" Because you are special* to me, and I love you, I gladly give up other peoples in exchange for you; They are trivial by comparison to your weighty significance. " _Isaiah 43:4* (The Voice)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

{ De-junk & Re-prioritize Pt. 2 }

what an end of to march -- spend a day worth of cleaning up years of threads and accessories that were once prized and treasured. all those seasonal trends that are on junked to the no and maybe pile. should have listened to mum when she advised to only do classics and not impulses. that is definitely a lesson heard but now convicted? never too late i say.

wells it is also time to say goodbye to other things as well. no point harping on the good times of the past, but am looking forward to better ones as He is definitely always and perfectly faithful that way. "best of the very best" as mum always boldly and lovingly declares.

letting go also inc. all bad and ugly moments that may still linger like an unwanted guest -- coming and going as it pleases. God was with me then, and likewise now. let the hunting end and those doors to close, permanently. no. more. (smiles)

emptying everything that was once dear and signifiant -- places, bondage, deep hurts, soft spots and people. all those years were of a seasonal joy and purpose. everything had to happen then, else there will not be a now such as this one. (smiles again)

so, it is time to completely cut all ties. "freedom reigns in place." - k.walker (jesus culture)

going to just allow Your spirit, grace and mercy to freely fall on my face.
healing rain in pouring down, and i am no longer afraid.

nothing is going to hold me back now.

"Lord, use me like never before. have Your way.
keep stirring up in our hearts with great passion for Your name.
it is time to show the world what it is yet to see and experience.
we ask for daily and fresh encounters - at home, church, ministry, work and beyond the four walls."

Friday, March 30, 2012

{ When you're unsure of your calling, and He says.. }

{ At The Foot of the Cross - cover by Arden Cho }

At the foot of the cross
where grace and sufferning meet
You have shown me Your love
through the judgement You received

And You won my heart
Yes You've won my heart

Now I can
Trade these ashes in for beauty
and wear forgiveness like a crown
Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
I lay every burden down

At the foot of the cross
where I am made complete
You have given me life
through the death You bore for me

Lyrics by K. Scott

{ All for love & Made righteous. }

All for Love by Hillsong

"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us,
that we might become the righteousness of God in Him."

- 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NJK)


let's live in the righteous robes that He has graciously placed on us.
the sinless has saved the sinner.
yup, that is grace personified and i cannot help but be amazed again and again.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

{ Will the real Christian, please walk it out? }

heard a comment that i have encountered for years,
"he/she did that and he/she calls himself/herself a "Christian"?
no wonder people say Christians are the most hypocrites."

is anyone tired of hearing people talk and not walk?

the amen's only go as far as that particular "anointed" moment, and when push comes to shove,
it is tucked behind and unwilling to unmask itself.

is so easy of one to talk about love and grace, but how about showing it?
make it not just a knowledge but an experience to others out there.

Jesus did not need to prove Himself as the King.

He lived and not acted as one despite of the many false accusations and unbelief of His royal identity.
He came as flesh to go through every single bit of human emotions and temptations,
 to show us that all impossibilities are actually possibilities for our everyday life.

Jesus told us He loved us by showing it.
without much talk, He walked it out and that was what amazed people around Him.
when grace is shown through the heart and not just the mouth, transformation soon appears.

this topic has been circulating in the world for far too long.
the added lies has got to be put to and end.
the world has to see who Jesus truly is, and our own lack of self righteous and holy art thou manners is not helping.

you think your own good deeds can save you?
without Him, we are simply nothing.

like He shown me the other time, His words are not just life-jackets that helps us to keep afloat,
they actually hold power and the only way out is by believing it rightly, so we can do so likewise.

being a living testimony is by not reacting how the norm would go, but going against all worldly customs.
yes we are in here, but of here.

remember where our roots and true identity lies -- it of the King and His kingdom.
temporal is not for the Christian life but more so being set forth by eternity.

it is time for the real Christian, sons and daughters of the Most High, to walk it out.
the best part of it all, we are never alone, He is right here.

ps: the battle always belongs to The Lord.
for He has not only better weaponry, but solutions and answers that leaves everyone stunned with His glory.
He will only give weight to which He sees fit.

