's word and do God's word."

(speak His scriptures into your body)

when you touch your feet:
"God i thank You that my feet are shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

when you touch your belly: 
"God i thank You that have You've not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and love and a sound mind."

"speak it outloud to create an atmosphere of His word around you."

when you touch your heart:
"God i thank You that from my heart flows the issues of life. so would You purify my heart and give me Your motives as i go to speak."

when you touch your mouth:
"God i thank You that as the rain falls from the heaven, and waters the earth, so shall Your word be that perceeds forth from Your mouth that will not return to You void, but will accomplish that You've sent it to do."

when you touch your eyes:
"Lord i thank You give me eyes to see what You see, i thank You that You will going to enable me to see every prohetic opportunity as i speak Your word today."

when you touch your ears:
"Lord i thank You that You have given me ears to hear and i will hear Your voice today and a voice of a stranger i will not follow.

when you touch your mind:
"thank You Lord that i have got the mind like Christ, that Your ways are higher than my ways, and Your thoughts are higher that my thoughts and i think Your thoughts today."

when you lift your hands:
"i lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help comes from? my help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth."

"God word's has come forth my mouth and now my faith is activated and i am ready to engage on what God has called me to do."

"begin to speak God's word, it is a powerful powerful thing."

"do not let this book of the law depart from your mouth, but mediate on it day and night and that you may have success wherever you go."

"speaking the word activates our faith."

"learn how to preach God's word to yourself."

(Audacious Faith Confession)

"if you aline your mouth with God's words, and you begin to speak what God says, you begin to see as He sees. and that lifts your living to a new level, and enables your faith to rise up to the level of God's truth."

1. I am fully forgiven and free from all shame and condemnation.
2. I act in audacious faith to change the world in my generation.
3. I have no fear or anxiety, I trust in the Lord with all my heart.
4. I am able to fulfill the calling God has placed on my life.
5. I am fully funded to do everything God has called me to do
6. I have no insecurity, because I see myself the way God sees me.
7. I am a faithful spouse and a Godly parent; our family is blessed.
8. I am completely whole, physically, mentally and emotionally.
9. I am increasing in influence and favor for the kingdom of God.
10. I am enabled to walk in the sacrificial love of Christ.
11. I have the wisdom of the Lord concerning every decision I make.
12. I am protected from all harm and evil in Jesus’ name.

“when you preach to yourself, it creates a context for your faith to grow.”

{ How Audacious is Your Faith? by Steven Furtick }

"being dumb enough to believe God can do anything.."

"that anything is written in His word is possible to believe.."

"i do not believe that God has call me to survive the world, but change it for His glory.."

"i want to have stories to tell.."

"if the size of the vision in your ministry and your life isn't intimidating to You, it is a good chance it is insulting to God.."

"if you will dig the ditches, God will send the rain. if you will do what you can do, He will do what only He an do. and that is verified only in His word.."

{ Fear of.. Men. }

yes, we have that in us but it comes in different forms and levels. do not really know what to begin with this, because one has come to a point, of simply wanting this off me. completely.

who really cares of what others may think of you when the One is always thinking highly of you despite your lack or limitations. it is just such a shame when one is bonded in such a way, which really can be a hindrance to your true actions and heart of the matter.

glad the meaning of fear in men and in God is vastly different which brings comfort to the soul. in worship, there is freedom and freedom indeed. not caring for a bit of how one is looked at and simply coming to His throne just as you are.

acceptance is never compromised and conditional, hence liberation reigns in this place, and in our hearts, minds, and spirit. how i just want to bask here all the days of my life.

"thank You Lord, for loving and accepting me for who i really and truly am -- the person behind closed doors and when no one is really looking. the person where You personally know the heart of and am well pleased in Your sight. this is love, and this is grace.

i shall no longer be bounded by the fear of men, but be free in the very worship of Your presence. one is now fully secured in this foundation called, cornerstone -- where You are quite at home."

Sunday, July 15, 2012

{ HS2013. }

okay, its booked. didnt really expect much, or have that amped kindda feeling besides being syked that JC is going. wanted to do something way different electively, but will see how this will lead to.....

ps: Jesus, it is You. if it is solo experience, then so be it. *smiles*

Saturday, July 14, 2012

{ A heart solely after You. }

"You don’t need skill to serve God,
you just need a good heart."

- J. Meyer

a heart after Him is all He ever needs to reign in His kingdom that He has at hand for each and everyone of us. there are simply no limits to serve the King -- because the King Himself have once sacrificed all so that whatever He has right now, is now forever ours.

"unto You an offering, will my life forever be."

{ Unstoppable grace Pt. 3 }

Your grace abounds in me,
that is why we are never gonna stop.

Friday, July 13, 2012

{ De-care to Him. }

"If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don't you think He'll attend to you, take pride in you, do His best for you?"