Monday, March 26, 2012

{ No Limits (Enlarge My Territory) by Israel & New Breed }

{ Made for more! }

"Your lot in life is to excel. It's to make a difference in this world.

Take a stand and say, "I will not settle where I am.
I was made fore more!"

- J. Osteen

{ Unmerited favor & nothing earned. }

"I could not sleep last night because God is too good." - Mum

for one to taste such goodness, one is incredibly satisfied and blown away by how much He is willing to go above and beyond for us. for He did His utter most at the cross, pouring out His entire grace and love and went all out, goes to show His heart that is constantly for us. never for a second we are not on His mind as every single thought of His concerns and pertains to our very being.

"What matters to you, matters to Him." - Bill Johnson

how not be transformed? how not be moved? how not willed to His?

as written in JP's destined to reign with dad's kind reminder, is that favor only comes from Him. once we input a hint of effort on our end, is simply and no longer considered to it's fullest meaning.
for Grace came and died on the cross without the help and assistance of any of us, we shall also receive it likewise. it is called amazing for a reason, and that's Jesus.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

{ Genes of a Winner, DNA of a Victor! }

‎"Get this down in your spirit. Victory is in your DNA. You have the genes of a winner. 
Almighty God has infused strength, talent, value and confidence into you!"

- J. Osteen

{ Let our King be lifted up! }

few things to be thankful for serving in His house: 

catching an awesome man of God (and wisdom) in action before God takes him in another greater direction (good on you ps b., you've definitely left a legacy so far),

another privilege to cross path with His anointed and faithful servants (what amazing gifts He has definitely imparted for greatness for His kingdom),

and a much missed bcrew fellowship to end off (bless your hearts and friendship all this while).

Grace is yet so undeserved but amazing again.

"my greatest honor will always be serving my Lord and King
let our King be lifted up!"

Saturday, March 24, 2012

{ You're my glory. }

Psalm 62:7-8

With God rests my salavation and my glory,
My deliverance and victory depend on Him.
He saves me and honours me, my mighty and strong rock,
unyielding strength and impenetrable hardness,
where I find safety and refuge in Him.

So trust Him absolutely, people;
lay your lives on the line for Him.
God is a safe place to be.

WordRemix// Common Eng, Contempt Eng, AMP, Msg

{ Delighting in Him. }

"A true love of God, must begin with a delight in His holiness."

- Jonathan Edwards

Friday, March 23, 2012

{ We Are Young ft. Janelle Monáe by Fuled By Ramen }

{ God has a bigger plan. }

‎"A unanswered prayer doesn't mean you're forgotten,
It just means that there's a better plan."

- Corrinne May

{ Human Nature (MJ Cover) by GLEE }

my ultimate MJ fave of all time.
oh the melting beats and lyrics.

and these would be one of my reason of picking up the guit.

{ Armour Up! }

Ephesians 6:10-11

"In conclusion, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power, 
He is strong and wants you strong,
so be empowered through your union with Him,
draw your strength from Him which His boundless might provides.

Put on God's whole armor of a heavy-armed solider which God supplies, 
So take everything the Master has set for you, 
which are well-made weapons of the best materails.
Put them to use so you w ill be able to successfully stand up and firm,
 to everything the Devil throws your way and to all his strategies and deceits.

(WordRemix// Amp, Msg & NLT)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

{ Be lifted higher. }

{ A lifestyle of Worship. }

worship is not just the singing of melodic songs towards Him,
but more so, it is a lifestyle that we all have the liberty and grace to do so in every and any moment.
as His sons and daughters, we just cannot help but be at awed with His goodness and faithfulness.

we are made of His worth that births us our worthship towards the heavens.

"there is no higher calling, and no greater honour, then to bow, and kneel before Your throne.
i'm amazed at Your glory, embraced by Your mercy, oh Lord, i live to worship You."

Lord, let us not just hit the front gates of Your throne, but the inner courts where we belong.
enlarge our worship and ability to hit the heavenly notes and melodies that no man have ever heard of.
soak us with Your anointing and power to release Your miracles from the kingdom realm to earth.
make every worship a fresh encouter with You.

"let it rain Lord, let Your healing rain fall down, let Your presnece invade us.
take over, we invite You."

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

{ It is You. }

it is You who truly understands what one maybe helming,
it is You who is there before one is in need or ask of anything,
it is You who only thinks the best of us at all times,
it is You who never acts in terms of conditions but unfailing love,
it is You who comforts the spots that are the hardest to get over,
it is You who always listens and listens well,
it is You who fills it up when one is running on empty,
it is You who is more concerned on the supply than lack,
it is You who can only reach to places and depth of one's secrets,
and it is You who one may ever need, and none else.

"the Lord is my shepherd, and i shall never lack any good thing,
hence i shall never be in any want, because He is all that i can ever need.
with God, i then have everything."

(Psalm 23 inspired)

{ Hosanna (Be Lifted Higher) by Sidney Modhede & True Worshippers }

"The disciples went and did exactly what Jesus told them to do.
They led the donkey and colt out, laid some of their clothes on them, and Jesus mounted.
Nearly all the people in the crowd threw their garments down on the road,
giving him a royal welcome.
Others cut branches from the trees and threw them down as a welcome mat.

Crowds went ahead and crowds followed, all of them calling out,
"Hosanna to David's son!"
"Blessed is he who comes in God's name!"
"Hosanna in highest heaven!"

- Matthrew 21:6-9 (Msg)

{ Leaving behind a Legacy Pt. 2 }

did not know how much mama's departured presence to the Lord had a soft yet emotionally deepen affect on me. yes, i do not do public crying or any displays of affection. personal much? perhaps so. wells these moments can only be played out solo and behind close doors -- for me at least.

kept replaying mama's good times we have all shared at her place. how she always greets us so warmly and smiling the moment her eyes reach the door. having her unlocking the padlocks eagerly to welcome us in while letting us occupy her space on that famous wooden and red cushion chairs.

even without commuting much in dialect, the body language of her affections was more than enough to spell out love with caps and in bold. do miss her hands rubbing on us while she professes her kind blessings with interjections of "hallelujah" once in awhile.

is just hard to not have that anymore. to realize those moments where only made to be cherished physically at that time. the surrealness is sinking in and taking effect in mourning which hits sporadically. these two years moving back here was for purely ordained for her -- He timed it so perfectly with no quality time wasted.

"mama, sure you are enjoying yourself in eternal paradise with Jesus. you have definitely lived a life worthy to have His name and heart gloried in a generous manner, leaving only a legacy for the next three generations to humbly follow and do even greater.

love you and thank you so much for being the most gracious mama out there. you mama, have made a difference in each and everyone of our lives. He is always faithful till the end."

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{ Wonders like never before. }

“Then the LORD said:

‘I am making a covenant with you.
Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world.
The people you live among will see how awesome is the work that I, the LORD, will do for you"

Exodus 34:10

Monday, March 19, 2012

{ De-junk & Re-prioritize }

it is time for an external and internal spring clean. to de-junk my slight hoarder-ish habit of keeping things that i would swear by using it in the later future (threads and bling that were once prized), and to re-prioritize my time (family, ministry, personal) and finance to a better and more focused daily affair.

starting now would be good, but staring now with His guidance and divine wisdom would take off better. 

"Lord, show me, and teach me, for Your ways are much higher.
thank You for a renewed heart, mind, spirit, talent, capacity, house, supply and body.
and above all, relationship and encounter with You."

Sunday, March 18, 2012

{ What Faith Can Do by Kutless }

"Impossible is not a word, is just a reason for someone not to try.
That's what faith can do."

Saturday, March 17, 2012

{ Leaving behind a Legacy. }

leaving behind a legacy is actually imparting eternal values that will shape and characterize the next generation to come. this is what 'passing the baton' is all about -- transferring of visions and revelations that will run the course for the next group of history makers.

would say that gramps aka: mama (who recently went home with the Lord) has done so in the lives of many others, especially with her very own younglings of eight. she has assisted and made selfless sacrifices to rise up each and every one of them who's successes are her responsibility.

these treasured values that are so innate in one's family life helps birth into one's future and destiny. perhaps legacy should not be just a powerful term but one that is expressed through the very lives of this generation that God has gracefully called to do His very will for such a time as this one.