- Luke 12:25 (Msg)

how much more will He give to us -- His best that supersedes all that is known and experienced. His supply that comes from above which eternalize all natural forms. His grace that knows no end.


"Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are."

- Luke 12:27 (NLT)

not even solomon who is rich and magnificent in all glory could even come close. to imagine the most wealthy men of all earth does not even compare to one flower that God cares for. to know that it is not by our toil and self made solution and resources brings hope to all.


"Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully."

- 1 Peter 5:7 (Amp)

as You take all of our cares and whatever that weighs us down, one soon finds that all of one's needs are found in You. and what is left is Your grace abounding in me.


"take it all Lord, and have Your grace and promises make known and standing firm."

{ His words are all that matters. }

But He replied, It has been written,

Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by bread alone,
but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.

- Matt 4:4 (Amp)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

{ You are who God says you are. }

"Remember, you are not who people say you are,
you are who GOD says you are."

- J. Osteen

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

{ View from heaven to earth. }

was under the weather so i decided to pop in one of j.smith sermon dvds from hills 08. yes, it took my lazy bottom five years to actually play it again. repentance is now. i kid.

it is truly time to change one's point of view as he boldly encourages -- a view that is not from earth to heaven, but heaven, to earth. and the kingdom perspective is always far above it all, because the God of the cosmos sees everything. nothing can hide from His view as He is the creator and the very existence of all things.

instead of staying comfy in our tents where how we say, think, and feel is only based on our very own, and with God only coming partially in the picture, how about coming out from it? isn't one already sick of the limited perspective and small possibilities that faith is normally seen easier to be enlarged in?

to imagine a view from heaven to earth will definitely give us a new set of eyes to finally see through the eyes of Grace which speaks of supply and none else.

that is the beauty of the heart of our God -- abram asked for just one kid but God took him out from his tent and told him to look up and count the stars because those represent each and everyone of his decedents and their destinies, which translates back to every 7 billion one of us.

imagine that. Grace does not just gives enough, but there is always more that is attached to it simply because He does not ever stop. our heavenly Father knows no end.

heard this verse saying "where He started, He will faithfully complete it" three times this week. first from Him personally for another person, on bible gateway, and then on this very sermon itself. can He be any more obvious? i kid again.

to give a thought, when He said He will faithfully and personally complete whatever that He started, He already did. when the law bounded us, God Himself literally came down and finished what was thought impossible. He personally took care of everything. how will He not do anything else?

here's to a journey of seeing it like a King.

"open the eyes of my heart and all other senses to be in tune with Yours and none else. have me not be easily moved by my feelings, but by Your faith You have running in us and through us.

take over."

{ I Desire Jesus - Hillsong }

I desire Jesus
Precious Lamb who ransomed me
Upon the cross He took my sin
By His blood He set me free

I desire Jesus
O His name my soul esteem
For upon His thorn-scarred brow
Is the crown of victory

He is worthy of all honour
All glory to His Name
He alone deserves
Our highest praise
And forever He will reign

I desire Jesus
Triumphant One the earth awaits
For on that day the earth will shine
With the glory of Your name

You are worthy of all honour
All glory to Your Name
You alone deserve
Our highest praise
And forever You will reign

You are all glorious
You are all glorious
My heart leans in
My soul must sing
You are all glorious

I desire Jesus
Precious Lamb
Who ransomed me
Unto You an offering
Will my life forever be

{ Grace Abounds by Hillsong }

You lay aside Your throne
And to this world, You have come
You offered up Your life
The debt You paid, was not Yours

Your grace abounds to me
Your grace abounds to me
Jesus, in You I find all that I need

A gift I could not earn
Your open arms are undeserved
Enabled by Your grace
Now to live is Christ alone

All powerful, All glorious
There's nothing like the name of Jesus
All powerful, All glorious
There's nothing like Your name

Monday, July 9, 2012

{ Unstoppable Grace Pt. 2 }

"Grace simply knows no end.."

He is not just enough, but more. His supply always runs over, not meeting just the par. God is never ever good with targets. when is He ever?

{ Unstoppable Grace. }

"for Grace was not stopped at the cross, nor it shall ever be."

{ Hit me with Your best shot. }

think He definitely did. right smack to the core.

G: "don't you think My standards are high?

still harping on this one…

Monday, July 2, 2012

{ Release. }

all of a sudden, i just felt a huge release from everything that were once thought of being good in the eyes and point of view of one's own. it is like the hold has been loosen and gone just, like, that. what use to be of importance have gone down and off the list.

"G., i'm open. to what plans you already have, that i never thought of even going in that direction and place, am now letting You lead me to where You wanted to bring me all along. a place of boldness, a place of security, a place of supply, a place of wholeness, a place of true satisfaction and a place of trust.. because Daddy only gives the best of the very best.

whatever You have installed, i'm ready."