"a history maker and speaker of truth to all man kind." - delirious

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

{ Kingdom Invasion! }

"Do it again Lord" 

- Ps. Yang 

am ready for the impartation of new gifts and enlargement of new territories.
the natural has just became, super,
and the days are like heaven on earth.

we want the greater Lord, the greater which the world has yet seen and experienced.

“We owe the world an encounter with God”

- Bill Johnson

{ "Rumour Has It/Someone Like You" by GLEE }

fierce love.

Monday, March 12, 2012

{ Believing for The Greater. }

"God is looking for you to believe Him for the greater works, greater power, greater anointing, greater influence, greater victory. He’s looking for somebody to take the limits off of Him."

- J. Osteen

what are we waiting for? 
onward Christian soldiers! ready to lift Jesus high? (ripped from m. smith)

"Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. 
If you can't believe that, believe what you see—these works. 
The person who trusts me will not only do what I'm doing but even greater things, 
because I, on my way to the Father, 
am giving you the same work to do that I've been doing. 
You can count on it. 
From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, 
I'll do it. That's how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. 
I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I'll do."

- John 14:11-14 (Msg)

{ Unprecedentedly & Perfectly Faithful.. }

don't know where to begin, but just would like to declare of His faithfulness that is so unprecedented. truly He is not just faithful, but He is also perfect at it in many ways that even us believers have doubted again and again. and the most Grace thing, is that nothing has came out from the works of a human hand but His.

after worshiping to how great is our God at church, He truly brought that song to the next level, and it started while it was sung at Naomi's cremation. that was the time He united the whole family after many prolong years of being in two places.

to finally come back to what we thought was a gift (and still is), yet "He knew better." -- just like what dad tearfully and faithfully declared before the white wooden box of on the way to the fire.

i will never forget how we all worshiped as an entire familee in front of her lifeless body that was hidden in that little space of a coffin which mum and us had to arrange a day before. to really be able to even sing a tune towards His throne despite the circumstances that we cannot escape, goes to show that we still serve a faithful God.

and like what mike proclaimed "God is still good, and as for me and my wife, we will serve the Lord." this was uttered in a state where fel was still hospitalized and saved by His hand after a heavy blood loss, and while ever longing for a daughter which he had to let God now celebrate her resurrection in heaven.

shared this with mum how it has been more than two years, and look what He has brought the entire familee to? blessing us with a beautiful, healthy and joyful grand-daughter, daughter and niece to us all. and with Gid (aka Gideon) coming in three months just loudly speaks of His heart and ways that are far above our thoughts and plans.

a colleague asked me what worship meant to me, and i would say it all starts with the heart. not of ours, but of the Father's. it is very personal, and an intimate time we are graced with His presence and love over and over again -- so heart captivating and soul refreshing.

"You search much deeper within, through the way things appear,
You're looking into my heart.."

{ A God depandancy life. }

‎"How many people came to Jesus for a miracle and left disapointed? NONE!
He was 100 percent successful as a man dependant on God."

- B. Johnson

a God dependancy life births out the miraclous declaring all possiblities in the sight of men crying out for answers,

a God dependancy life births out winners fighting with His strength and wisdom onto greater victories,

a God dependancy life births out the very will of God where efforless blessings are simply found and not earned,

a God dependancy life is what He wants for us believing belivers living in the aftermath of what Grace has done.

"The law condemns the best of us, but Grace saved the worse of us."

- J. Prince

and this is the beatuy of Grace.

"Lord, as i come boldy to Your very throne of Grace, there lies in every answer, dreams, gifts, blessings and miracles that You have faitfhully perfected. 
Everything was done so we would come.."

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Saturday, March 10, 2012

{ Our God by Israel Houghton }

"and if our God is for us, 
then who could ever stop us?

and if our God is with us,
then what can stand against?"


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{ A Hymn of Praise for God's Favor! }

Isaiah 25:1

"O Yahweh, You are my God;
I will exalt You, I will honour and praise Your name,
You've done your share of miracle-wonders,
Such wonderful and amazing things,
Even purposes and promises planned of old [and fulfilled] in faithfulness and truth,
The words you said long ago are completely true,
and now You have accomplished them,
You have always done what you said you would do,
For You have been completely faithful and reliable to do great things,
Well-thought-out plans, solid and sure,
Everything happened exactly as you said it would,
with perfect faithfulness."

WordRemix// Amp, NLT, Msg, NLV, Contempt Eng, Good News, God's Word, Easy to Read, Holman Christain Standard, NCV,


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

{ Our worship is His greatest treasure. }

Isaiah 33:6
He is our firm foundation of our future and entire lifes on which we stand today,
being for you what is sure and faithful for your times
He will provide security and protection during a lifetime and in all we ever need,
a source, abundance and richies of salvation, wisdom, knowledge and saving power in surplus;
and best of all, the reverent fear and worship of the Lord is your greatest treasure and His.

WordRemix// Amp, Common Eng, Contempt Eng, Darby, DRA, God's Word, GNT, Msg, NIRV, NLV

Monday, March 5, 2012

{ For He alone exalts. }

"In and of oursleves, there is no power for men.

God's kingdom is all about Jesus! It is all about exalthing Jesus, is all about making something of Jesus, and nothing of self.

When you try to promote self, you try to do things for self, there is no power from self and no power from God.

The law was given to show men that there is nothing in self."

- JP.


for He alone only exalts, for He alone also makes it permanent and eternal.

{ Grace of Thanksgiving.. Pt. 3 }

yet again moved with thanksgiving for His constant and timely faithfulness. truly, when He opens new doors for us to boldy walk through, nothing can hold Him back for the beautiful plans He has for each and everyone of us in our season. indeed, it has already been a fruiful one without the works of our own plantings but His very own seeds of destiny and joy, that is watered daily with the words of His promises we are standing upon.

the chaser has become chased. this is what is like to be held by His love and very hand that was nailed for us underserving folks. no longer we shall do onto men but soley to the eyes of the One who has given us everything to reign in this very life.

"i'm captivated by Your awesomeoness that You have shown.. i stand in wonder.."

{ The Anthem by Jake Hamilton }

‎"He's calling, WAKE UP child, it's your time to SHINE! you were born, for such a time as this -- we, are ROYALTY, we, have DESTINY, we, have been SET FREE, we, are going to SHAKE HIStory, we, are going to CHANGE the world!"

- J. Hamilton

Friday, March 2, 2012

{ Don't just say you're a child of God, be it! }

after an awesome GC sesh with C, goes to show that He has been there through all our moments -- especially the ones where only He knows yet He uses others as an avenue of His grace and love that never stops giving.

with entering a new season in march which will also bear new and bigger fruits, i have reached a normal comfortable level of the word "season". for He has brought us thus far, He will also guide us further into the future and will that He has planned since the beginning.

letting go of seasons that had contain the good times were once a dream, but now the reality is that those moments were only meant to fit through that period of time -- and He will only bring pass the ones that were meant for eternity. yes, all things come and go, but only He remains.

maturing in our walk is a daily affair of the God dependancy that must increase. when one finds that everything is falling into place and with such ease, proves that one is in the very will and place where He wants you to be.

He even resurrects back dreams and desires we once yearned then stored away building up dust. no matter the time frame, patience and preparation holds us in and when moulded, nothing can hold us back.

this is what being alive is all about in this very life of ours on this earth. our very God purpose in any journey is simply taking in what a child of His is meant to -- and is not too bad of a spot always being at the receiving end.

"let our requests made know to You, and You shall and will graciously provide."

Thursday, March 1, 2012

{ Call & I'll answer. }

Psalm 120:1

"IN MY distress and trouble, I cried to the Lord, and He heard and answered me."

WordRemix// AMP & Common Eng